Guido the Scarlet Pimpernel in secret assignations with solitary palace maiden

Published: June 17, 2010 at 12:01am
Sinjorina Barbara, issa li skoprejt il-contact lenses qed nisthajlek sabiha kwazi daqs il-Gioia tieghi. But haste! I must now to L-Gharix.

Sinjorina Barbara, issa li skoprejt il-contact lenses qed nisthajlek sabiha kwazi daqs il-Gioia tieghi. But haste! I must now to L-Gharix.

There’s a new book called At Home With the President, which gives personal anecdotes of life at San Anton Palace, based on interviews with the family and friends of past presidents of the republic.

Here’s an excerpt from the report on this evening:

When President Agatha Barbara moved to the Palace, her niece Jane Chircop moved in too with her family, including young children. Jane recounts how her daughter nearly drowned at San Anton when she jumped into the pool when she was only 18 months old. Luckily Jane was on hand and managed to pull her out just in time.

One of Jane’s main jobs was that of taking care of her aunt’s dietary requirements, which were very particular. Ms Barbara loved pasta and extremely salty food and gave up on the Palace chef after a short while there. So Jane would cater for her aunt’s needs while the chef took care of the guests at the Palace.

A temporary kitchen was set up where Jane could busy herself, although she admits that it was a perilous arrangement as the cooker was underneath a wooden staircase!

Ms Barbara was a very private person who appreciated solitude and would often lock herself with her books for hours. She also kept secret, even from her circle, her meetings with then PN deputy leader Guido de Marco, to the extent that they often did not know he was in the palace.

Don’t you just love that last bit? It’s a jolly good thing that President Barbara was homosexual, or the implications of that last sentence would have been very different.

Funny, isn’t it? While half the population fought for basic freedoms, civil liberties, free speech, human rights and basic consumer goods, gathering in tens of solemn, angry thousands to listen to Eddie Fenech Adami while PN clubs went up in flames, people were beaten and arrested and bombs went off, Guido de Marco was popping in to San Anton for cosy secret meetings with President Barbara and to L-Gharix for chummy chats with premier and then ex premier Dom Mintoff, and then dashing off to join Eddie on the fosos to rant against both and what they represented.

The true story of Guido de Marco has yet to be written. The trouble is – who’d want to read it by then?

64 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    “The trouble is – who’d want to read it by then?”

    I would. You seem to be the only journalist saying that de Marco wasn’t really acting out of conviction (is that right?). I don’t know the man personally, but he doesn’t come across as someone who is comfortable with the North Korean-type régime that was in place before 1987. I mean we all know he’s a bit of a megalomaniac, but he wasn’t exactly colluding in the murders and violence, was he?

  2. Tiler says:

    Sinister, I would say.

  3. Charlie Bates says:

    I have read some of de Marco’s book “The Politics of Persuasion” which I found that he tries his best not to be nasty and truthful about people who managed to send Malta towards a dictatorship and send it towards third country status.

  4. maryanne says:

    Never a dull moment on this little rock. And there is enough for export too, judging by your previous post about Adrian Vassallo.

  5. TROY says:

    The P.N. has its own Benedict Arnold – I never trusted this showman.

  6. red nose says:

    I am sure Guido was doing his very best to try and avoid more violence. His efforts I am sure were genuine.

    • Mini-Tiananmen square says:

      Agreed, but how can a president help avoid violence?

    • TROY says:

      Guido always made sure he and his family remained the untouchables. That’s why his home and family were never attacked – unlike Eddie’s.

      He also befriended and helped people with the likes of Inspector Gadget so that his beloved children would always have friends and friends of friends.

    • Joseph A Borg says:

      Considering what was happening in the rest of the Mediterranean basin I’m a bit awed we only got off with a few skirmishes and a couple of unfortunate deaths or getting annexed by some neighbouring state.

      I mean, a coup in Greece by right wing CIA stooges, the PLO and running amok around the basin, Algeria and Tunisia in flames, Italy terrorised by the far left and right, ETA in Greece, the PKK in Turkey, the Brotherhood in Egypt…

      I’m ambivalent about some people. On the one hand Kissinger brought about some positive long term changes but he still feels like a seedy person. McNamara on the other hand seems to be a nice honest guy but he was flawed. In the end you cannot clean the pig sty without getting dirty, something Bush couldn’t stomach. I’m still angry at Blair and I doubt he’ll be redeemed in my eyes.

      On a smaller scale, we had it relatively easy I think.

    • Joethemaltaman says:

      Sure, I personally remember him at pre-1987 mass meetings promising that justice will be done with the members of the police squad who were abusing their powers and joining in with the MLP thugs.

      On becoming a minister (responsible for the police) he amazingly promoted them all. It was all a show, no wonder he was known as “Miss Pepsi”.

      The peak of his career was the presidency of the UNGA, a position so important that several other micro-states have held it before. I can bet my next pay-cheque that most readers of this blog cannot mention the name of the incumbent, or of a previous one for that matter.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        And that presidency somehow made him our national expert on diplomacy. He is currently the chairman (ad vitam, presumably) of the Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies, and their library has been baptised “Guido de Marco Library” in his honour.

        Nice fine diplomatic policy his. Instead of reversing twenty years of Third-World-sucking-up to Arab states, he drove us deeper into the cul-de-sac and ensured that Malta would be reviled by Israel for eternity. The Eddie-in-a-Keffiyah stunt happened under his presidency (of the Republic), with his full blessing, and the starting point was the president’s palace.

  7. Pepe` says:

    A famous quote springs to mind which goes; ‘keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer’.

  8. Rita Camilleri says:

    Heck… now I am soooooo curious, wonder what they were up to….

  9. kev says:

    Daphne, we are all aware of your part in Gweedo’s rise to power. Earlier this century a Maltafly staff photographer had caught you red handed:

    This photo used to accompany an article on the now defunct Maltalfy, titled “Le Dream of Le Roi Soleil”:

  10. Silverbug says:

    Min jaf il-Gioia kemm kienet tinkwieta b’dawn l-assignations! I mean…so many men are late because of ‘work’. Ara din leg-pull ma jmurx ikun hemm min jiffastidja ruhhu f’dan il-pajjiz tad-dojoq!

  11. Spiru says:

    U iva, one is dead, the other is retired now, why not let bygones be bygones ?

  12. red nose says:

    Good quote, pepe – to the point!

  13. P Shaw says:

    Reportedly, he was also close to Yasser Arafat – another character with a shady background.

    • Tiler says:

      33rd degree mason, that’s why he was untouchable: I mean Yasser Arafat together with his many friends.

  14. Albert Farrugia says:

    There would have been no 1998 had there been no Guido.

    • Silverbug says:

      Too true, Albert. Guido forsi kellu reputazzjoni li jhobb jidher imma kellu biex. Il-pajjiz kellu xortih veru tajba li kellu nies bhal Eddie, Guido u Censu Tabone fi zminijiet meta tassew kellu bzonn ghaqal biex ma jaqax f’Kaos. U Ugo, nell’ bel mezzo di tutto, ukoll izomm rasu meta kulhadd kien qed jitlifha.

  15. david g says:

    I think I have already expressed my views on this blog regarding the fact that so many people, responsible for the pre-1987 violence, etc.. have never been taken to justice.

    A case in point is the ex-police officers. Many of them came closer to Guido, crying, weeping and begging and instead of facing justice they were promoted to higher ranks and given superior responsibilities of trust.

    • Joseph A Borg says:

      There was much worst violence in Spain and other countries around us and none have been judged by at least a Truth and reconciliation commission.

      Italy preferred to bury the atrocities committed by its own. With the result that things flared into the anni di piombo during the 70s recession. Greece had its brief fascist coup in those years maybe exacerbated by the fascist coup in Greece.

      I find it worrying that Spain has two very polarised groups: republican anarchists/socialists on one side and catholic fascists on the other. At this point the liberals seem to be holding sway, but with the economy flushing into the gutter things could flare up again…hopefully less ugly than before. Considering Garzon cannot bring Franco’s minions to a tribunal whilst chasing Pinochet and others…

      When it suits them Catholics rally for their inquisitions like when they supported McCarthy and his communist witch hunt, otherwise they prefer to let bygones be bygones, and remember how tolerant they were.

      In retrospect we had it relatively easy considering we were a nation struggling to rise out of abject poverty after WWII.

      The only exception in Europe was Jews. Because it gave political leverage to the Zionists in their pursuit of Erez Israel in its fullness. The holocaust survivors have gained the Israeli state a lot of money and political clout from Europe but many of them are today living in destitution and abandonment in their promised land.

  16. TROY says:

    Actually my dear Pepe, when it comes to Guido I don’t give a damn!

  17. MarioP says:

    Keeping a line of communication open with ‘the enemy’ should not be criticised if it served to mitgate whatever was being planned by the authorities at the time. Let’s face it, at that time the MLP dog was being wagged by its tail (the Grimas and Sants and cronies) – after all she had the misfortune to preside over the worst time in our recent political history.

    • maryanne says:

      “after all she had the misfortune to preside over the worst time in our recent political history.”

      What misfortune are you talking about? She was one of them or am I missing something?

  18. Sandra Porter says:

    In his book “The Politics of Persuasion”, Guido Demarco said that his close relationship with Mintoff was kept low key so as not to jeopardise talks on electoral reform – a plausible reason in my view. I don’t recall that he mentioned secret talks with Agata Barbara on this or any other subject but as she was highly respected in the Labour Party, it would have been desirable to have her on board as well. The meetings would have been kept quiet to avoid accusations, by slower witted constituents of both political parties, of collusion with the enemy. Am I missing something?

  19. M.Degiorgio says:

    Knowing the Dr Demarco personally and some of the people of his entourage I believe the story to be true, As from what I know he was the unofficial ambassador to the MLP when the PN was in opposition.

    A lot of what was happening behind the scenes in the 80s especially the back room communications involving the constitutional amendments can never be published till when the people involved are still alive.

    It would be interesting to one day read the stories. Hopefully some day a real historian like Dr. Pirotta will write a book about the 80s.

    Some people do not like him and his methods but in those dark days a back room channel of communications had to stay open.

  20. J Busuttil says:

    L-ahhar paragrafi tal-kitba tieghek jaghtu biss stampa ta kif kienu jidhru l-affarijiet min barra. Fil-fatt Guido de Marco kien il-bniedem maghzul mill-PN biex jinnegozzja mal-Gvern Laburista. Kienet il-hila ta de Marco fliemkien mad-determinazzjoni tal-poplu li wasslet ghal ftehim ahhari li partit b’maggoranza ta voti jkun jista jiggverna.Tippruvax titfa dell ikrah fuq de Marco ghax ma jisthoqqlux.

  21. Riya says:

    Min jaf lill-Guido sew jghidlek ‘Dak avukat tal-kompromessi’

  22. carlos says:

    That’s right, Daphne, the true story of Guido De Marco has yet to be written, especially when he took over the police force and did little to bring to justice those officials who abused their position. On the contrary some of them were promoted.

    His memoirs reveal his true character of trying to please everyone whether friend of foe. Nothing is mentioned about those bloody days you write about.

  23. LG says:

    I very much doubt that Dr. Demarco was visiting Mr. Mintoff or Ms Barbara to eat cake and cucumber sandwiches. Something tells me that much was going on at the time that we cannot expect to understand. In his autobiography Guido Demarco actually mentions these meetings of which Eddie Fenech Adami was perfectly aware, they have never been a secret. Let’s just thank God for who or what eventually convinced Mintoff that the right thing to do was to agree to the constitution amendments. Let’s not be naive or rather let’s not pretend to be naive, especially those of us who lived through those terrible years.

    • Tal-Muzew says:

      I very much doubt that Dr. Demarco was visiting Mr. Mintoff or Ms Barbara to eat cake and cucumber sandwiches.

      Mela ma tafx kemm kienu qammilin dawn in-nies. Jekk tkun trid tiekol meta tmur tarahom, ridt tiehu l-ikel mieghek!

    • Joethemaltaman says:

      It was not Mintoff who needed convincing but the hard-liners at his side. Mintoff wanted to resign immediately after the election of 1981 but they would not let him. So all this talk of Gwido and Mintoff forging a secret reform is far from the truth.

  24. LG says: “A number of Maltese World Cup fanatics have made angry calls to the Public Broadcasting Service to complain about the loud buzzing sound of the infamous South African horn which is said to be as loud as a chainsaw. “Some callers actually thought there were bees trapped in the commentators’ studios,” PBS acting CEO Natalino Fenech said, joking that while PBS had many faults, this was one thing it could not be blamed for.”

  25. carmel says:

    I am sure that Dr. Guido Demarco was one of the best leaders of the PN.

  26. vonmises says:

    The PN leadership battle is well underway…let the Anti-Demarco rants begin!

    What a beautiful world politics is!

    [Daphne – Leadership race? And is he still in the running?]

  27. claire belli says:

    Considering my young age, I’ve always admired Profs.Demarco, for various reasons. He’s got something which other politicians (from both parties) haven’t got. Persuna ta certu KLASSI. I am sure that he used to discuss political issues with Miss Barbara, quietly without the interference of anyone else.

    Nahseb li ghandu gosti hafna ahjar.

    • maryanne says:

      “Persuna ta certu KLASSI”

      That is exactly why I cannot imagine him in a discussion with Agatha Barbara. Discussing political issues? Well, maybe you are right. After all she was the President.

    • David Buttigieg says:

      “Persuna ta certu KLASSI.”

      Well, I’m sure he thinks so!

      • Kevin Zammit says:

        Ghandhi x-xorti nghid li l-Barbara kont nafa personalment. Mara (u hawn nixtieq nghamel emfazi) ta rieda soghoda li bdiet il karriera politika taghha fi zmien fejn in nisa l-anqas biss dritt jivvotaw ma kellhom u biex tkompli tghaxxaq kollox kella tidhol ma l-uniku partit li kien lest li jaccettaha cioe partit socjalista li kien mdawwar bl-irgiel tat tarzna. Ovjament la n-nazjonalisti konservattivi u kattolici u l-anqas dak ta Strickland ma kien ser jaccettaha. Tant hu hekk li Mable innifisa l-anqas fil bidu ma harget anke jekk kienet hi li biss sahha tal gazetta taghha u bi flusa rxuxtat il partit ta missiera.

        Mela ghallura bniedma bhal din bil fors kellha trabbi certu guffagni tal-karatru specjalment fil publiku izda min taht kienet gentili (rajta jiena ta tifel tibki b’sens ta dizappunt dwar xi haga jew ohra), rajta jiena tibghat lil Lorry isaqqi l-hass u ma kenitx tibza xejn minnu. Kienet inteligentissima, makakka u nformatissima.

        Issa dwar l-orjentazjoni sesswali taghha la naf u l-anqas qatt kien jinteressani u nahseb li minn jitkellem hekk ikun qied johrog ta persuna baxxa li ma tafx taghraf x’gara fil passat.

      • Kevin Zammit says:

        adendum: DeMarco may have met Barabara a couple of times over some crises but I never heard that they had regular meetings

  28. Overestimated Shakespeare aka Nostradamus formerly Avatar says:

    Now it seems JAM and Scicluna have voted in favour of abortion…

    Did they do so because it’s abortion for Africans? Or because they are in favour of abortion?

    If the former, they are Lowell-esque.

    If the latter, Malta better be careful.

    • Macduff says:

      Careful from what, exactly?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        From hordes of abortion doctors who will prowl our streets, pouncing on innocent pregnant women and performing express abortions.

        That, roughly, is what was conveyed by Net News’s handwringing reporting.

  29. spiteri joseph says:

    Darba wahda, Guido qal *biex ibiddlu il kostituzzjoni irridu jghaddu minn fuq sidri*, wara kulhadd jaf kif ivvota fil-parlament.

  30. marcus flores says:

    I am shocked by the fact that you decided to not publish my rebuttal of what you wrote. I used to think you were a braver person; but you are only self-serving………………….

    [Daphne – Marcus, the trick is to be concise. I won’t upload entire essays in the comments section. Comments should be short and to the point. That’s why limits the word count. I don’t limit the word count, but I do expect people commenting here to respect the boundaries.]

  31. Riya says:

    Il-politika Maltija hekk iggaghlek taghmel. Tibza ghal-gildek u ghall-familja tieghek. Min jaf ghalfejn ma’ sarux investigazzjonijiet dwar il- ‘frame-ups u certu ‘murders’?

  32. Maria says:

    Did he go down on his knees if and when he uttered those words?

  33. marcus flores says:

    Here’s a BOWDLERIZED, albeit LESS-PITHY VERSION, Daph!

    Fact and fallacy….
    Let me get this straight: I am not a supporter of The Nationalist Party. I NEVER was. Nor do I identify with Labour, Giving primacy to my conscience, I broke ranks with it when it began to attack the Catholic Church.
    Though a very good friend of Guido’s, I never asked him for any favours; so this defence is certainly NO quid pro quo……
    Let’s, therefore, take a dispassionate, clinically-detached look at the FACTS:
    It is impossible to get a good handle on the past, and to fully understand its people and happenings at any given point in time, without a thorough penetration of the thinking and the thought-processes of the protagonists of that slice of history. Less still can we flare up in criticism emanating from rash judgement.
    It is also very easy to criticize post factum,far ensconced from the push-and-shove of the moment, and away from the heat-and-bustle, the cut-and-thrust of it all: It seems to me that, even here, the usual clairvoyance of hindsight has drawn a blank.
    Moreover, it is unfair to denigrate without offering any substantiation whatsoever.
    I know for a fact that Guido’s meetings were not hidden from the then Party Leader, Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami. At the time, it was a conditio sine qua non for Dr Demarco to enter the palace and the “gharix” incognito to the outside-world, if he was to achieve his noble goal. To publicize the goings-on would have spelt disaster. To blow his cover would have drawn the curtain on any hope of redress.
    Guido knew that a full-frontal attack on Mintoff would only provoke further recalcitrance and entrenchment by the Socialist Leader. He also knew that it was a far better idea to engage the Labour Leader in civil discussion, than in a battle-of-attrition he could never win.
    Finally, Guido knew, as all true followers of Christ know, that everyone must be LOVED and that it is the sin and not the sinner that must be hated and fought………
    It is rightly said that “ai posteri l’ardua sentenza!”. But, for those not interested in mud-slinging, Dr Demarco’s story need never be rewritten………… !
    Marcus Flores
    [email protected]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Illostra kemm iddur mal-lewza, Flores. Aqbad u ghid li de Marco kien qed jinnegozja l-emenda fil-kostituzzjoni dwar il-ligi elettorali.

      • marcus flores says:

        H.P. Baxxter says:
        TUESDAY, 22 JUNE AT 1927HRS
        Illostra kemm iddur mal-lewza, Flores. Aqbad u ghid li de Marco kien qed jinnegozja l-emenda fil-kostituzzjoni dwar il-ligi elettorali.
        Marcus Flores: Prosit!, bakksi, ma kontx naf li inti daqshekk spiccattiv,hi. Ma taqrax “l-Orizzont”, ghal li jista’ jkun? Naf li ghamlu deccenni shah igibu “kliem tad-deheb” ikkwotati.
        Jghidu li “Is silenzu l-aktar risposta insopportabbli ghall-kritici tieghek”, izda zgur mhux f’dal kaz.
        X’ridt habib? Li niktbu: Pont 1. Pont 2, Point 3 ???
        Min jaf xi jmur, jaf ukoll li mhux bizzejjed taghti l-infurmazzjoni, izda trid ukoll issahhaha bl-argumenti sodi, u trid tghamel kaz b’sahhtu ghall validita’ ta’ l-argumenti favur il-fatti. U hemm iktar ukoll,fil-kitba perswassiva……
        Ma tahsibx, ghaziz bakksi, li hija assjoma li ma tistghax tfisser suggett f’inqas kliem milli JEHTIEGLU?
        Mur gibni ktibt trattat fuq It -Teorija tar-Relattivita'” ta’ Bertu Einstein. X’kont tghidli, sabih: “Fhemni fl-aktar kliem semplici u fl-iqsar kliem!”, forsi, bakksi, hi?
        marcus flores

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Int mhux biss ma tafx tikteb b’mod konciz, imma lanqas taf tuza punteggatura u paragrafi.

        P.S. Tidher li qatt ma ktibt trattat xjentifiku, la fuq ir-Relatività u lanqas fuq hwejjeg ohra, ghax ir-regola tad-deheb hija appuntu li “tfiehem fl-iqsar kliem.”

  34. marcus flores says:

    H.P. Baxxter says:
    Int mhux biss ma tafx tikteb b’mod konciz, imma lanqas taf tuza punteggatura u paragrafi.
    P.S. Tidher li qatt ma ktibt trattat xjentifiku, la fuq ir-Relatività u lanqas fuq hwejjeg ohra, ghax ir-regola tad-deheb hija appuntu li “tfiehem fl-iqsar kliem.”
    Marcus Flores: Bakksi, l-inkorriggibbli, baksi; ser nippronik ghal Giegh Ir-Rebus Pubblika Maltija ghall-uzu tal-punteggjatura. It-tfal ta’ l-iskola kollha bhalek juzawha.
    Bakksi, qalbi, meta trid ejj’ ghoqod u nurik xkaffa shiha ta’ files ta’ artikli, saggi kritici u x’naf jien li jien KTIBT u ippublikajt bl-Ingliz, Taljan, Franciz, Germaniz, Spanjol, u Norvegiz.
    Nurik ucuh li pingejt meta kont ghadni 18 il-sena gewwa Londra. It-traduzzjonijiet li ghamilt ghal l-agent tal-Mercedes fil-Libya qabel ir-revoluzzjoni, mill Germaniz u l-ingliz ghat-taljan. Insomma, the works……………….kif jghidu!
    Veru li kultant il-punteggjatura tieghi idiosinkratika, u kultant nghamel ukoll xi zbal tipografiku fil-genn tal-mument.Nurik ukoll il-korrispondenzi li ghandi ma xi whud mill-aqwa politici ta statura mondjali. Mhux one-offs, ta’, hi, izda ghexieren ta snin ta kuntatt.
    U hemm iktar x’nurik li ma semmejtx; izda jekk tkompli tipprovokani…………. Kultant, mit-turn of phrase tieghek, nisthajjlek certu Godwin. Int taf………! Jien, ghall-inqas ma hbejtx l-identita’ wara nome-de-plume……
    “Tfiehem fl-iksar kliem”, veru, izda ma tfisirx li thalli lok ghal ekwivoci, ambivalenzi, debbolizzi, ecc., jew li tkun telegrafiku. Nirrakomandalek “A tale of Two Cities”……………………….
    Mill-bqija, antika Ruma, minn ma jistghax iwwaqqalek kliemek jipprova jfittixlek il-qamel f’rasek, u xi wiehed forsi jsibu; u mn’Alla, ghax forsi minghajr xi qammlu, ninsew li ahna bnedmin u m’hux allat.
    Nghidlek, ohra, habib: X’inhu l-ahjar, ras bla xaghar jew xghar bla ras?; (punteggjatura sic); li tkun taf kif haga ssir, jew li tkun taf tghamilha?
    Insomma bakksi, meta tikkritika jew tghamel gudizzja, applika l-kriterji gusti (addattati u flokhom): Nghid jien, mhux ahjar, sabih, li thares lejn wicci mill tipprova xxommli il-warrani……….????
    Marcus Flores

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Dan il-pajjiz, Flores, huwa mnejjek minhabba nies bhalek. Nies tedjanti u patronizzanti. Tfakkarni hafna fil-President Emeritus Ugo Mifsud Bonnici. Kif nista’ nikkontradik jekk lanqas biss naf x’ridt tghid bl-ewwel post tieghek fuq de Marco?

      Imbaghad ara min qed jitkellem dwar li ahna “bnedmin mhux allat”. Wiehed li jiftahar bl-ixkafef mimlija “saggi kritici” li kiteb u jsejjahli “habib”, “qalbi” u “sabih”, bil-mod tipiku patronizzanti tal-Maltin.

      Il-kitba tieghek ma fiha xejn jekk mhux ekwivoci u ambivalenzi. Qisek de Marco nnifsu. Jew Peter Serracino Inglott. Jew Lino Spiteri xi kultant. Il-generazzjoni tad-diskors ellittiku li ma jasal imkien.

  35. Karl Flores says:

    Enstein was correct when he said, “Everything must be made as simple as possible, and not simpler.”,,,,,,,this for both of you.

  36. red nose says:

    Ibqaw cert li tal-Maltastar fid-dlam kienu u fid-dlam ghadhom b’din il “exchange” of views – too high ghalihom. Inzlu ftit fl-livell akar baxx, please.

  37. marcus flores says:


    H.P. Baxxter says:
    Dan il-pajjiz, Flores, huwa mnejjek minhabba nies bhalek. Nies tedjanti u patronizzanti. Tfakkarni hafna fil-President Emeritus Ugo Mifsud Bonnici. Kif nista’ nikkontradik jekk lanqas biss naf x’ridt tghid bl-ewwel post tieghek fuq de Marco?
    Imbaghad ara min qed jitkellem dwar li ahna “bnedmin mhux allat”. Wiehed li jiftahar bl-ixkafef mimlija “saggi kritici” li kiteb u jsejjahli “habib”, “qalbi” u “sabih”, bil-mod tipiku patronizzanti tal-Maltin.
    Il-kitba tieghek ma fiha xejn jekk mhux ekwivoci u ambivalenzi. Qisek de Marco nnifsu. Jew Peter Serracino Inglott. Jew Lino Spiteri xi kultant. Il-generazzjoni tad-diskors ellittiku li ma jasal imkien.
    Marcus Flores: Kitbietek contradiction-in-terms; oxymoron; u, drabi ohra, inti habsi go hsebijietek stess. Waqt li jien tongue-in-cheek, bla ebda mibgheda go qalbi,inti issa bdejt titfantas, issir arqan xraba, tintela marrara, u tlift il-vigilanza mehtiega biex ma tigix trasparenti.
    Ilbierah “gbartli” kitbieti f’sentenza wahda. Ghidtli: “Illostra kemm iddur mal-lewza, Flores. Aqbad u ghid li de Marco kien qed jinnegozja l-emenda fil-kostituzzjoni dwar il-ligi elettorali.” 24 siegha wara qed tghid li ma fhimtnix: “Kif nista’ nikkontradik jekk lanqas biss naf x’ridt tghid bl-ewwel post tieghek fuq de Marco?”.
    U issa hiereg il-vernakular, waqt li fl-istess nifs tattakka lill-indigeni nnifishom li, ghal-grazzja taghhom, hallejt ilsienek fih.
    Jien BILFORS kelli nghidlek x’ghamilt f’hajti, Sir, ghax inti ghidtli (“Tidher li qatt ma ktibt xejn”.). U, allura, kelli nwiegbek……
    Fejnhom l-ambivalenzi u l-ekwivoci tieghi? FIGMENT tieghek?.
    Bilhaqq, ma ridtx, forsi, tghid “elitisti” Demarco, Ugo u Serracino, ghax ma jidhirli li ma ghandhom xejn “ellittiku” fl-ghamla taghhom?….. Jew forsi, f’xeba inkubi, qed tarahom, BHALEK, jigru wara dembhom….

    [Daphne – Enough, please. Why don’t you exchange email addresses and carry on this bilateral disagreement elsewhere?]

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