Iss hej, hadu ghalihom il-ladies

Published: September 16, 2010 at 12:05am
Kurt Farrugia, one of Labour's brilliant new minds. Please kill me now. You majtezwel stick a pigeon in a suit, give it a mobile phone and tell it to run Labour's communications office.

Kurt Farrugia, one of Labour's brilliant new minds. Please kill me now. You majtezwel stick a pigeon in a suit, give it a mobile phone and tell it to run Labour's communications office.

How did I miss this? I must have been distracted.

Apparently, I’m one lone voice in Bidnija (they LOVE that I live here) – even though this website now outstrips Maltastar in the rankings. I guess I’m just a lone voice talking to many thousands of other lone voices, then, what can I say.

A meeting of minds

While the majority worry about making ends meet, one lone voice in Bidnija pats herself on the back for spewing out vitriol and hatred.

Let her be. This country has moved on.

This country wants to be managed as it was once promised it would be when we became E.U. members? Instead the Gonzi camp has overseen a deterioration in standards, a serious deterioration in the quality of the air we breathe, and an unprecedented rise in the perception of corruption.

Joseph Muscat and the PL will continue to represent what ordinary people are saying, are communicating and are expressing to the PL leader and his popular representatives. There is a new meeting of minds in the air.

The people know that the PL have been proved right and the NP have let this country down badly.

This is hard pill to swallow for traditional, honest PN voters who feel so let own by the party they fought for, voted for and more. Rantings from Bidnija though no longer represent PN moderates.

The realisation is slowly sinking in that too much is too much, enough is enough, and the people won’t be played with indefinitely.

The Bidnija bag pipes were always a game. Now they are badly out of tune, a mere irritation in the distance while the true meeting of minds continues to develop and gather pace.

U gejjin bil-meeting of minds. Veru kaz ta’ meeting of minds: the damned, the stupid, the desperate, the hard-done-by, the opportunists, the rednecks with money who want even more money, the chattering classes who read Dan Brown, the kings of lanzit and those who can’t see beyond their noses.

Include me out.

It’s the exact same bandwagon that brought Sant to power in 1996 only to tip him out within months. Labour has cast itself in the role of the cheap tart that the electorate screws each time it’s royally pissed off with the wife.

Great long-term strategy, girls.

“There, that will show her.” “Oh my Christ, I’ve got the clap. And now she’s ringing me at all hours, threatening to turn up and make a scene. And I’ve lost my home and the children and half my income and my wife has run off with another man.”

I’m proud to say I’m not one of them. You’ll never find me selling myself for a couple of shekels to a bunch of inept losers with half a brain between them, the instincts of 19th-century Sicilian peasants and a recent history – 1970 right through to 2010 – that makes my skin crawl.

Labour – not fit for purpose.

And apparently the party leader isn’t fit for purpose, either. Joseph Muscat can’t even walk, for God’s sake, and now he wants to run the country. Perhaps he should take one of his father’s rockets, insert it at an interesting angle, and use some jet propulsion.

Oh and Kurt, I don’t spew vitriol and hatred. I laugh at you, and thousands of others laugh with me. There are different cultures in Malta and sense of humour just doesn’t translate. Too bad you haven’t got the gift, and that when you tried to buy it in, the experiment was a catastrophic failure.

Anyone remember the Red Blue Prince?

Bloody waste of money.

In China 50 years ago, you’d have been a Red Guard, Kurt. Now you’re a failed metrosexual condemned to life in the Labour Party and holding out for the prospect of government so that you can feel important because you’re unfit for anything else – unless Snow White comes to town and takes you on.

Oh, and “while the majority worry about making ends meet”, Joseph and Michelle take a cruise.

“This country wants to be managed as it was once promised it would be when we became E.U. members” – and that’s why it’s not gagging to engage as manager Mister Made In Brussels who told us to stay out and needed five years of hindsight to concede that the Yes vote won the referendum.

Go and f**k yourselves, the lot of you. It’s all you’re fit for. At this rate, you’ll be hard pressed to find anybody else to do it. You’re the country’s biggest problem and you’re too damned thick and provincial to work out why.

Liberal and progressive, my painted toe-nail.

32 Comments Comment

  1. Andrew Borg-Cardona says:

    Seriously, who writes this crap? You can – just about – see what they’re getting at but the actual words are almost gibberish. The thing is, the whining classes don’t actually notice how mediocre this bunch is, because they’re not really that much better themselves.

    • M. says:

      Just the words? What about the punctuation? Oh, and they just seem to love question marks. Maybe they get their inspiration from The Times’ comments board. On second thought, they probably contribute heavily to the latter.

      • Isard du Pont says:

        The question mark used instead of a full-stop reflects their intonation, which they picked up from watching too much E!

        I’m, like, doing all right now?

        I bought this beautiful dress? It’s pink?

    • Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

      I don’t know why you still have time for the whining classes, Andrew. Talking to a cabbage and its friend the cauliflower is more entertaining.

      My tolerance threshold for that kind of person has long gone through the floor. The combination of middle age and whining with stupidity thrown into the mix: KILL ME NOW.

  2. M. says:

    They can’t even string a couple of words together coherently, let alone run the country.

    • Hot Tongs says:

      Ah, but they never said anything about running the country, did they. They talk about POWER. Niehdu l-poter f’idejna. They can’t see beyond that. No plans, nothing – anke l-imsejkna private member’s bill hadilu Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando.

  3. Isard du Pont says:

    ‘There is a new meeting of minds in the air’ – hey, whatever those minds are on, I want some.

    The whisky no longer does it for me.

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    “Kings of Lanzit”

    Malta’s new heavy metal band.

  5. Vanni says:

    “an unprecedented rise in the perception of corruption”

    And this coming from a party that goes so far to try and get people to ignore the deafening clamour its skeletons are making that it changes its headquarters, its name, its logo and its leader as readily as a tart changes her knickers.

    Aah, wait, these weren’t ‘perceptions’ but indelible facts.

    Mind you, Daphne, I have a bone to pick with you as I confess to being partial to Dan Brown :)

  6. Anthony says:

    So there is a rise in the perception and people being played with.

    To me, this sounds like a matter for old Pope Benny .

  7. red nose says:

    Maltastar dedicating a leader to you is indeed telling!

  8. TROY says:

    The bidnija bagpipes out of tune! I don’t think so, because the first thing that comes on at the labour HQ every morning is Daphne’s notebook.

    • ciccio2010 says:

      Why would a lone voice in Bidnija worry a party with 50 years of history so much?

      Seems like she will not worry them anymore: “Let her be.”

      Perhaps, at last, we may start reading about Labour’s great plans about running the country for the next 50 years.

      That should make them focus on the real things, rather than reading her blog only to attack her with the party machine.

  9. LG says:

    Do these guys write this crap for your delight? I cannot believe that these people can be daft enough to continue to provide you with exactly the sort of material that allows you to denigrate them – meaningless and in terrible English.

  10. SDS says:

    Maltastar – Bagpipes are not a game. Would you refer to a piano as a game just because you can play it?

  11. Ta' Ninu says:

    Sad to say D, but I’m afraid your wit and humour is totally lost on these idiots. Madonna mia, and I’m thinking ix-xitan iz-zopp is a prime minister in-waiting.

    Will the last person to leave the island please switch the lights off?

  12. kev says:

    “Joseph Muscat can’t even walk, for God’s sake, and now he wants to run the country.”

    Joseph should take a leaf out of Dave Jitkaza’s latest walking style: hold your file outwardly as you bend your elbow and move your legs with ease at a slow pace like a penguin in slow motion while facing left or right, chin up and a smirk that says ‘I’m King Henry VIII on steroids’. It even made him look taller.

  13. Drivel says:

    Here’s another gem:

    Captain Morgan blames Fernandes captain but others blame authorities (

    Captain Morgan Cruises has blamed the incident involving the schooner Fernandes on “a miscalculation by the vessel’s experienced captain.”

    At least one other source, David Bonello, COMMENTING ON TIMESOFMALTA.COM, remarked that notwithstanding a captain’s ability when seas are rough, the highest part of the reef is mostly submerged and thus easily missed. He also added that the reef has never been marked and thus the fault of the accident can be attributed to the authorities.


    Would they report my beliefs if I said I thought the accident was caused by the flock of flying monkeys I saw soaring over Bahar ic-Caghaq that afternoon?

  14. David Buttigieg says:

    Did the Maltastar sleuth team just discover this?

    They actually agree with it!

  15. Josh Briffa says:

    I’m pretty sure my 10 year old brother could write a better article. Seriously, the person who employed the people writing these articles should be sacked.

    I could barely understand what they’re on about. Halfway through a sentence I found myself asking, “Is this article in English?”

  16. Fuel for the “Joseph-is-a-naff-chav” brigade. Fire away.

    “What is sure is that I make it a point to really dress down on the weekend. I have this theory that you can always tell what a person’s line of work is by the way he dresses over the weekend: if he’s all dressed up for a simple meal at a restaurant it must mean that he doesn’t have to put up with suits and ties during the week. On the other hand I’ve seen a very rich man wearing a track-suit in a smart restaurant. That incident must prove my theory right”.

    He said it in the interview to which somebody above posted a link.

  17. M. Carter says:


    ermmm.. there is definitely something wrong … MAJTEZWEL???? wasn’t it might as well ???

    waw aye !

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