
Published: November 30, 2010 at 5:11pm

Saviour Balzan and his stable of Lord of the Rings fans haven’t noticed yet, but 137 of the 251,000 classified US diplomatic service cables that are being uploaded on Wikileaks were sent from Malta.

Some of those date from 1966. There’s bound to be something extremely amusing in there.

Wikileaks are uploading the cables in batches of several hundred at a time, to avoiding diluting the impact of the more important ones (and hugely entertaining – try the one detailing brunch with Prince Andrew in Kyrgyzstan; I’ll upload it later).

The US dispatches from Malta haven’t been uploaded yet, but when they are you’ll be able to find them at

12 Comments Comment

  1. MarioP says:

    No doubt there will be a few references to ‘the mouse that roared’.

  2. La Redoute says:

    Why would they bother when one can see a world in a grain of sand?

  3. Marku says:

    I can’t wait.

  4. P Shaw says:

    While I admit that certain content is interesting (e.g. North Korea’s spoiled child, Argentina president pill addiction and anxiety attacks, etc), these leaks are aimed to damage the US reputation and ability to collect information on terrorism in the future.

    Nobody in his/her right mind will ever talk or help the Americans in the global fight against terrorism, knowing that their name wil be eventually revealed.

    This is the principal aim of this website, even though it is ‘sugar coated’ with juicy gossip material. Its founder seems to be erratic as well and full of spite against the world, and the US in particular.

    • TROY says:

      Hang on P Shaw, maybe we’ll get to hear about Joseph’s smoke and mud obsessions.

      • Anthony Farrugia says:

        Hang on again P Shaw, wikileaks did not hack into any US Government intranet but these cables were copied by a disgruntled or bored US serviceman and passed on to wikileaks.
        For example, we did not learn anything new about Berlusconi but got the US view on this funny little man.

  5. J Abela says:

    I read that there are 101 documents…but anyway. I’m looking forward to see what’s in them.

    • Matthew says:

      101 cables were sent from the US embassy in Floriana, but a total of 137 were sent from Malta.

      See for yourself: go to and click ‘Cables by Country’ at the bottom of the page, below the ‘Gaphics of the cablegate dataset’ heading.

      A graph will pop up with a small magnifying glass and spreadsheet icon below it. Click that to view the data in a table, then look for Malta.

  6. red nose says:

    This should be a historian’s paradise

  7. Neil Dent says:

    Speaking of (wiki)leaks, I’ve waited all day for the MlataratS take on Austin Gatt’s revelations in yesterday’s PAC sitting in the ongoing Bee-Double-You-Ess-See hearing.

    Strange – as of 16:25hrs not one mention of it as far as I can see.

    Mind you navigating the blessed site is at best a pain in the arse so maybe I missed it.

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