A miser to the end

Published: December 3, 2010 at 11:40am

The latest chapter in the seemingly never-ending saga of Mintoff and hospital is that he has now ended up at St Vincent de Paule nursing home.

This is not in any way a comment or negative reflection on nursing homes and those who live in them, because I don’t think of it that way at all.

But Dom Mintoff is the sort of man for whom this would be the ultimate humiliation, the nadir of powerlessness and frustration. I look at the situation through his eyes, and the Christian spirit abandons me so fast that I have to grab it by its bootstraps.

The significance of the early December date does not escape me. It probably doesn’t escape Mintoff, either, if he is compos mentis. He always sought to do his worst at this time of year.

He set aside the first two weeks for December for unleashing havoc and upsetting as many people as possible. God knows why he hates early December, but he does. Even sticking Republic Day on the date he seems to hate most failed to exorcise his mysterious demons.

He made it his life’s work to terrorise, humiliate and bully all those who had the serious misfortune to cross his path, including the very ones who worshipped him, his own sibling and his own wife. Those who encountered him through work and politics went through hell because he is just so damned awful.

Now here he is, reduced to the status of a little old man, possibly wearing a harqa, confined to a nursing home with maids and aides calling him ‘hi’ (not the American greeting) and ‘qalbi’, and patronising him, feeding him and sticking him on a bedpan.

If it had been anyone else, I would have had the good grace to say nothing. But I have enough insight into the man’s character to see that he would hate my pity far more than these observations. Fortunately for him, I can feel no pity in this context. I could, of course, fake it and write an epistle calling on people to pray for him in his predicament, the poor thing, but that would be the ultimate cruelty and I’m not great at pretending.

Instead, I will merely read the reams of online comments of the type ‘We’re praying for you, Perit!’ ‘Get well soon!’ ‘Alla mieghek, perit!’ and know just how crazy with irritation and anger he would be if he were able to read them. And how much he would despise those who write them as crawling minions on whom he would love to stamp if he weren’t in a nursing home.

And right until the very end, he remains a miserable miser. He can afford to pay for an army of private nurses and maids to work shifts and look after him at home, let alone the fees at a private nursing home.

But no, he goes to the state nursing home biex jibqa jerda b’xejn minn fuq dar il-poplu sa l-ahhar nett, and in doing so, he has taken the place of somebody who hasn’t got two cents to rub together apart from the state mininum pension.

67 Comments Comment

  1. Anthony Farrugia says:

    From l-Orizzont online 03.12.2010

    minn Josef Caruana

    L-awtoritajiet għaddejjin b’ritmu mgħaġ­ġel biex ilestu xi arran­ġamenti neċessarji ħalli l-eks-Prim Ministru Dom Mintoff joħroġ mill-Isptar Mater Dei, fejn iddaħħal għat-tieni darba fi spazju ta’ xahrejn fil-bidu tax-xahar li għadda, u jiġi ytrasferit għar-Residenza San Vinċenz de Paule.

    Minn tagħrif li kiseb l-orizzont, jirri­żulta li “l-Perit” se jkun akkomo­dat f’kam­ra maqtugħ għalih fis-sala tad-dimensja fil-fergħa l-ġdida ta’ San Vinċenz, li ġiet inawgurata ftit tax-xhur ilu. Jingħad li minħabba li din is-sala ma kinitx attrezzata biex tilqa’ lil xi ħadd f’kamra waħdu, inkluż bil-faċilitajiet sanitarji, ittieħdet id-deċiżjoni li kam­­ra li kienet isservi bħala post ta’ rikreazzjoni għall-pazjenti tas-sala, tinbidel f’dik li se tos­pita lill-eks-Mexxej Labu­ris­ta, li fis-6 ta’ Awwissu li għadda għalaq l-94 sena.

    Għal dan il-għan tqabbad kuntrattur biex jieħu ħsieb l-alterazzjonijiet fil-bini, bħal spaz­ju għal kamra tal-banju u anke xi bdil fl-aperturi. Qiegħda ssir pressjoni mill-awtoritajiet, l-aktar tas-saħħa, biex ix-xogħlijiet meħtieġa jitlestew malajr kemm jista’ jkun.

    Żaru wkoll il-post ulied Mintoff, Anna McKenna u Yana Min­toff Blend, akkum­pan­jati mill-ogħla uffiċjali tar-residen­za.

    Bħalissa Mintoff jinsab rikoverat fis-sala tas-CCCU (Critical Coronary Care Unit) fl-Isptar Mater Dei fejn ilu rikoverat mill-10 ta’ Novembru minħabba kundizzjoni tal-qalb u deidratazzjoni, iżda minn dakinhar ’l hawn dejjem irkupra sew. Minkejja dan, fil-bulettini mediċi dwar saħħtu ngħad li hu qed ibati wkoll minn kundizzjonijiet relatati mal-età …wisq pro­babbli li d-dimensja inkluża.

    Fis-16 ta’ Settembru ta’ din is-sena, l-aħbar li l-Perit Mintoff kien iddaħħal b’urġenza l-Isptar, bil-kundizzjoni tiegħu tkun deskritta bħala gravi tant li għamel ukoll xi jiem fit-Taqsima tal-Kura Intensiva, kienet ħasdet lill-pajjiż, partikolarment fost il-Laburisti li jqisuh bħala l-vera “Missier Malta”.

    No further comment needed !

  2. Anonymous Coward says:

    This would make for a fitting send-off for the wretched old sod.

  3. Rita Camilleri says:

    Wow with a long waiting list at St. Vincent De Paule, they managed to find him a bed or rather, according to timesofmalta.com, a private room – and as you said, he is such a miser he won’t pay for anything himself, ja qammiel.

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Daphne, I love you, nay, worship you.


      Join the queue.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        There’s no queue. There’s just a small crowd of puzzled readers wondering why the sense on this blessed island is to be found on a single blog run by someone in their spare time. Meanwhile, our “professional” journalists are busy driving their noses deeper into that brown crack. The great Unquestioning Fourth Estate.

    • Paul Bonnici says:

      Daphne, I cannot find the right words to praise your ‘eulogy’ for our great Dear Leader.

      The memory of the dark ages of the 70s and 80s is still very vivid in your memory Daphne. I have the greatest respect for your ability to shock and to reveal.

      I am writing this from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where another nasty brute of Mintoff’s ilk, Mohammed Mahatir, is still breathing precious air. I heard in the past that Mintoff was a friend of Mahatir and he tried to contact Mahatir through Maltese diplomats.

  5. Etil says:

    I do not wish to stick up for the guy, but after all I suppose it is his immediate family who should be taking care of his needs now that he is no longer able to do so on his own. Seems they are the real misers in this case forgetting that they are going to inherit millions on his demise.

    [Daphne – No, Etil, why should they? He put them through hell. Would you dedicate your days to feeding and wiping the bottom of the man who ill-treated and abused your mother, who cuckolded his own brother, and who made sure you all went without, even if he is your father? We cannot presume to know how they feel, and nobody can get on their moral high horse here and said what they should and shouldn’t do. You don’t even know whether they’re going to inherit millions. The man is such an awful skifuz that he’s capable of writing them out of his will and doing whatever the Maltese equivalent is of leaving the lot to Battersea Dogs’ Home.]

  6. Steve says:

    You really don’t like him do you? LOL

  7. Bus Driver says:

    Hear! Hear!

    Pity those who now have to contend with this killer of joy, this person who devoted a considerable part of his life to creating misery where none should otherwise have existed, and with his surly and obnoxious character.

  8. pippo says:

    daph halli forsi nghidlek xi haga li tista tkun ghaliex dan il bniedem spicca hemm ghax huwa xehhieh.
    jista jaghti il kaz li dan il bniedem hadt ma jrid jiehu hsiebu ghax mhux bniedem li toqghod mieghu? billi ghandu il flus ma jfissirx li jista jghamel kollox.
    u dan meta kien f`sessieh gewwa kastilja kien igib it termos mieghu ghax l anqas l iktar bniedem vicin tieghu ma kien jafda. (saqsi lil victor)
    dan min irrid imur jghamillu u jiehu hsiebu, wara kollox ma hemmx it tfal tieghu ghadhom hajjin……….

  9. Why don’t they put what is left in a box and just throw it away?

  10. TROY says:

    He always had it his way even if it meant causing misery to others – just let me know when the funeral is, please.

  11. Rover says:

    I hope he has made arrangements to set up a charitable trust fund with the millions he stashed away. Jekk baqghalu zejt f’wiccu, that is.

  12. Louis says:

    I think this is a case of some people are more equal than others. It would be interesting to know when he applied to enter this government home, as it is an open secret that there is a very long list of applicants to this home.

    [Daphne – Don’t you know he’s a socialist? He’s the pig who’s more equal than others.]

  13. xejnsew.com says:

    Forsi minghalih ser jehodom mieghu. Ara naqra, ta, kif spicca is-Salvatur ta’ Malta. Anke jien nitlob ghalik perit, halli Alla jahfirlek tad-deni u l-mibedgha li zrajt fost il-poplu Malti tul il-hakma tieghek.

    Nitlob ghalik forsi l-eluf ta’ nies minn kull parti tas-socjeta Maltija jahfrulek tal-biza u l-hsara li gibt mieghek.

    “il-Kaptan bil-pipa f’halqu jidderigi l-bastiment …..
    ghamillu karta, ghamillu karta, ghamillu karta ghal-tax-xjuh!”

  14. xejnsew.com says:

    Mintoff l-Imgieret

    Sammy Meilaq mar jara lil Minotff l-imgieret. Jhin wasal fil-ward sab balla xjuh jomhtu u jefsfu fid-drghas. Fosthom kien hemm is-salvatur. Xejn resq lejh intebah li s-salvatur kien sormu barra. Sammy inhasad u b’biza liema bhala qallu….

    Missier x’int taghmel? mela ma taf li qighed sormok barra bil-bocci tal-laham imdendla ma kuptejk?

    Mintof b’ lehen mimli rajba u stmerrijja qallu: ” Kemm int injurant mit-tarzna! ha nispjegalek jien…il-gimgha l-ohra hallewni bla qmis u laqatt stiff neck, din il-gimgha ha niprova bla harqa forsi ma tafx kif jitharrek xi haga.

    • cas says:

      Min jaf, forsi Sammy Meilaq ghad jispicca voluntier l-Imgieret idur bil-perit. Issa Sammy pensjonant; ghandu hafna hin x’jiddedika ghall-perit.

  15. Etil says:

    OK Daph. You are right. I did not know the full story about his family although I did hear something in the past. I guess you are quite correct in your reasoning and I should not have jumped to certain conclusions. I agree that if I had had such a father/husband, I would find it very difficult indeed to care for him.

  16. dudu says:

    ‘God knows why he hates early December, but he does.’

    Hi Daphne, could it be that he hates it because of the approaching festivities? You know, people having fun, in good spirits and all that.

  17. Hadd minn dawk li kienu jzommu xemgha mixghula u bukkett fjuri fuq xkaffa fil-gholi quddiem xbiegha tieghu ma jithajjar izommu? M’ghadux Alla!

  18. TROY says:

    Missier Malta, meta lanqas biss kien missier uliedu. Ma kienx jirrispetta lil-familja tieghu, ahseb u ara lil Malta.
    Forsi issa jghidilna x’ghamel bihom il-flus tal-war damage halli nkunu nistghu naghmlulu saqaf it-tejatru l-gdid. Imsieken dawk l-infermiera li se jkollhom iduru bieh; Ad moltos pacenzja!

  19. Maria Dolores says:

    dar suppost kellha tigi miktuba DAHAR (back) mhux DAR (house)

  20. ciccio2010 says:

    It’s a pity that Mintoff hated computers so much he cannot read this blog. Maybe he will find someone at SVDP to read it out to him. Only that could make him get out of bed.

  21. Angus Black says:

    Sewwa, il-Lejburisti jirriferu ghal Mater Dei bhala ‘Mater Dejn’ u issa gvern Nazzjonalist ser johloq kamra ‘state-of-the-art ghall mahmug Mintoff.


  22. Gahan says:

    May I join in with another assumption which could be an answer to what is happening?

    It could be that il-perit was declared senile by some psychiatrist paid by his relatives.That way he cannot do anything with his money and so he was sent to San Vincenz. He was sleeping for a period at Casa ArKati, but who could know what happened?

  23. H Mizzi says:

    Daphne, I bet that you and xejnsew.com are birda of
    the same feather and in the 1980’s you were both
    amongst the brainwashed mob which screamed “Salbu.
    Salbu” that is “Crucify him. Crucify him” when the name of ex Prime Minister DM was mentioned in the mass meeting held in Sliema by the Nationalist Party. Daphne it is worthwhile to consider that it was not the Editor of l-orizzont or his staff who decided to accommodate our ex Prime Minister DM at SVPH. The decision was made by
    Minister J Cassar and Parliamentary Secretary Mario Galea who are both included in the Parliamentary Group of the Nationalist Party. It is evident Daphne that you are merely as your initials DCG stand for Defsa Cercura Gonzjana.

    • ciccio2010 says:

      H Mizzi, why are you going back to the 80s about “Sallbu! Sallbu!”?
      Don’t remember that in 1997-98, he was called “Traditur” by birds of his same feather?

  24. N.L. says:

    Nispera li ma jiehux il-penzjoni kollha wkoll.

  25. CharlesG says:

    I’ve noticed that those who praise Mintoff nowadays are living off a miserable pension for the simple fact that they didn’t even deserve their workplace during the Labour years and therefore didn’t even feel the need to get a better education. They thought Mintoff would take care of them forever.

  26. Ghoxrin punt says:

    I propose a carcade on THE day

    • Antoine Vella says:

      I hope wine importers are stocking up adequate supplies of bubbly. What with the festive season coming up and now another possible festivity in the offing.

  27. kev says:

    By the looks of it he’s got total dementia and lost control over his own purse. But I’m just guessing.

  28. Silvio Farrugia says:

    This shows that our politicians take care of each other. They never ONCE managed to put a corrupt one in prison.

    All over the world politicians are caught in corruption and have to resign or go to prison but in Malta it NEVER happened.

    They award each other special pensions (while they stole my dad’s pension because he had a British one) and Dr Gonzi saw it fit after the last election to give a sum each to the losers.

    Also the cabinet took a raise of euro 600 when we got 1.16 a week.They are also going to build their den of thieves in the best place in Malta.

    • ciccio2010 says:

      “or go to prison but in Malta it NEVER happened.”
      I thought John Dalli, who is currently serving a four-year sentence in Brussels, was a Maltese politician – and he is actually keen to do a come-back.

  29. claire abela triganza says:

    Iktar ma hu qammiel iktar isib min jikkopera mieghu.

    Jekk hu bed ridden difficli li jsib dar ta’ l-anzjani li taccettah imma nurse jew sptar privat nahseb li jippermettihom. Jiflah ihallas il-perit.

    Giet anke bintu mill-Amerika taghmel l-inspection. Bl-ideali kollha tieghu ma marx fil-wards mal-kumplament tal-poplu imma accetta li jinghata trattament differenti u aqwa minn haddiehor.

    Ara fil-hajja personali tieghu qammiel mill-kbar, imma minn fuq il-gvern first class treatment.

    Kien hemm zmien fejn il-perit ghamel kapricc u ghadda xi zmien Casa Rkati. Meta kien jitlaq mill-home kien jippretendi li l-kamra tibqa riservata ghalih imma ovvjament ma jhallasx sakemm ma jkunx qed jaghmel uzu minnha.

    Rajt xi kummenti fejn intqal li l-perit spicca l-Ingieret. Il-perit ser ikun stamt daqs li kieku qieghed fl-aqwa home privata li tezisti. Kulhadd jibza minnhu minhabba l-arroganza tieghu u l-gvern jidher li paxxieh sew.

    • Jo says:

      Jista’ is-segretarjat ghall-anzjani jew min hu responsabbli mil-applikazzjonijiet ghal San Vincens, jghidilna jekk lill-Mintoff humiex izommulu 60% mill-pensjoni u mill-assi tieghu kif jitolbu r-regoli ghal min jidhol San Vincens, jekk ma jkunx fqir? Jew Mintoff ftaqar ghal kollox?

  30. Hot Mama says:

    Scrooge without the redemption at the end

  31. Pat says:

    Ok, am not a Mintoff fanatic, want to make that very clear. Anzi jien l oppost . Imma wara li qrajt l artiklu u anki il kummenti kollha. nassumi li hadd min kiteb ma jaf ezatt x igifieri “Alzheimer`s “. Lanqas Daphne , zgur. Ghax dik il mishuta marda trid tesperjenza biex FORSI tifhem x kundanna hi. Jien qabel ukoll kont nahseb li kull ma jaghmlu, jinsew ghax kibru u daqsekk. Kemm kont imqarrqa!!Minghajr ma noqghod immur fil fond jew personali, anki ghax ghadni sa issa bil piena kbira f qalbi, nghidilkom li Mintoff anqas biss idea ma ghandhu fejn qieghed. Zgur. Setghu haduh il palazz kieku riedu……would not have made an iota of a difference to him. Hafna u hafna kien qammiel, imma din id decizjoni mhux hu hadha. Inpoggi hajjthi li haduha uliedu. Ma nafx iddecidewx hekk biex ma jhallsux jew le, imma ftit huma id djar tax xjuh hawn Malta li jaccettaw Alzheimer s avvanzata, ghax iridu kwazi attenzjoni individwali lejl u nhar u kwazi impossibbli. U ghal pazjent flus mormijja ghax dawk mohh spiccut, u il bniedem tnehhielu mohhu, x jibqa? “Dementia” hi terminu in generali, il mishuta Alzheimer`s hi forma ta dementia. Min jinsa biss, ma jakkuzakx fuq mitt haga kuljum, ma jkunx vjolenti, ma jkunx aggressiv. Ma tarax ghajnejh iharsu fil vojt u ma jgharafx lil istess uliedu. Daw l imsejkna jesistu biss , and robbed of all their dignity. Nispera li xi hadd ma jifhimniex li qeghda nikteb dan kollu ghax nithassar lil Mintoff. Pero a worse end ma hawwnx nista naccertakhom. U Alla jaghti il pacenzja lil familjari ghax jeqirduk ftit, ftit. U ma jkunu jafu XEJN! Anzi, bicciet minnhom, mur ghidilhom imsieken. U anqas hu sew li hawn familji iddisprati biex idahhlu lil xi qarib St Vincent De Paule, ma jistghux assolutament ikomplu iduru iktar bihom ghax isiru bla raguni ta xejn …..impossibbli. Ghal bidu tipprova min kollox imma fl ahhar tispicca tibla il pinnoli int. Humanely impossible. Sewwa, mela daw fuq waiting list twila kilometru, u dan ituh kamra ghalih, meta ipogguh fejn ipogguh, qatt ma jista jkun komdu ghax m ghandux idea fejn qieghed, jew jekk hux jezisti. So why waste a room? Daw tobba suppost, altru jafu x hajja jghaddu il pazjenti bl Alzheimer s le? Apparentament ma jafux. Nisfida lil kwalunque bniedem li mar f dak il ward li jghid li ma harigtx kwazi mibluh jew imbikkem. Ghax meta tara nies ridotti f dak li stat tibda titlob li il bambin johodhom illum qabel ghada. Veru li meta jitilqu, tmut bicca min qalbek maghhom imma trid tkun altru egoist biex tara lil xi mahbub tieghek jghix f dik il miserja u tridu jibqa haj. Naghlaq billi nghid li kull min ghaddej min dit tragedja u forsi qed jipprova l ahhar soluzjoni……anki hekk taqsam qalbek meta tiehu id decizjoni……li iddahhalhom St Vincent De Paule, li ghallinqas isibu kamra malajr bhal ma sab Mintoff. Imma jien ghaddejt minnha u ghandhi dubbji kbar, sfortunatament.

    • maryanne says:

      Napprezza min dak li ghaddejt int pero il-focus m’ghandux ikun fuq il-marda imma fuq il-privilegg li se jinghata Mintoff.

      Mistoqsija wahda. Kieku ma kienx Mintoff u kien persuna normali x’kien jigri? Xorta ma kienux jaccettawh f’dar privata, skond inti. Kienu jirrangawlu suite malajr biex jaqdu lilu u jserrhu lill-familja? Zgur li kien ikollu jistenna meta jmissu, jekk ma jilhaqx imut.

      Mintoff ghandu biex ihallas ghal-kura privata 24 sigha kuljum u hekk missu sar halli kien ikollu l-privatezza u l-kura kollha li jinhtieg.

    • Chris says:

      Inti ghandek ragun titkellem hekk imma mintoff kien prim ministru ta malta ghal hafna zmien. Jien naqbel mieghek li tghid hemm waiting list twila mili shah u dan alla jbierek dahal malajr imma nerga nfakkrek li dan kien prim ministru. Tahseb li meta xi hadd importanti min naha l-ohra dahal l-isptar ma tawhx xi importanza u ma qabbisx kju?? Jien ma nistax nifhem kif din il-hdura kollha ghal bniedem li hu marid. lanqas li ma kienx marid ma ghandu jkun dan ahseb u ara marid. U alla jista kollox qisu laburisti biss jiehdu xi vantagg. nahseb l-ebda nazzjonalist ma ha vantagg b’dawn l-affarijiet.

      • maryanne says:

        Fejn qed taraha l-hdura fi kliemi, Chris? Ghalija ma hemmx prim ministru u kennies fejn tidhol l-edukazzjoni u s-sahha. U jekk haddiehor jiehu vantagg bhalu, hazin ukoll.

  32. red nose says:

    I regret to note that there are quite a lot who are acting against all principles of charity. I think we should all remember that we are Christians.- Love him or hate him, it is OUR DUTY to pray for him.

  33. ron says:

    X’ironija tal hajja!
    Mintoff f’San Vincenz de Paule!

    Fi zmienu San Vincenz De Paule jew ahjar Has-Serh kien stalla tal-annimali fejn ix-xjuh kienu jkunu mitluqa imutu fuq sodda l-aqwa li johdilhom bicca sew mill-pensjoni u jarrikatthom li jwaddabhom il barra jekk ma jivvutawlux. Kemm seraq voti minn Has-serh! Ghal kuntarju llum San Vincenz qisu five star hotel u hadd ma jhedded lil hadd biex jivvutalu! u min fuq lil dan il-qasqus dawn l-imbecilli ilestulu kamra privata u b xejn! Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox!

    • Chris says:

      Inti bis-serjeta qed tghid? Nista nfakrek jien li fiz-zmien il-pn kienu u ghadhom jisirqu l-voti serrah rasek. U nahseb li ilek sew ma tmur san vincenz hux ghax mhux li tara s-sabih b’ghajnejk li jghodd imma kif jiehdu hsieb lix-xjuh mitluqin u bil-bewl u l-hara ghal hinijiet twal u jtuhom jixorbu min tazzi ta xulxin bil-mard ikompli jiggenera jew titlobhom xi haga ghal familjari residenti u jghidulek mhux ghalissa ta ghax ikunu qedin jaraw it-tv. Inti u hafna bhalek basta tghajjru lil laburisti u lil mintoff, dik hija l-aktar haga importanti li taghmlu, imbad qiskom l-angli tal-festa bil-musmar f’sormkom u tkantaw il-glorja.

  34. Chris says:

    Ma nistax nifhem kif qed tghid li ha post xi hadd li lanqas ghandu zewg soldi. Skond il-pn m’hawnx faqar fil-pajjiz u kollox miexi sew u issa tigi inti u tghid li ha post xi hadd li ma ghandux sold fuq xix jahlef u barra minhekk kien mintoff stess li introduca is-social service u sahha b’xejn.

  35. Joan Muscat says:

    Mintoff has a prime minister’s pension. Will his pension now be withheld by the state in lieu of the care he is receiving, as with other residents of St Vincent de Paule? Maybe that is why they are preparing a suite especially for him.

  36. TROY says:

    What times can we visit our saviour please ,and are we allowed to take our own coffee filled thermos flask and ‘bandiera tal-partit’ (the old one of course)

  37. me says:

    This might be his award for being instrumental in Alfred Sant’s downfall.

    Those whom the Gods love die young

  38. Anne says:

    wow!do u guys consider yrself Catholics??i HAVE NEVER come across such hatred!!I got goosebumps reading Daphnes article let alone reading the comments…come on u r talking about an old man who cannot answer back..but even if he did…its not the way guys sorry…
    My god!!!carcades on the day!Tal misthija bhalissa li jien nhaddan ideat probabli bhalkom li ktibtu dawn il kummenti.

  39. Charlie says:

    Ghandek ftit tal misthija go fik? …. Dardart lil kullhadd bil hdura ta kliemek …. Jekk DUMINKU MINTOFF ghandu x-xjaten go fih, inti ix-XITAN INKARNAT.

  40. Marlene says:

    Dear Daphne,

    This has nothing to do with this blog so please do not include it with the other comments. I just could not find a good article where I could post this. I thought that you might be interested in placing a blog on the level of customer service given in Malta. In a time when sales are low and merchants are practically begging for sales you would expect them to at least try to be courteous to their customers!

    I have just rushed out of a Nuvole store in Paola after being ridiculed by one of their sales representative / store keeper when my son accidentally dropped a sweet on the floor while I was trying on some clothes. My husband even offered to clean up himself but the rude lady simply refused and started making bad-mannered sounds to ensure that everyone in the store looked our way. I quickly dressed and swore to never go near any of their stores again leaving the clothes I was trying on piled up on the hangers. The same lady wasn’t pleased enough to have embarrassed us in front of everyone, she started shouting “vendikazzjoni, vendikazzjoni!!” simply because I left in a hurry and did not put the clothes back on the hangers! She even told us that kids are NOT ALLOWED to come in the stores! “This is not a restaurant!” she said.

    This is absolutely unacceptable! I really hope you would be able to make an article on this. I am sure you know of many other similar incidents on customer services!

  41. Aldo says:

    I admit I was never a great fan of the guy. Still I find Daphne disgusting. What a coward slinging mud at an old man who cannot answer back. Maybe his silence could mean that he treats her with the contempt which she deserves.

    If you are lucky some of you may reach this ripe old age. Then who knows how you would be treated!

    [Daphne – My antecedents reached that same ripe old age fully compos mentis, Mr Laferla. So if I am fortunate enough to reach that same age, the likelihood is that I will not be dribbling, wearing a nappy, or fouling myself in the street while yelling rubbish at strangers. Some see Mintoff’s fate as poetic justice. Old age deservers no special treatment. Those who are miserable buggers when young remain miserable buggers in old age and don’t deserve respect any more than they did when young. You might wish to know that possibly Mintoff’s last autonomous act before descending into full-on dementia was to set the police onto me, in the grand tradition of Consuelo Herrera, Robert Musumeci, Godfrey Grima and Anglu Farrugia, for daring to suggest in print that he should not have got half a million liri in compensation for pain and suffering caused by the building of a power station near his SECOND home in Delimara – which was around seven times was the real estate itself was worth, and still he got to keep the real estate as well as the money. Mintoff did not ‘treat me with the contempt I deserve’. On the contrary – in that incredibly perverse way of his, he considered me a worthy opponent, a dubious honour indeed.]

  42. marcellu says:

    Dear Dapne…….May God gives you double for what you wished to the one great leaders of MALTA!

  43. Mandy says:

    Daphne u l-bella compania tinsewx li l-ewwel quddies fis-6.00 ghada filghodu halli niltaqghu ghat-tqarbin. Oqbra mbajda.

  44. Mandy says:

    Daphne u l-bella compania tinsewx li l-ewwel quddies fis-6.00 ghada filghodu halli tiltaqghu ghat-tqarbin. Oqbra mbajda.

  45. J.Muscat says:

    Mintoff is definitely not at St Vincent de Paule Home – just saw him with my very eyes in a room in CCU at Mater Dei Hospital. He has never been moved out.

  46. JULIAN says:

    Dear Marlene,

    With reference to your blog I would like to make some points clear.

    May I inform you that we have thousands of regular satisfied customers, visiting our outlets on weekly basis, obviously satisfied with our products and customer service.
    Most of them follow our basic rules such as not eating messy food within our outlets and not let their kids run around the shop and disturbing other customers.
    My staff are highly trained to give the best possible service in a retail outlet environment.

    Thank you for your custom.

    Julian Micallef

    • Pat says:

      Wow… Just wow! So because her kid dropped a sweet you just take it for granted that the kid was eating messy food and disturbing customers.

      Instead of politely apologising and ensuring that your staff are informed of correct manners towards customers, you take their side against a customer and turn around the blame.

      That a store clerk could behave as yours did is one thing. I can live with that. But that you, seemingly some kind of management, take such an attitude is appalling.

      At least we know where your staff get it from. It’s a real miracle you stay in business.

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