If Joseph Muscat is suffering from some debilitating flesh-eating disease, we should be told

Published: September 15, 2010 at 9:04am
Great, she stepped on my toe. Now I can skive off the Independence Day celebrations.

Great, she stepped on my toe. Now I can skive off the Independence Day celebrations.

timesofmalta.com, last night:

Leading the congregation were President George Abela, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and PL deputy leader Anglu Farrugia, representing party leader Joseph Muscat. A PL spokesman said that Joseph Muscat was advised not to attend two consecutive public events due to his present medical condition. He plans to attend tomorrow’s funeral.

So now it’s a medical condition, is it, and not ‘because of his leg’.

What medical condition? Oh Labour Party, pray tell – because The Times just reproduced your statement without bothering to find out. Obviously, if it’s so serious that it prevents the Labour leader taking the ferry to Gozo twice in two days – such a strain, dear heavens – then the electorate should be told what it is.

When Alfred Sant was diagnosed with cancer, he had his doctors call a press conference for total disclosure. It was one of the few honest things he did in his political life, but there you go.

He didn’t try to carry on campaigning while hiding the facts.

That’s another thing, isn’t it: he carried on campaigning for a general election immediately after major surgery and treatment for advanced cancer, at 60.

And Joseph Muscat, who for the first two years was sold to us as the embodiment of youthful strength, energy and vigour, at 37 is unable to fulfill his untaxing duties as Leader of the Opposition because last month he hurt his leg dancing at the president’s ball.

Or at least, that’s what they told us.

We saw no doctor’s certificate and no plaster cast. And while his ‘medical condition’ didn’t stop him taking a cruise with Michelle or appearing on Super One last Sunday night to tell the nation how he mopped her lady-box while she was pregnant and bleeding (because, you know, nobody ever had a baby before and we don’t know what it’s like), it does seem to be an extremely rare sort of medical condition which prevents him doing the boring stuff, like going to official events and funerals, opening his own badge exhibition and handing out certificates to children.

God, I wish I had one of those excellent medical conditions. Life would be so much easier.

Labour Leader Doctor Joseph Muscat and His Wife Mrs Michelle Muscat should be made aware that pulling this kind of stunt really undermines their essential message and sole selling-point: that his youthful vigour is what the country needs.

Clearly, he hasn’t got any.

He’s 37 and the prospect of two funerals exhausts him. How is he going to run the country in his 40s? I imagine he thinks he can put it on autopilot and go off and play, while Michelle does the work instead of him.

Why do I get the feeling that this is what he’s been used to all his life?

22 Comments Comment

  1. Bus Driver says:

    It is getting to be just another ‘ventrlloquist and her dummy’ act, following upon that of Angelik and his manipulative wife of Borg in-Nadur notoriety.

  2. df says:

    Maybe he is recovering from a bout of cosmetic surgery like a hair transplant… who knows.

  3. Rita Camilleri says:

    Yes, he is just a spoilt brat who got everything done for him, and still does, imbaghad jiehu il-proset.

  4. red nose says:

    Bluff, bluff, and bluff all the way – you can fool some of the people etc

  5. Lady M says:

    I am so loving this blog! Ever since Joseph Muscat appeared on the scene, I have always thought him to be phony. It’s high time someone starts highlighting just how true that is.

    The people fell in love (yew – did I really just say that?) with him for all the wrong (non-political) reasons.

    In hindsight I think it’s served us well because we acquired a very decent president and the Labour Party lost out on what would have been a very successful leader.

  6. B.Mallia says:

    Minn jaf x’tiehu gost Mrs. Muscat li zewgha ‘kiser’ saqajh ghax iktar qed tidher issa. Daqs kemm hi zattata.

    U x’ faqma ghandha alla jbierikha.

  7. Anthony says:

    As we say in Maltese: “Itajjar in-nar”.

    Please excuse the pun.

    • ciccio2010 says:

      To me, it looks more like he is playing with fire (“jilghab man-nar”). There is so much the electorate can believe and tolerate.

  8. Pat II says:

    Some info please? Does anyone know when Michelle Muscat was born? Found nothing on internet and am very curious. Thank you

    • Isard du Pont says:

      Do you by any chance suspect, as I do, that she is an older woman and that he married mama?

      She certainly looks a lot older than 37, but that might be the stress of making her husband prime minister while coaching her toddler twins for their MATSEC.

  9. Rover says:

    It really begs the question, doesn’t it? What does he do all day long? Shuffle paper, tend to the garden? The man got injured while doing a Michael Jackson moonwalk that went horribly wrong only to discover two days later that he had a hairline fracture. The Labour Party then issues a statement saying he has a medical condition.

    I would have thought an uproar at the glasshouse would be more appropriate.

    They should have stretchered him to the funeral not issue a statement saying he’s suffering from a medical condition. Why is everyone, even at the glasshouse, mollycoddling the man?

    Unless, of course, that is precisely the offending disorder – mollycoddling.

  10. Joseph Cauchi says:

    Maybe he’s getting a hair transplant and doesn’t want to appear in public wearing a bandana like Silvio Berlusconi.

  11. R Camilleri says:

    It is incredible. Net and Super One are broadcasting the funeral.

    What is even more incredible is that the priest was told to go down to administer Holy Communion to Joseph Muscat because he could not get up!

  12. Reborn says:

    Jekk rajt sew il-futur ‘Ferstlejdi’ with the sunglasses inside the church during the funeral.

  13. “… advised not to attend two consecutive public events… plans to attend tomorrow’s funeral”.

    Doesn’t that still make it two consecutive public events?

  14. Isard du Pont says:

    And once again, Michelle’s dreadful make-up frightens the horses.

    Will Jason Micallef please tell her that if she MUST wear foundation, which isn’t at all necessary when you’re in your 30s and have a Mediterranean skin tone, you should at least match it to your skin and blend it into your neck.


  15. Medical specialist says:

    Medical condition…attend one public event but not the other …
    Sounds like a case of political schizophrenia.

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