The dwarf jester shakes his bells again

Published: November 11, 2010 at 2:54pm
The Labour Party's director of communications fools around to amuse the proletariat

The Labour Party's director of communications fools around to amuse the proletariat

Amazing how easily you can tell that Kurt Farrugia added the last two sentences to this letter which somebody else wrote for him.

The Times, Letters to the Editor, today
Joseph Muscat’s VAT proposal that never was
Kurt Farrugia, director of communications, Labour Party, Ħamrun

Lou Bondì should have realised by now you cannot fool all or even some of the people all the time despite the privilege of having a prime time programme on state television.

In his latest letter (November 9) he quotes Joseph Muscat as having once said that “Now that the EU has given us the chance, the 18 per cent VAT rate should be reduced”, citing it as paltry evidence of a supposedly Labour “proposal” for a decrease in the general VAT rate.

Had Mr Bondì done his own research he might, had he had the inclination, have found out that Dr Muscat was referring to his proposal to reduce VAT on restaurant services. A proposal he made after the EU gave member states a time-window opportunity to reduce VAT on particular services. Further proof that Mr Bondì, or whoever drafted the list, is simply wrong is that member states do not need any EU consent to decrease the general VAT rate to a minimum of 15 per cent.

Thus, it is obvious that Dr Muscat was referring to his proposal on restaurant services. This gaffe alone strikes €52 million off Mr Bondì’s calculations (or whoever drafted them). The fact the Prime Minister endorsed these wrong calculations and even indicated his office might have come up with them leaves little else to be said.

No wonder the government is in such a mess. Shame on the state broadcaster, funded out of all the taxpayers’ money, to allow such a shallow propaganda exercise.

As for Lou Bondi and the need to under that you “cannot fool all or even some of the people all the time despite the privilege of having a prime time programme on state television”, why that’s rich coming from the Labour Party’s director of communications, when the party’s communications machinery includes an entire television station and not just one prime-time show. And it uses that station to – you’ve guessed it – fool as many people for as much of the time as is humanly possible.

Vote No to EU!

Made in Brussel!

Attenti ghax gejjin il-parrukkiera Sqallin!

Blekdust (to be pronounced like blekbull pub)!

Konsulent tal-gvern mhallas tmenin elf euro fix-siegha!

5 Comments Comment

  1. TROY says:

    He’s just a sawn-off idiot.

  2. Neil Dent says:

    Ms. M. Micallef perhaps? Whoever the original author was, I bet (s)he was pissed off to find out, when opening today’s The Times, that his/her fair effort had all of its credibility (that’s not the same as all of the taxpayers’ money….) ripped away by two bloody awful closing lines.

  3. Mark Pace says:

    MLP – Skrapan United!

  4. ciccio2010 says:

    OK, so now we know that Joseph Muscat is not in favour of reducing the VAT rate of 18%.
    Next question. Will he now GUARANTEE that his government would not increase that rate?

  5. Karl Bonello says:

    X’par ghandu!

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