Hitler would have gassed the lot of them

Published: May 29, 2010 at 4:54pm

73 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Watch Part 3. At 2:50 he mentions a certain Daphne Caruana Galizia…

  2. Ian says:


    Are the men at table serious or are they just there for the kicks?

    • Jean Azzopardi says:

      I am willing to bet that 90% of the men at that table are just there for the laughs, actually. And most of them would probably be drunk anyway, especially the speaker.

      [Daphne – Anyone who goes to these things for laughs really has a feeling of affinity with the speakers, even if he won’t admit it, not even to himself. Anyone who doesn’t have a feeling of affinity reacts with disgust and feels distaste. It is impossible to be neutral and it is impossible to be psychologically well-adjusted and find this funny – unless you’re thinking funny/scary, but then the ‘scary’ would keep you away.]

      • Jean Azzopardi says:

        Oh certainly, I didn’t say that they didn’t agree with the speaker.

        Personally, yes, I do find him funny, funny as in pathetic, that is.

      • Karl Flores says:

        And so say all of us.

        Disgusting, to say the least.

      • Johnathan Cilia says:

        I don’t know, I think I could go to one of these meetings and have a grand old time. The guys in the crowd looked and sounded drunk, and I laughed as I watched the videos. It was comedy, in bad taste, but comedy nonetheless.

    • Galian says:

      I also think that many of the men are there for the laughs. I happened to be taking part in a reunion of old friends in a place in Mosta and in the hall upstairs there was a similar group of about 40 people eating with Norman Lowell in their midst.

      When it was time for his speech, almost everyone from downstairs went up to hear him and I can assure you most were there to hear Lowell utter his famous “Qed tifheeeeeeeem”.

      My impression is that only the speakers really believe in the preposterous statements being uttered while the others there enjoy the fenek, the beer and the wine … and only because there is no football on the big screen!

      [Daphne – Did they also vote for him for laughs? Come on.]

      • Galian says:

        Not for laughs, no, but methinks as a protest vote, as a way for Nationalists of voting but not voting Labour, votes from immature and/or disillusioned voters, and yes, a small minority because they have a feeling of affinity with what he preaches.

    • Grezz says:

      It would be just as shocking if they went there for kicks, Ian.

      • Joy Saunders says:

        freedom of association is a human right in Malta. How about those who go to strippers shows, and gentlemen’s clubs? Live and let live. Everyone to his own hobby, I SAY. As long as they dont break the laws of our land.

  3. Stefan Vella says:

    So many arguments to counter and yet you can’t reason with a bunch of troglodytes.

  4. lovejoy says:

    What do you expect from a country who does not genuinely promote liberalism in our schools and definitely not in our homes. We all share the blame in bringing up a nation of narrow minded bigots and it is entirely up to every one of us to change this sickening mentality if we wish to. Do you?

  5. josie says:

    Has this person been arraigned? He is inciting racial hatred. That is a crime.
    Those man at the back who are making the Hitler salute should be ashamed of themselves.

    • Joy Saunders says:

      why should they be ashamed? Those who go to gentlemen’s clubs and sex parlours should be ashamed and not these men.

  6. JP Bonello says:

    Is this for real?

    [Daphne – Yes, of course it is.]

  7. JP Bonello says:

    Jesus Christ.

    A good number of those present laughed and were there for kicks, no doubt. But the few – the unbalanced few – will be absorbing all this malignant mumbo-jumbo and some of them – the criminal element – might resort to God-knows-what.

    One hopes the police intervenes.

    [Daphne – Some of them set our house on fire after one of those meetings: an operation planned like a military assault involving several truck tyres stuffed with bottles of petrol, jerry-cans of petrol, all carried across a valley and planted against glass doors.]

    • JP Bonello says:

      Madonna santissima!

      What’s next? La marcia su La Valletta?

    • xejnsew says:

      Nista’ nassigurakom li hafna minnhom ma kinux hemm biex jidhqu, imma ghax verament jemmnu f’dak li qed jippriedka dak ir-razzist dizgustanti. Jien naf balla nies li gew jidhru f’dawk il-videos, u huma dawk it-tip ta’ nies li JIFTAHRU li vvutaw lil Norman Lowell (kif diga’ semmiet Daphne). Misshom jisthu mhux jiftahru.

      U dak ir-razzist li qed jaghti l-ispeech ma tantx ghandu ghalfejn jiftahar b’Hitler.. ghax bir-razza perfetta li xtaq Hitler, hu l-ewwel wiehed li kien itir nahseb!

      Iddizgustat ghall-ahhar!

      Xejn sew!

  8. david g says:

    Ian the majority of the men are there for the kicks. What I cannot understand is how they find it entertaining, but this guy addressing them is not Norman Lowell. They want a Norman-style where they give him fodder, and then he will elaborate according to his style.

    I remember one time when Norman was invited to a particular bar in Birzebbuga and somebody told him that the illegal immigrants serve coffee in the bars, which is untrue.

    The next time he appeared on TV he mentioned the fact that the immigrants are operating coffee machines instead of the Maltese.

  9. Pat Zahra says:

    Their mothers must be so proud. . .

  10. Matthew says:

    New Maltese word: predigest. From this post on Il-Pjazza:

    Lowell is an educated man, he understands the merits of people and is not a blind football fan type of person…. You are just predigest.

  11. tat-TWO NEWS says:

    Mhux bi kliemu, ghaliex jiena cert li Anglu ma jaqbiliex ma dak li qal dan ir-razzist – anzi li jikkundannah; imma madoff kemm jiexbhu lid-Deputy Leader tal-PL mhux biss mid-dehra, imma wkoll bil-mod kif jitqanzah, jinhanaq, jissiehen, u jimmuttettja. Il-veru palk, il-man.

  12. Anthony Farrugia says:

    Who is this guy ?

  13. Albert Farrugia says:

    This is no joke. There is no argument in saying that people go to these events for kicks. This is serious stuff. It’s being reflected also in the extreme paranoia after the negative Eurovision result.

    • Overestimated Shakespeare aka Nostradamus formerly Avatar says:

      I couldn’t agree more.

      The Nazi-Fascists appeal to our basest instincts – they are anti-civilization. Many people – particularly in times of economic depression – find such adrenaline-triggering speeches and incitations elating and actually as a sort of moral anti-depressant.

      And then, as Sacha Cohen’s history professor said, “The path to the Holocaust was paved with indifference.”

      Whereas only a few become addicted to the Nazi-Fascist rhetoric, the vast majority remains indifferent, allowing those few to march on.

      The majority – the moral majority, to quote the Americans – have to resist the animal-like rhetoric and political “thought” dished out by these people. Otherwise, we’re in for loads of trouble.

  14. Cannot Resist Anymore! says:

    Who is that man? He has a huge problem. So do all those who could sit there and listen.

  15. Alan says:

    A new breed is born. I had to listen to it 5 times, and it is so.

    Clip two, very start, “L’angloklassoni”.

  16. Chris says:

    I disagree that there are people there solely for kicks. It’s a slippery slope; it starts with laughs, and then conceding that you agree on some points and pretty soon you’re out there praising Hitler with the rest of them. Laughing at these people implies that they are harmless when they are very clearly not.

    It’s distasteful, it’s criminal, and someone really needs to throw the book at them before they start (continue?) hurting people.

  17. Antoine Vella says:

    “We were only there for laughs.” Yeah, right. It’s like paedophiles who hoard child porn but “only for research.”

  18. Robert Vella says:

    Funnily enough I watched Mississipi Burning today. This is like Mississipi Burning meets the Sopranos.

  19. Steve says:

    Oh what irony! Does this guy realize he has more in common with the “Klandestini” he is so eager to get rid of than the Russian and Polish blondes he’d like to welcome?

    In the eyes of most “Europeans”, he’s an African. Maybe that’s why he’s so angry?

  20. Steve says:

    And maybe some of those in the audience are there for laughs, but they should remember what Pastor Niemoller said in Germany :

    “THEY CAME FIRST for the Communists,
    and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist.

    THEN THEY CAME for the Jews,
    and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew.

    THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionists,
    and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist.

    THEN THEY CAME for me
    and by that time no one was left to speak up.”

  21. Patrick says:

    I’m sorry but I don’t find these antics funny at all. To me these scenes are terrifying. It’s a very short slippery slope from this to something far more serious.

  22. Karl Flores says:

    I remember in the mid 80s we had a Spiru Sant. He used to have a bigger audience than Lowell et al, maybe X 2. People went to his meetings for a good laugh.

    He never said a word of hatred, instead he promised heaven on earth, ”fuq din il-Gzira jisimha Malta”. He made an effort to make sense out of nonsense, in a humorous way, though. People loved him but he hardly got a vote. Their lies the danger of the followers of Lowell and the ones who flew over the cuckoo’s nest.

  23. Marku says:

    M’hawnx xi hadd jaf min hu dan il-bahbuh?

    [Daphne – You’ll find him in the square at Zurrieq.]

    • Marku says:

      Iva ghax iz-Zurrieq jghidu li hemm hafna nies ghajnejhom blu. Min jaf forsi dan il-habib intelligenti taghna hu imnissel mill-Vikingi.

  24. Wenzu says:

    Kemm jinstema intelligenti! Vera gene-pool imnejjek ghandna f’dal pajjiz! U dawn huma il-provi!

  25. Zunzana says:

    I do not agree at all with this nutty guy and I do not want to turn these unfortunate people away without helping them, but one has to reflect on the fact that these illegal immigrants from Africa, tend to have large families and multiply fast.

    Their offspring would acquire Maltese citizenship and as their numbers grow, my children’s children could face a situation where these persons may eventually be dictating their own rules and beliefs on the Maltese society.

    • Marku says:

      Ahjar. Izjed ma jkun hawn nies jahdmu u jhallsu it-taxxi izjed uliedek ghandhom cans li jiehdu penzjoni meta jirtiraw mix-xoghol. Jew int wiehed minn dawk li tahseb li il-flus tal-gvern jaqaw mis-sema?

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Zunzana, yours is a typical “I’m not a racist but . . . ” comment. We’re used to this ploy by now and it doesn’t convince.

      For your information, Africans multiply at exactly the same “speed” as Maltese, their pregnancy taking about nine months.

  26. Oops says:


    I think Lowell looks uncomfortable and annoyed with this comedienne. Qazzizlu l-bubu b’dik il-hanqa u “Kerinzzki” tiela’ u niezel ! Looks like the lot are there for the beer.

    Eurovision fallout maybe ?

  27. Hypatia says:

    He seems to mimic Mussolini more than Hitler – he seems to wear a black shirt. He throws phrases in Italian but then mispronounces “periferija” into “periferja”.

    Instead of “dominion status” he says “dominium status” etc. His education is evidently limited (as was Himmler’s) and I guess he peppers his speech with some Italian because he speaks no German at all.

    The “leggi razziali” were enforced in Italy rather reluctantly and under pressure from the Nazis – Mussolini was probably not really an anti-Semite and had a Jewish lover in his earlier days, Margherita Sarfatti. Sarfatti (a highly intelligent and educated woman who came from a very wealthy Jewish family) may have helped formulate Fascist ideology but was shunned by Mussolini when he resorted to anti-Semitism (not the first woman he put aside!).

    Susan Sarandon interpreted her in the film “Cradle Will Rock” which is quite interesting to watch if you can find it. In the end, in spite of his rabid racism, even Hitler was forced to recruit “untermenchen” (Slavs – Ukrainians, Poles) into the SS and, according to some evidence, even Jews when he needed more men in the later phases of the war.

    This guy on Youtube may look ridiculous but I very much fear that he reflects, albeit in caricature, the views of quite a large section of the Maltese population. I think it would be next to impossible to eradicate racism from Malta in the foreseeable future unless the problem of African migrants is somehow miraculously solved.

  28. Hibernating Away From Malta says:

    Living in Central Europe at the moment, I am quite shocked with the way he thinks Malta “needs” Polish, Russian and Ukrainian women to marry Maltese men “because they are European”.

    What a lovely sense of selective multiculturalism and coexistence. Why not the men too? Are they not “Ewropej”? After living and travelling around these countries for the last couple of months, I just wish to suggest to him that he really needs to learn and value these nations before opening his mouth again!

    I’m also pretty sure that many Central/Eastern “nisa Ewropej” have a lot of choice here, and don’t need a bunch of fat, unattractive “fenek u birra” loving bored-out men.

  29. gahan says:

    Dak li qed jitkellem kont nahdem mieghu l-SGS hamsa w’ghoxrin sena ilu ,minn dejjem hsiebu f’Hitler u l-Germanizi. Hsibtu li kien ghadda minn dik il-fazi.

    Ma nafx kemm hu legali li f’sala tal-kiri (Garden of Eden) jistghu isiru laqghat bhal dawn.

  30. sean says:

    The fool who is talking and who cannot speak decent Maltese should know that Scotland has had black footballers: Andrew Watson, Nigel Quashie and Chris Iwelumo.

    The last one plays for Wolves and and is part of Scotland’s current squad. He would do better to do some research before opening his mouth, and perhaps keep it shut and watch more football.

  31. This man is dangerous, apart from the fact that words he uses (or tries to) already show what kind of educational background he has. All this makes me wonder about a point I’ve been discussing and thinking about lately, while currently working at a research centre with people from over 500 countries

    I believe the people on the lower economic side of society are very easily frustrated with this harsh financial situation, especially because immigrants would be more likely to take over “unskilled jobs” and not professions (also shown in a recent survey). If one goes back to the Nazis’ dark history, Hitler got to power when Germany was going through hard times.

    It is why I think the main focus of every government should be to invest more on educational promotion – and why not, maybe raise the school-leaving age as being currently discussed in the UK. That would be better than just teaching “social integration” as it would get these citizens out of the status of “unskilled ” and would provide them with skills that will make them feel way more secure and confident about the abilities without being scared of anyone that might come along.

    Such a measure would reduce the number of racists who get to these vulnerable people with speeches such as the one we just witnessed on this website.

  32. sean says:

    What’s more, even Germany have a black player: Gerald Asamoah. However, with his pot-belly, this fool in the video surely knows nothing about football.

  33. NGT says:

    I could only stomach the first vid. Who is this twat?

  34. Paul Borg says:


  35. Karl Flores says:

    Who knows what Imperium Europa would think about a ship loaded with Naomi Campbells?

  36. David H says:

    Isn’t it ironic that a man was fined and given a suspended sentence for making a silly comment about the Pope, while these low lifes are spewing hatred in a public place knowing they will get away with it?

    Of course it is even sadder to know that the majority of Maltese would probably agree with the crap this fatso is spewing. And why wouldn’t I be surprised to learn that so many of those shouting ‘Hitler, Hitler’ in the background were probably waving the white and yellow flag in April.

  37. M Baldacchino says:

    I don’t find this funny at all! If anything, I am scared and angry. How ironic, we are supposed to be a Roman Catholic country, charitable and kind to all mankind irrespective of skin colour. The `speaker’ is not exactly fair-skinned himself.

  38. Anthony Cassar says:


  39. Mark Anthony Falzon says:

    It’s remarkable that Norman Lowell should be seen as acceptable at all. He’s been interviewed by the mainstream TV (Super One, TVM) and radio stations (FM Bronja), Stream Magazine at University, etc.

    Agenda stocks his book – it’s there on the regular bookshelves. Incredible. I don’t think he should be jailed or anything, but in a country that took words seriously he would be ostracised to the lunatic fringe in no time.

  40. Edward Caruana Galizia says:

    Oh dear, we are in a lot of trouble. Could someone pass this guy some isla-moose, his vocal chords sound like glass on a blackboard.

    This is what happens when we try and ignore a growing problem. It’s a bit like back pain. Ignore it, as if it will just go away, and it comes back worse than before. Treat it and it will get sorted.

    Racism is no joke. And by the looks of things it is as alive as ever in Malta. This guy goes on about European values – but does he even know what they are?

    In a Europe that welcomes people of different races, embraces multiculturalism and diversity, in a union that celebrates different cultures and heritage, there is hardly a place for this guy and his so called beliefs!

    I suppose this is just another example of how we don’t need proper equality laws in Malta, and how we don’t actually need laws that protect minorities, and how we should allow people to abuse of their freedom of speech, by letting them talk such nonsense and how it’s OK to carry on living in a country that, although does not promote or agree with racism, has no legislation to prove it.

    The worst part is not just that this guy is doing what he is doing, but also, that there are so many who listen and agree with him. They are not protecting anything. They are not doing their country any favours. In fact, they are what we are most ashamed of.

  41. M. Bormann says:

    LOL Dophne Galizia Caruana… u le… and he said “multiculturism”, not multiculturalism.

  42. Frank says:

    I am not going to comment about this man’s arguments, but I am going to say something about him.

    I have known him for 14 years; some of his workmates have seen him this way. Because most of them make FUN of HIM, they enjoy stirring him up with such subjects to have him boil over, so that they can laugh their heads off, listening and seeing him perform.

    It’s not his inner feelings that are seen here on video – but the result of heavy, long misunderstood reading that he does. Some readings can be interpreted wrongly, and this can be the case. Try read the bible and see if everyone understands it the same way you do.

    This man is a kind man in his nature, he is the type that greets you in the morning when he meets you in a corridor, he is the type that collects funds to help other people (in need), he is the type that gives you birthday presents, when hardly anyone ever remembers that it’s your birthday (it wasn’t done to me, but I know and have seen him doing this to others), he is the kind who sends birthday, Christmas cards to friends at work. A darn good hardworking man.

    Yet he has this problem of getting carried away, especially when some so called work-mates stir him up on something like this, after a bottle or two of red wine.

    Then they would all go to work and say what a laugh they had.

    I think some of you have met people like that, where you have also witnessed that some people would prefer to turn them into clowns instead of cooling them down.

    I am ashamed of the ones who sat there and enjoyed seeing him make an ass of himself.

    • Ray says:

      I agree with you, Frank. He is the type of person who leaves work at least 30 minutes after his shift ends, when all his colleagues start queuing near the punch clock 15 min before.

      This is not justify what he said during these video clips. I would to point out that at work I never heard him saying such thing, unless provoked by some good souls, who as Frank said make fun of him.

      I hope that these clips will not result in any actions against him from the HR department. Actions should be taken against those making fun of him.

      As already said, I totally disagree with his ideas and comments made.

    • Frank II says:

      I would just like to point out that I am another Frank who sometimes leaves comments here but different to the Frank who authored the above comment. I am also in despair at the xenophobic, racist, reactionary element that seems to be on the rise in Malta.

  43. john said says:

    MOST if not all of us were there for the buzz… but actually Lowell said few things that are very worrying for the Maltese people and they are true cause i dont think anyone of you want his boy or girl to be witrh one of these immigrants………i definetely dont

    • Antoine Vella says:

      John Said,

      If I had a daughter I would rather see her dating a black man than someone like you.

      • john said says:

        ANTOINE you definetely dont have a daughter thats why you talk like that…….what a brainless chicken^

  44. David Buttigieg says:

    But who is he? The jackass with the microphone I mean!

  45. Charles J Buttigieg says:

    Face it, some of the Fascist trash which Lowell is lauding and propagating today is the same Fascist trash that the former PN leaders lauded and propagated prior to and during WW II. Had Lowell been there at that time he would have probably been honoured with a bronze monument in Rome.

    [Daphne – Times have long since changed, Charles. The Labour Party is the right-wing xenophobic party now. The Nationalist Party veers towards the left of centre.]

    • A.Attard says:

      The Partito Nazzionale was founded in 1880 three years before the date of birth of Mussolini and by 1922 when fascism took over power the PN was already fully extablished.

      From 1880 the PN was a defender of Malta’s Italianita so it was natural that PN supporters also had an affinity for the Duce as had other other prominent and common people before the war who detested communism.

      Churchill called Mussolini the “Roman genius… the greatest lawgiver among men.” So is he fascist trash as well?
      Before WW2 and his alliance with Hitler, Mussolini was universally acclaimed a hero so cut that crap about the PN and fascism.

      Sure beats your Mintoff and his AAPSO and bandiera rossa.

  46. Robert Caruana says:

    The videos are no longer available….Why?

    [Daphne – It says why when you click on it: This video has been removed by the user. What you see on this site is a link to YouTube. It’s not a video uploaded on this site.]

  47. vonmises says:

    what a bunch of idiots…i mean the lot of you not the people in the video!

  48. blakondixin says:

    Everyone has the right to express himself. We are born free men. They were having a good time, and now much more after all these above comments against them.

  49. mavies says:

    they removed them!! cannot watch them

  50. Frank says:

    Why are the clips removed?

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