Published: September 18, 2010 at 7:14pm


Joseph Muscat’s medical condition has allowed him to pay a second visit to Mintoff.

Or, as Maltastar reports in its idiosyncratic style :

The Labour Leader Joseph Muscat has paid a second visit in hospital to the former Prime Minister Dom Mintoff.

Two hospital visits in three days, eh? Muscat is really burning the candle at both ends. His medical condition prevented him from going to two funerals earlier this week, so he’s taking something of a risk here, with two hospital visits.

He first visited the sickbed last Thursday, so perhaps he spent yesterday lying on a divan, recuperating and preparing himself for today’s sortie.

13 Comments Comment

  1. johan says:

    so naive this article…write about pn mayors instead.

    [Daphne – Nobody finds mayors interesting. Do you?]

  2. kev (mhux ta sharon) says:

    Dont argue that you are a busy person!

    Ta tqallieh issa qed issir din il kitba!

  3. Hot Tongs says:

    Johan, ghid lil Joseph biex izur xi sindku tal-PN minflok imur jiftah xi wirja tal-emblemi, u Daphne tikteb dwaru.

    Jaqaw saqajh jahdmu bil-batteriji? Fil-kaz ghidlu biex jixtri l-long lajf.

  4. Gahan says:

    I think Muscat is trying to clinch a (first) donation for the PL from the multimillionaire.

  5. Dephne meta xi darba trabi sinsla fuq dak li tikteb fuq il gazzetti, ghad ikollok rispett min nies ta’ Malta, imma f’dan l-istadju inti kemm bhala opinjonista kif ukoll persuna li thaddan l-opinjoni tieghak ma jisthoqlokx rispett. Dan l-ghagir tieghek ghad trid taghti kont quddiem Alla li hu fuq kulhadd. il-kitba tieghek hija Abominazzjoni u xejn izjed.

  6. Bus Driver says:

    Joseph Muscat does not give a f**k about Duminku Mintoff.

    His interest is plainly to project himself as the anointed one to Mintoff’s remaining fans and so to glean a few more suckers to add to his voter base once that old bastard kicks the bucket.

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