Il-wizz ta' Kurt spicca bla bajd

Published: October 27, 2010 at 3:23pm
Dan huwa wizz - bl-Ingliz, goose. Ibid bhal papri. Jaghmel l-eggs.

Dan huwa wizz - bl-Ingliz, goose. Ibid bhal papri. Jaghmel l-eggs.

U din hija papra - jigifieri duck. Id-duck ma taghmilx l-eggs tad-deheb. Dak il-goose biss jaghmilhom, cioe, taghmilhom, ghax goose mara u r-ragel taghha isibuh bhala gander.

U din hija papra - jigifieri duck. Id-duck ma taghmilx l-eggs tad-deheb. Dak il-goose biss jaghmilhom, cioe, taghmilhom, ghax goose mara u r-ragel taghha isibuh bhala gander.

U dawn huma bajd tac-chickens, mhux tal-goose u lanqas tal-papri - lanqas ta' Kurt Farrugia ghaldaqstant.

U dawn huma bajd tac-chickens, mhux tal-goose u lanqas tal-papri - lanqas ta' Kurt Farrugia ghaldaqstant.

Sorry, I couldn’t resist that. Those people just ask for it. Look at this piece of pontification about the budget taken from – where else? – Kurt Farrugia’s Maltastar.

They use one of the most hackneyed metaphors in the language and then proceed to explain it for their Globish audience. So why bother using it in the first place?

Also, because Maltastar readers are the sort who can’t tell their barnyard fowl from their Facebook ‘chritsian-chatolics’, Kurt Farrugia’s ‘tim’ should have started their explanation by telling them what a goose is.

Dik papra, hija? Le, papra duckie bl-Ingliz. Kwek-kwek. Goose ma nafx xi z-z*bb hi. Dan il-hafna kliem tqil. Ara, ras, ghamlulna stampa hawnhekk. Dak goose tghid? Ma nafx ta – dik papra qed nara hemmhekk. OK, ghandha ghonqa naqa twil izzejjed, imma xorta duckie narah.

From Maltastar, yesterday:

Why are PM Gonzi and Finance Minister Fenech trying to kill the goose that laid the golden eggs?

For those who don’t know, “The Goose that laid the golden eggs” is one of Aesop’s best known fables.

The moral of the story is to avoid performing a short sighted action that can destroy the profitability of an asset. Nowhere was this clearer than in the Budget’s draconian tax increase on our precious tourist industry, veritably Malta’s golden egg for so long.

Now tell me, is somebody who doesn’t understand the expression ‘the goose that laid the golden eggs’ likely to know min iz-z*bb hu Aesop? Or what a fable is? Or the meaning of Big Words like ‘draconian’ and ‘veritably’ and ‘profitability’ – or for that matter, ‘short-sighted’ or ‘clearer’ or even ‘moral’ and ‘asset’?

Sometimes I wonder who in God’s name Maltastar thinks its audience is.

18 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio2010 says:

    It seems that Kurt has gone from tweeting to quacking.

  2. Al Aesopi says:

    Heq if GoNziPN and his friend killed the goose, they majtezwel make some gowlden soss now

  3. anthony says:

    I would have thought that it was the goose that was being ruthlessly taxed by Tonio Fenech.

    Surely the goose, and not its eggs, refers to the tourist industry.

    The tourist industry (the goose) lays the golden eggs which happen to be tax neutral in this case.

    It all depends on whether the goose or its egg came first.

    Maybe Maltastar can enlighten us on the conundrum and entertain us further.

  4. Little Britain says:

    Oh god, I laughed so much, I almost wet myself.

  5. TROY says:

    Well actually Kurt reminds me of a duck, having his arse so close to the ground and crapping all over the place.

  6. Edward says:

    “our precious tourist industry, veritably Malta’s golden egg”

    Wrong! Tourism is the goose and not the egg; the egg is the revenue from tourism.

    After all that’s the whole point of the metaphor; if tourism were simply the egg, killing tourism would be no big deal as the goose (whatever that might represent) would just have to lay another egg and that’s that.

    “U ija mhux xorta… egg, goose ’qanna…”

  7. Lino Cert says:

    Maybe Maltastar is still working out what came first, the goose or the egg.

  8. Marku says:

    Maltastar’s audience? Wotz dat?

  9. Bus Driver says:

    Or, as Pythagoras might well have remarked ” A classic example of the high-potty news of the PL triangle.”

  10. De Guuuz bla bajda says:

    Isma Defney hi, kindly stop mocking il-lejber ghax you’re cracking me up u se nispicca naghmel tahti.

    Seriously, you’re such a lucky columnist, D. Maltastar and their inept gang of idiots just hand you ammunition for your commentaries, on a plate.

    Why don’t they employ someone with some brains to advise them? Surely they made enough money with their ‘new emblem’ scam to afford someone with a degree in English, at least.

    A government in-waiting? I lose my will to live.

  11. Luigi says:

    Kurt + Coconut + Dwarf Jester + Toby Jug = Hobbit (bla bajd).

  12. Antoine Vella says:

    The Maltastar writers themselves do not necessarily know the meaning of the words they have used. The entire paragraph is made up of phrases pilfered from different websites and stitched together like a quilt.

    Wikipedia: “Killing The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs is among the best known of Aesop’s fables.”
    Maltastar: “The Goose that laid the golden eggs” is one of Aesop’s best known fables.”

    Wikipedia: “ . . . a short-sighted action that destroys the profitability of an asset.”
    Maltastar: “ . . . a short sighted action that can destroy the profitability of an asset.” (They must have thought there was no need for a hyphen)

    A quick Google search will also reveal the numerous sources of other clichés such as: nowhere was this clearer, the moral of the story, draconian tax increase, precious tourism industry, (Malta’s) “golden egg for so long”.

    I guessed that this Maltastar piece must have been copied because it lacks their trademark malapropisms and grammar mistakes.

  13. Bob Gauci says:

    Sori ‘qanna, Defni, ken ij hev e pikcer ov e goldin ejg?

    For your info, hotels took action about their rates nearly two years ago when the 50c idea was around… at that time JM was still trying to press the right button in BRU.

  14. fred says:

    Is it only my impression that Super One radio and TV are really one big family? Il-partner, il-habib, il-habiba, il-mara, ir-ragel, iz-ziju, they all work there?

    Amusing how Super One must have its own family tree.

  15. David Gatt says:

    Kultant iddahhaqni Daphne. Imma ghandek ragun fuq din :)

  16. Home Time says:

    From Maltastar’s item on Mons Cauchi’s recovery: “Bishop Cauchi, 81, suffered an induced coma last night.”

    They cannot even copy correctly.

  17. e. muscat says:

    You really have a way! I love it. Keep up the good work. Thanks.

  18. R Camilleri says:


    The latest rankings from the Alexa website: – 144 – 280

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