Attakk fahxi sfrenat fuq il-pudur ta' Charlon Gouder: crack open the whisky and read on

Published: October 5, 2010 at 6:22pm
Charlon Gouder is shocked and appalled at this unwarranted assault by a cookery writer

Charlon Gouder is shocked and appalled at this unwarranted assault by a cookery writer

You know the legal principle that a person can’t be prosecuted twice for the same crime?

I’ve dredged up from the archives my appalling crimes against the reputation, honesty, integrity and ‘pudur’ of Charlon Gouder, and reproduced them in the most recent posts so that you don’t have to search for them yourself.

Ejjew ninghaqdu ha naghtu fastidju lil Charlon, forsi mbaghad jikCONSla ftit.

Have fun. I certainly did.

But first, key ‘Miss Jason’ into the Search box at the top righthand corner and read the post MISS JASON DOESN’T KNOW THAT MRS DAPHNE WRITES FOR THE NEWSPAPERS, the first post of today, to put you in the picture.

10 Comments Comment

  1. Alan says:

    Double Jeopardy at its finest. I loved reading them … again.

  2. C Abela Triganza says:

    Jiena nahseb li Jason mhux talli ma jaqrax gazzetti imma qatt ma hareg mid-dar jekk ma kienx jaf min hi Daphne Caruana Galizia.

    Gidba fahxija taht gurament. Certu nies l-anqas minn Alla ma jisthu fil-veru sens tal-kelma.

  3. Rover says:

    Charlon Byon Jo Miss Jason. Right, how quickly can you repeat that three times in a row.

    Where on earth do they get these names from? It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if they were extracted from some biodegradable detergent.

  4. PSA says:

    I’m sure some people are reading them for the first time … so now there are more people who know about Gouder.

    [Daphne – It’s called the Streisand Effect: ]

  5. Antoine Vella says:

    The Labour clique resorts to these antics while still in opposition. Can you imagine how insufferable they’ll be in government?

  6. So Sleazy says:

    Charlon Gouder: “I was just following orders.”

    Now where have we heard that one before?

    You noticed Vince MIcallef’s gum in court – but did you notice his ‘faqa’ shiny white tie?

    Consuelo Herrera is in chav heaven, her natural home.

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