Daphne taghti fastidju lil Charlon Gouder No. 10

Published: October 5, 2010 at 6:09pm
Charlon finds some austerity measures

Charlon finds some austerity measures


After still unconfirmed claims that he was aggredit by a tall woman in Albert Town who stole his wallet (do you think that if I send him these questions by email, Charlon will answer them?), it turns out that there was another mysterious aggredizzjoni fuq Charlon Gouder.

Maltastar reported last June that Labour’s media Big Cheese was in a nightclub near Rabat – with his wife, it hastened to add, lest anyone think that he left her at home and went with somebody from, say, Albert Town – when he was assaulted by two men.

It gave no further explanation or reason for the attack, leaving its chicken-coop of readers to assume that the reasons were political.

Maltastar didn’t report any political insults, though – nothing on the lines of ‘Ghax ma tmurx tiehdu f’XXXXXXXXX ja lXXa Laburist.’

No. It just said that two men approached him and started to insult him. You can bet your last cent that if the insults had involved his role in the Labour Party, we would have heard all about them, in their full glory.

Given that the insults were ‘bleeped out’ – or the written equivalent, that is – one imagines that they might have involved a couple of unpaid bills at Albert Town. You know, at the frozen meat factory there. But I doubt it. I’m sure Labour’s Communications Bald Eagle – he makes a strange pair with Kurt Farrugia the Communications Coconut – pays all his dues promptly.

His wife must have a fridge full of bacon. “Hi honey, I’m home! Ara x’ frozen chicken sabiha gibtlek.”

Maltastar.com, 29 June 2009

PL media executive seriously injured in attack

Charlon Gouder media executive of the Labour Party was assaulted by two men in a nightclub in the limits of Rabat on Friday night.

Mr Gouder was in a nightclub with his wife when two unknown men approached him and started to insult him. The two men then punched him in the face and head.

Mr Gouder was taken to the Mosta health centre where he was certified that he suffered serious injuries to the face and needed stitches to his head.

He filed a report with the police. An investigation is underway.

Meanwhile, the Labour Party has strongly condemned the violent attack on its media executive and appealed for the police to bring to justice the individuals who attacked Mr Gouder.

8 Comments Comment

  1. david g says:

    Did the police arrest the culprits?

  2. Antoine Vella says:

    More than a year has passed since then and I’m sure that Gouder knew the men who attacked him; it’s about time that Super One gave us an update.

  3. edgar says:

    It is becoming very common for PL members to be assaulted by men in the middle of the night (also the incident of the doctor from Zebbug comes to mind) – and although it seems that the attackers are known, no action as yet has been taken by the police. It seems very odd to me.

  4. So Sleazy says:

    Am I the only one who thinks this, or is there an undercurrent of pervertedly sexual sleaze in this ‘network’ of Super One journalists, a magistrate, separated lawyers and chavvy ‘businessmen’? Some people think that money is what drives this underworld, but I think it’s just cheap sex.

  5. J.Aquilina says:

    I’d say it’s both, Mr/Ms Sleaze … both, believe me. Not that either money or sex will ever make the sorry lot of them any happier – and not that they ever give the impression that they need money, or are not getting enough sex.

    • So Sleazy says:

      I can’t help noticing that the uglier these people are, the more sex they seem to want or need. It’s as though they’re making up for all the sex they couldn’t have when they were younger because of a dearth of interest in their persons. Now, sandwiched between the long-ago sexual desert of their youth and the encroaching slack muscles of late middle age, they are trying to stuff in as much as they can – literally.

      • Josephine says:

        That has always been my theory – the uglier women are, the bigger the slut they tend to be.

  6. Mario Bean says:

    Mur ara kemm nisimghu iktar stejjer dwar Charlon Gouder meta Alla hares il-poplu jaghtihom mandat biex jiggvernawna.

    Ara x’farsa jkollna f’Malta matul il-5 snin li jaghmlu fil-gvern.

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