A hi5 comment from a 'Doctor Joseph' fan

Published: July 21, 2010 at 9:02am
Staff all you"r galousey: Doctor Joseph in Sqallija with Doctor Anglu, investigating possible Mafia involvement in the purchase of votes from Labour junkies

Dan wiehed minn dawk li gab il-Matsec tal-Ingliz?

we are proud of you DR.JOSEPH..we have a youth leader…wow….staff all you”r gelousey…all the p.n”

27 Comments Comment

  1. Neil Dent says:

    On the flip-side of this, only a couple of years back the Times ran an advert for a certain restaurant at Christmas time, offering various set menus for ‘STUFF PARTIES!’

    Doesn’t anyone proof-read anymore?

    • Renè Debono says:

      They are not allowed to proofread advertisements. Since they are paid they have to print exactly what is written.

  2. Rover says:

    Stuff all your “gellewz” where the sun does not shine mate. And while you’re at it perhaps you can tell your boy scout youth leader not to be late for appointments.

  3. Benny says:

    mintix tara x’injurant ta’ bniedem hu? anke wwiccu jixhed l-injuranza.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      True. I’ve been long enough on this planet to have realised that facial expression is a very good indicator of intelligence. Now, how many of our politicians have the “intelligent” look? Very few.

  4. JP Bonello says:

    Yet you have to note not only what was said but also what was left unsaid. This DR.JOSEPH FAN said they (who exactly…? but anyhow…) are proud of DR.JOSEPH; he did NOT say that they are proud of Inspector Gadget.

  5. pippo says:

    Dak min hu tan-nofs?

    [Daphne – Sindku Sqalli.]

  6. K Farrugia says:

    Have you renamed that picture, which, I assume you extracted from his Hi5 profile?

    I need to get back to my femily holitey.

  7. Leonard says:

    “DR.JOSEPH”. Sounds like the leader of some Christian sect.

    • ciccio2010 says:

      Yeah, his homilies are aired every Sunday – on One. And occasionally, he does some fund-raising for his church, also known as il-Partit Laburista.

  8. Oliver says:

    on the same subject- saw a speed boat at Mistra named MY SWEET PHANTASY

  9. Dandy says:

    What was the dress code for this event?

  10. Nejxu says:

    Jien nahseb li la l-Matsec tal-Ingliz u l-anqas tal-Malti ma gabu. Dan kumment bil-Malti minn Clifton fit-12 Awi 2008.

    “ahna kona adna u nibaqw laburisti all dejjem ejja joseppp issa kollox fidek ahna ilkoll warajk eja ha nirbu lelezjoni li jmis li eadite erbahnija imma serquilna imma li jmiss tkaxkira mil kbar irridu natuhomm iz zabbarin kolla all warajk ”

    X’aktarx dan kien bela’ dak li kien qal Dr. Gadget li l-elezzjoni kienet misruqa minhabba xi mija jew mitejn vot mixtrija.

  11. Anna says:

    You mean metsek or mezzek fl-Inglix

  12. Spiru says:

    Liem’ wiehed? Ma tantx hemm x’taghzel.

  13. Pat says:

    “geleous”? U zgur ukoll!

    Biss, biss qisek tibza tghaddi kumment fuq li qal …….jien, naghtu kaz, ma nhossniex kompetenti. Ghax dan trid tara kif tkellmu hux? Jidher bniedem ta’ kultura kbira, u jaf xi jghid.

    U iwaqqghek ghac-cajt daqs tazz`ilma. Trid tkun gherf ta Salamun biex FORSI tlehhaq mieghu. Deal with him yourself, dear Daphne.

  14. Frans Cassar says:

    Skond Daphne il-persuna tan-nofs huwa sindku, jiena nafu bhala bniedem li jbigh il-propjeta gewwa Sqallija u jekk mhux sejjer zball wiehed mil-liders tal-partit tal-progressivi. Ghandu xi bicca razzett fil-kampanja ta’ madwar Ragusa fejn ihobb isajjar il-hambergers.

    • ciccio2010 says:

      I suppose we can engage Inspector Gadget (the real one) to resolve the mystery of the identity of the man in the middle.

  15. Pietru Pawl says:

    Without wanting to sound overly leftist, I must comment on this thread.

    @Benny…please do not comment before you are sure of what you are referring to. The man in the picture is not the man who wrote the post.

    @ everyone else. Had we to judge a man’s intellect, by his grasp of the English language, we would probably place many of the world’s greatest minds on the “Most Ignorant Persons on Earth” list. The fact is that Malta has become known for inherited socialists, rather than being true left wing, a class historically reserved to some of the greatest of writers, movers and thinkers.

    Are we being true in labelling Labourites as ignorant peasants, or would we be more accurate in saying that it is most of the Maltese nation which lacks the thinking power that has become the norm in most of Europe.

    I find myself wondering if I am living in a country made up of competing donkeys and mules… yes, the difference if any, is very little.

    • Robert Vella says:

      What does someone’s grasp of the English language have to do with his political leanings?

      Why should any intelligent person be excused from learning the basics of a language he is exposed to on a daily basis?

      Why would any intelligent person write in a language he is not familiar with?

      Yes, a lot of the great thinkers in history were “leftists”, and a bunch of them were Nazis, Communists, and Jingoists as well. The grand majority were outside their subject matter when it came to economics, which is why the most widely hailed economists in history were invariably Liberterians!

      Historically, some great thinkers believed that the World was flat, and that angels were speaking to them, should we adopt their wisdom in those areas as well?

      Donkeys and mules indeed.

  16. hamallu malti says:

    Along the same lines, I had spent about a year seeing a sign accross the road displaying ‘panthouse for sale’. It still got sold…..

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