Two years as party leader and he's cracking already
I was thinking earlier this evening that Muscat isn’t shirking because he’s lazy. He’s shirking because he’s crumbling.
I can think of no other explanation why he would use a ‘medical condition’ to get out of his public commitments as leader – addressing press conferences and opening an exhibition of the much-vaunted party emblems – but then spend time doing things like visiting Mintoff and chatting on Super One shows.
Not only is he staying away from his public commitments but – after the initial fiasco of sending his wife to represent him on party duty – he is now quite clearly sharing out substitute duties between his two deputies, Anglu and Toni. Anglu represented him at the Gozo funeral, Toni addressed the press conference, and on it goes.
We laughed at Sant’s lack of stamina because he couldn’t take the heat as prime minister and broke down in public after 20 months. But at least he stuck out five years as Opposition leader before that.
Muscat has led the party and the Opposition for just 27 months and he’s cracking already.
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“Leaders are born, not made”
Stamina – when Eddie Fenech Adami had heart by-pass surgery he wasn’t a young man and a day or so after his return home he attended a funeral.
marika … bypass is a simple procedure which gives life back to crippling old people … so your comment is absolutely … stupid
open heart surgery is not a simple procedure, not like piles, and gives life back to younger mavericks too.
‘Simple procedure’, you say. Are you being sarcastic or are you nuts? I’m not sure about the procedure nowadays, but when Fenech Adami had that operation, they used to saw through your breast-plate, stop the heart for several minutes, open up legs and arms to remove veins to use to bypass the blocked ones, then wire back together the ribcage, restart the heart and sew up your chest, arms and legs.
And, unfortunately, a number of patients never made it past the operation. But, I suppose, to you that is nothing when compared to a hairline crack in a small bone.
A close relative had a triple bypass (he is not an old man). Maybe it is common procedure for the surgeon to crack open your rib cage but the recovery is hell for the patient. Please note I am not defending Eddie Fenech Adami, I am just stating facts.
Whereas your comment is merely….misinformed and medically incorrect.
The idea that a “hairline fracture” should supposedly incapacitate a youngish man to such a degree is what would be so absolutely stupid, if it wasn’t so pathetic.
Blabla, you have not undergone a bypass surgery to speak in such deprecative way. Three years ago I was the recipient of four grafted veins in bypass surgery and it was no walk through the meadows. True, recovery is fast but it takes an average six weeks to be go back to work. Fenech Adami showed that he had “stoffa” to be a leader.
buqq artiklu bla sugu, you know better…
Actually Muscat’s recent behaviour supports the notion! I’m not saying it’s true, but the thought occured to me already.
Illum reported Fr Dionisius Mintoff as saying that his brother Dom had initially been given only two days to live. He is now recovering better than expected
Tal-Labour kellhom bzonn general u ghazlu boy scout, basta jkun jihder liebes l-uniformi bhal general: ‘doctor’, bil-familja, zaghzugh.
Partit Labourista huwa Partit li hadem ghall Malta ara xi djar ta lill haddiem ara airmalta seamalta il gid ta dinja ghamlu il Partit tal Labour il banek etc il PN is sahta ta malta bijaw kollox nigu ghall airmalta tiftakar dik is sahhara tal bidnija li Borg olivier alla jahfirlu kien qal ghasfar tac comb dik mhux vilta tidqazu affariet li ghamilna ahna bi sahha ta salvatur duminku mintoff
Breathless ! Please use punctuation !
Sur paul borg, id-djar kienu ghal Laburisti biss.
Seamalta falliet u l-Airmalta qeda fix-xifer. Il-banek nahseb qed tirreferi ghal Bank of Valletta. Dak kien misruq minghand is-sidien. Kien jismu l-National Bank of Malta.
Is-sahhara it-tajba tal-Bidnija ma nafx tiftakarx, nahseb bhal kull Malti vera tiftakar il-hnizrijiet ta’ zmien il-Labour, bhal ma tiftakarhom int, pero int kont ta’ gewwa u ma tantx affetwawk ghax kont protett.
Pero jien niftakarhom ghax mhux haga sabieha li guvnot ta 16 il-sena jmur id-dar mill l-iskola w issib lil-missieru jibki ghax rega qala transfer minn post ghal iehor minhabba twemminu.
Dan kien il-Labour, habib tiegh. Dan kollu sar bis-sahha tas-salvatur Duminku Mintoff.
Has it occured to you that he may have lost his hair for reasons other than stress?
I mean come on …
It’s a new management style he’s developing: Pick ‘n’ Mix Leadership
on the other hand the Pn are in very good health, am I right?? Hallina Daphe,
You have nothing to worry about, the man has a plan. Tax on pollution!
“Labour, he said, would also start a gradual shift of taxation from tax on work to tax on pollution.”
Excuse my ignorance. But if his government will eliminate pollution (remember what he said about the new power station), how will the government earn any tax?
There are so many people with a low IQ at the Labour HQ that it is no wonder Muscat is cracking. Even if he were a genius, he would not be able to find a solution to the riddle.
The higher echelons of the PL have been taken over by people who should really be mid- or low-ranking party officials.
I think you yourself proposed this interpretation some time back on this blog. At that time I had agreed with you, and I still do.
It is symptomatic of such situations that bright people should keep away from an environment infested by people who are dull, or intelligent but odd.
If Muscat thought that by transferring Jason Micallef to Super One he had freed the party hierarchy from the fetters of mediocrity, he must now realise his assessment of the situation was very much mistaken. Jason Micallef was just the tip of the iceberg.
Just look at the people making up the party’s administration. This is still the above-water part of the iceberg.
President Zrinzo Azzopardi: a lacklustre lawyer who has still left no real impact on the legal profession, possibly building his client base by using his party position.
Vice-President Louis Gatt: who is he, and what are his credentials?
International Secretary AST: highly intelligent but endowed with a highly weird worldview. These qualities combined make him difficult to deal with, as he is clever enough to find seemingly logical justifications for his worldview.
Possibly, mediocre Zrinzo Azzopardi and non-entity Gatt are better to deal with as, lacking intelligence, they obey. But they can’t contribute anything either. AST, on the other hand, has a very high IQ and can therefore contribute, but his contributions are highly controversial and tiresome to rebut.
Ray Azzopardi: ineffectual plodder.
Aaron Farrugia and Joe Cordina: unknown credentials.
The larger part of the iceberg lies beneath the surface. There must be scores of party men whose input is close to zero, or – in the case of Manwel Cuschieri, for example – whose input is actually detrimental.
Then there is Mario Vella. This is another man endowed with a high IQ coupled with a displaced worldview. He too contributes strange ideas while being clever enough to justify them with seemingly logical and tenable arguments.
Anybody in Muscat’s shoes would crack. In Muscat’s case, his young age brings him to breaking point much earlier than in the case of someone older and more mature.
Min Weber, hallejt barra stilla kbira. Ma tafx li issa rega mar Joe Grima maghhom? Dak ghandu IQ kbir.
JOE GRIMA! How could I forget that great charismatic politician who mastered the art of Cicero in his speeches?
Joe Grima, oh my oh my, Joe Grima.
He has such a high opinion of himself, but what has he achieved in life, except surviving the fires which ravaged his radio station?
Joe Grima and Marisa Micallef: there will be a burn-down while some chick gives the START signal with her hanky!
Daphne, remember when you pointed out that Joseph Muscat was overexposing himself and trying to make headline news basically everyday.
Well I guess his advisers told him to keep a low profile. Be sure that soon enough he will be back with a bang promising us salvation.
A new Salvatur in the making as the Salvatur Emeritus slowly fades away.
According to today’s The Times, Mintoff’s political career finished in 1984 when Krmenu Mifsud Bonnici took over as prime minister. The Times is getting more selective in its reporting and rewriting of history.
Paul Borg – il-gid li tghid li ghamel Mintoff mhu xejn minnhu. Dak kollu gideb li bellah lic-cwiec bhalek.
Biex holoq Air Malta, Mintoff hataf il-propjeta tal-Malta Airways li kienet ga xtrat tlett ajruplani Trident ghar-rottot taghha.
Biex holoq Sea Malta, ha il-vapuri tal-linja tal-bahar ta’ Pace.
Biex holoq Mid Med Bank, qala’ l-barra il-bank stabbilit internazzjonali Barclays Bank.
Biex holoq Bank of Valletta, seraq in-National Bank of Malta.
Biex holoq il-Malta Milling & Grain Handling, qered diversi mtiehen tal-qamh privati.
Izda ma waqafx hemm.
Dahhal madwar 8,000 ruh ma’ dawn il-kumpaniji u mal-parastatali minghajr ma kien hemm il-htiega taghhom u li swew – u ghadhom jiswew sallum – miljuni ta’ euro lil poplu.
U xi nghidhu ghad-dockyard… u ghax-Shipyard li bdiet titlef eluf ta liri mill-ewwel gurnata u baqghat taghmel dan sakemm il-poplu kellu jerga jhallas kocc miljuni ohra biex jizzarma.
U xi nghidhu ghall-famuza ordni tal-bulk carriers ghar-Russja li nnegozja Mintoff ghax-Shipyard, li l-poplu spicca ihallas biex jitkaxkru il-barra mil-port.
U l-fabbriki tac-Cinizi – dawk success. Cikkultata li ma kienitx u li ma tittikilx. Viti tal-ilma tar-ram fuq disinn ta’ mitt sena ilu li ma riedhom hadd. Fabbrika li tipproduci tessuti ta’ daqs u kwalita li ma juntuzaw mkien.
U kif solva il-problema tal-ilma – billi iddobba driller mil-Libja u ghamel Malta passatur bil-bore holes biex, iva, hexa l-aquifer ukoll u spiccajna naqaw li intellghu bramel tal-ilma mil-bahar ghall-WC.
U il-power station bil-faham, hexa mhux biss il-Menqa il-Marsa u s-sahha ta’ kull min kien joqghod hemm, imma anke l-ambjent in generali bit-trakkijiet ghaddejjin mit-toroq lejl u nhar iferrxu l-irmied.
Paul Borg, tassew l-anqas ghandek ebda ideja ta’ x’inhu gid, ghax mhux biss tara l-qassatat kollha msemmija hawn fuq bhala ta’ siewi, imma l-anqas biss taghraf il-gid veru li ilek tghix fieh mill-ewwel gurnata li Malta helset mill-hakma korrosiva u abbusiva tal-Labour Party f’dak il-jum glorjuz tad-9 ta’ Mejju 1987.