Adrian and Robert take a high moral tone

Published: July 5, 2010 at 4:44pm
Pornography destroys marriages - and just occasionally, magistrates do the same

Pornography destroys marriages - and just occasionally, magistrates do the same

This country – you just have to laugh.

The guardian of the nation’s morals, Labour MP Adrian Vassallo, has accepted an invitation to be interviewed on Smash TV by, of all people, that paladin of morality and champion of the sanctity of marriage, Robert Musumeci.

The subject is pornography in hotel rooms – how it destroys marriages, how Iran has the right attitude, that kind of thing.

What does Vassallo plan to do – hector Musumeci as to how marital breakdown and irresponsible parenthood are the Great Evils which make life in Iran preferable to life in Malta?

Or will he remind him that, were he living in Iran, his ‘partner’ would have been flogged and stoned to death while he would have ended up dangling from the end of a crane?

I suspect that they will both bounce on that lovely soft cushion called self-deception.

There are a lot of things worse than pornography in hotel rooms. One of them, in fact, sits in judgement over others in a magistrate’s courtroom.

She’s done far more damage to marriages – her own, and other people’s – than Bambii Gets It On viewed in the privacy of the five-star Luxeville.

But why bother with facts and commonsense when you can tilt at windmills? Malta – the land of Don Quixote.

18 Comments Comment

  1. freefalling says:

    Thank you, Daphne – that’s something I forgot to add this morning in my comments – yes what the hell is that loser still doing in court?

    Pontificating with a semblance of righteousness – my God, what a bloody mess!

    • TROY says:

      She’s still in court for the same reason Inspector 007 is still in the police force at the Qawra police station tainting most of the new recruits – cause the PN has no balls to sort out the bad apples.

  2. TROY says:

    Just can’t believe that Vassallo has accepted an invitation from Musumeci to discuss morals. Maybe he should also invite his beloved heat-seeking missile to join in the discussion

  3. Vanni says:

    Hi Daphne,
    I wonder if you saw this:
    I had thought along the same lines as Ms Hansen when I had originally seen the the Times article she mentions. Unfortunately it seems that most Maltese do seem to accept blindly this infringement on their rights.

    [Daphne – I’ve written about this already: Magic Fingerprints.]

    • kev says:

      Will Pamela Hansen be Malta’s Naomi Wolf?

      Almenu, hemm xi hadd li qed jitniffes. Sa ma nirritorna forsi jkun hemm nofs cans ta’ widna jew tnejn…

      • Vanni says:

        @ Daphne
        Thanks, I had missed that particular thread.

        @ Kev
        Now don’t go spoiling it as I quite agree with you for once.

  4. Pat says:

    Wasn’t it a shop in Mosta which had to have their naked manequins removed some time ago?

    I despair.

  5. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Fortunately, tourists visiting Malta can dispense with hotel porn. Instead they can collect coupons from Air Malta’s in-flight magazine and watch the whole thing live, and free, at one of our many “gentlemen’s club”. I take it they have Onorevoli Vassallo’s full blessing.

  6. Cannot Resist Anymore says:

    Like quite a few people, my world view is very different from that of Dr. Adrian Vassallo.

    I find it amazing and sad that he neither appreciates nor finds time for art. Maybe that alone explains much about where he is coming from.

    What I do appreciates though is his honesty and clarity. If politicians were so unequivocal and honest in their approach, people would find it easier to vote. I must say, if I were to choose between him and his leader, I would definitely chose him for his honesty and clarity. His leader has had years to clarify his position on a number of issues and hasn’t done so.

    • ciccio2010 says:

      CRA, my understanding is that “his Leader” will have a free-vote in parliament on all of these “hot” subjects. Is that not a very clear position?

  7. Drinu says:

    Hi Daphne, What is happening with your court case? Did you take the stand?

    [Daphne -No.]

  8. Luigi says:

    In Key West, at the Southernmost point of the United States, a concrete memorial reminds visitors that the communist republic of Cuba is just 90 miles south.

    It commemorates the many who have fled that island in search of freedom, and the thousands who have died attempting the crossing (little did they know that the twinkling lights to the north belonged to the Conch Republic, not the Miami of their dreams).

    A handmade sign nailed to a nearby lamp-post says, in Spanish and English:

    “If you are the last to leave Cuba: Please turn out the lights!”

    Somehow, whenever I hear of Consuelo and Robert, I remember that sign.

    I don’t know why.

    • ciccio2010 says:

      “I don’t know why”…Could it be that the sign reminds you of the lights on the Salib tal-Gholja on Good Friday, while the rest of Malta was in total darkness?

  9. claire belli says:

    There are married couples who enjoy pornography to make their sexual relationship more spicy.

    There were cases when sex experts suggested porno to couples to help them with sexual problems.

    So it’s not always that it spoils marriages.

  10. red nose says:

    I think that Dr.Adrian Vassallo reflects his good religious upbringing and should be praised for this and not denigrated. It does not matter on what side of the House he sits.

  11. Monkey says:

    I still think that Adrian looks like a conservative version of Ron Jeremy.

  12. C Gatt says:

    Perhaps they would have also liked to discuss this while they’re at it:

    And please no ironic comments about magistrates and Iranian judges.

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