
Published: May 30, 2010 at 11:07pm
'Mer, tghid dawn huma selbjins?' 'X'inti tghid, Gorg. Dawk jghidulhom lepsjins!'

'Mer, tghid dawn huma selbjins?' 'X'inti tghid, Gorg. Dawk jghidulhom lepsjins!'

It’s a good thing we have no popular debate on gay rights. Can you imagine the fall-out in terms of shifting consonants among those who can’t seem to keep them in the right place?


What can I say? No wonder we have a new word already: gejSSSSSS. Nowhere to trip up there, except in the vowel sound and the ssssssibilant S, which would make Ka the Snake in Disney’s The Jungle Book ever so proud.

25 Comments Comment

  1. Karl Flores says:

    Ara di Defni isahhrek. Taghmel il magiks. Filli tikteb fuq haga minuta wara tikteb fuq ohra, bla waqfien. Daqs kemm ghaffastlu buttuni il-computer bies inlahhaq maghha ikkraxxjali.

    Jien tghogobni, ghax ghanda hafna iskola u taf kif tikteb ta’, hi. Vera brava, tafx. Titkellem tqil u ma nifhimix wahda daqs kemm taf. Ghalhekk inhobb naqra dak li tikteb.

  2. Insolja says:

    @ gejSSSSSS

    Lately I got to know that a newer variation of ‘gay’ in Maltese is SGAJF, also pronounced as ZGAJF.

  3. david s says:

    Daphne, I feel the point about shifting consonants or corrupting foreign words has been amply made in previousposts. Perhaps you omitted Lisptik or giggifogu (giuoco di fuoco) or L-Acciomu (Ecce Uomo).

    But the examples you make here are nonexistent and rather silly.

  4. Leonard says:

    “Jien ma nistax nifhem x’ghandhom x’jaqsmu l-jeans Mer.”

  5. Matt says:

    @Karl Flores

    Daphne writes brilliantly. She is up there with the literary best. If you like Daphne you will like reading William Buckley and George Will.

    • KarlAndrew says:

      matt I must say that daphne has a good comand of the language, but such a statement in relation to this post is simply farcical.

    • kev says:

      You mean William F. Buckley the American toff?! Geezus, you might as well have recommended Carroll Quigley then – that’s Bill Clinton’s mentor by his own account.

      Now there’s a book you should all read: ‘Tragedy and Hope’. It’s not written by a ‘conspiracy theorist’, but by a conspirator who was for openness. A rare type, that, hence the importance of this work in which he lays out the globalists’ totalitarian vision for all to read.

      Here’s a quote from the book:

      “The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one perhaps of the Right, and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy…. [E]ither party in office becomes in time corrupt, tired, unenterprising, and vigorless. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same policies.”

      Now isn’t that something Toffni would go for? Or was it Doffni? I forgot what Imperium Europa-in-Tiny-Hamlet called the diva.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        This guy continues to bug me.

      • Grezz says:

        And there was Kev, waiting silently in the wings, ready to pounce lest someone praise a woman whom he despises so (though whom he probably – deep down – thoroughly admires).

      • kev says:

        I like your new Kanak flag, Purdie. A white cross on a white background won’t bug you.

      • kev says:

        Grezz, let us know when you make your mind up.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        A somewhat childish retort, however, somehow expected.

      • kev says:

        Come on Purdie, surely you can do better than that. Let me know once who’ve sharpened your tongue – lots of things to do with it.

    • Hot Mama says:

      In my book, Daphne is up there with Christopher Htchens but she’s much better than him when it comes to discussing religion. I find that Hitchens shoots himself in the foot because he cannot hide his disdain at all things religious. Whereas Daphne is dispassionate in this regard and therefore more effective.

      • kev says:

        There is a clear limit as to how ‘good’ Daphne is because she lacks a good grasp of international politics – and that’s being kind to her.

        [Daphne – I could always dress up a cow and cavort around the corridors of some European Commission building, kev. Would that help?]

      • Joseph A Borg says:

        I’d like to see Daphne ‘discussing’ religion with some young earth believers and such… I’m sure she’ll get hot under the collar.

        Considering that these people are infiltrated in the US military and government is alarming…

      • kev says:

        You wouldn’t even have to dress up as a cow, Daphne.

        I would normally accompany such a comment with a smiley, but smileys are not to be used with the older generation.

    • Karl Flores says:

      In the majority of cases I have agreed, praised and even called our dear Daphne, ”more equal than others” and this, not only for her writing/courage/sense of humour etc.

      I must say, also, that there are are times when, I think, she hits below the belt and, also, that there are many others who I consider more equal than others, including some who comment here.

      We, many commentators, have been joking for the past 2/3 days, so please ”wake up your lazy freight” and look before you leap.

      Last but not least, I have always ended my mail/comments, etc addressed to Defni taghna as,” always yours”, Karl
      No hard feelings, dear Matt.

      • Karl Flores says:

        Matto for Mattow as known in Maltese, but as an English man would pronounce it.

  6. derry says:

    Haven’t you ever heard Italians say ‘VATER’ for WC? or the British saying ‘dandilion’ for ‘dent de lion’?

  7. Bernard Abela says:

    h o s o r m e s k w a l i

  8. Hypatia says:

    @david s: the one about giggifogu is a misconception. You see, we did not take the word from Italian, gioco di fuoco but from Sicilian “giogu di fogu”. So there is hardly any corruption at all.

    The same for accjomu – we did not take it from Latin ecce homo but from Sicilian “ecci omu”.

    Please keep in mind that the first assimilation of Latin words into Maltese was from Sicilian not Italian. Medieval documents in Malta were written either in Low Latin or in Sicilian, sometimes a Maltese variation of it.

    You may find it surprising that when Italy was unified in 1861, a mere 2 per cent spoke Italian. The rest spoke their dialect as many still do in their homes and their regions. It was more formal education and the advent of radio and television which made Italian (Toscano) more widely spoken in Italy.

    Though called “dialects” many of these are really languages with their own established literature, poetry, theatre etc. Neapolitan, Sicilian and Venetian are clear examples. Neapolitan songs are some of the most beautiful and popular examples of Neapolitan culture and they are always in the Neapolitan “dialect”.

    Italian was the dialect spoken in Tuscany but it was used by some of the greatest writers in world literature: Dante, Petrarca, Boccaccio etc and that’s how Tuscan became the standard Italian.

  9. Mike says:

    Another one – my friend heard a woman say Ta’ Ċaflas for a shop called Touch of Class.

  10. John says:

    Mid-dehra ma tantx ghandek fuq xiex tikteb biex qghadt tahli hinek tikteb dal-bicca artiklu bla sustanza…

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