The truth about Labour: it's Cetta ghand tal-growser

Published: December 1, 2010 at 9:43pm
Jien se nbid bajda tad-deheb u naghtiha lil Kert Farrugia talli kien good boy u kiteb stqarrija ferm interessanti.

Jien se nbid bajda tad-deheb u naghtiha lil Kert Farrugia talli kien good boy u kiteb stqarrija ferm interessanti.

Can you believe this press statement? The Labour Party released it today, and it hasn’t even bothered to include the salient facts. It reads like part of an exchange during a brawl between two women at a market (“Giddieba int, ja mahmuga!” “Mahmuga l-kerha ommok, ja hadra!”)

Media Releae
1 ta’ Dicembru 2010

Stqarrija mill-Ufficcju tal-Komunikazzjoni tal-Partit Laburista

Gideb sfaccat tal-Partit Nazzjonalista
Il-Partit Laburista diga’ wiegeb il-gideb ta’ Austin Gatt, liema Gideb gew ripetuti llum mill-Partit Nazzjonalista.
Jekk il-Partit Nazzjonalista jrid ikun jaf aktar, kull ma ghandu jaghmel huwa li jistenna ftit iehor.

Ufficcju tal-Kommunkazzjoni
Partit Laburista

31 Comments Comment

  1. Charles Darwin says:

    Maybe Evarist Bartolo can help them with their spelling now.

    • ciccio2010 says:

      MaltaToday has reported that Evarist Bartolo will be coordinating One News and maltastar. The article states that “MaltaToday was told that mounting internal criticism on the quality of One News, and the worsening quality of’s reporting, led to this decision.”

      I thought the criticism was not just “internal”.

      But this goes to show that the Labour Party is just playing musical chairs. To the point that Bartolo will be back to the same seat he had in 1992. I suppose we will soon witness the return of Manwel Cuschieri on One.

      Who was it in the Labour camp who said that the more things change the more they stay the same? Oh, it was Evarist.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      He’s too busy sucking up to Daniel Rondeau. Who is busy returning the favour.

    • TROY says:

      I’m afraid Evarist is olso on Joseph’s ‘must get rid off list’

  2. Josie says:

    Lanqas bil-Malti ma jafu jiktbu. Il-gideb GIE (mhux gew) ripetut.

  3. ciccio2010 says:

    Apparently, the Labour Party has adopted their Leader’s habit of making everyone wait.

    The Minister of Finance was told to wait until the Parliamentary debate about ARMS to hear some special revelations (there were none).

    Now the PN is asked to wait a little bit more about BWSC.

    But after the damning revelations made in the PAC yesterday, the people expect an answer from the leader of the Labour Party now.
    Are they, once again, suggesting massive collusion, this time between the PM, his personal secretary, Malta’s permanent representative in Brussels, and two Nationalist MEPs – about the alleged pressures from Bateman?

    Who are they covering up for?

  4. willywonka says:

    What sort of an official line is that? Jistenna ftit iehor? u le le…f’gieh kemm hemm.

  5. Riya says:

    Issa Dr.Austin Gatt ukoll giddieb? Jista’ xi hadd jghid ghalxiex giddieb? Mela dan qatt xi darba mar barra minn Mlata u ghamel xi hsara lill-pajjiz? Giddieb min qal li Smart City mhux ser issir.

  6. Marcus says:

    Why are you surprised Daph?

  7. K Farrugia says:

    Indeed, that’s one hell of a press release.

    Karl Stagno Navarra of Malta Today rang in to One News this evening during the actual bulletin, live on air. He seemed to be doing it in the role of correspondent from Israel. Since when do newsrooms use the services of their supposed competitors and so publicly, too? It reminded me of when you highlighted the fact that Malta Today’s online edition had used the same photo of Joseph Muscat that Maltastar was using.

    • Fair deal says:

      mr Farrugia surely you must have realised by now that MALTA TODAY is the unofficial English newspaper always desired by the PL

  8. Gahan says:

    Jekk xejn il-gideb jigi ‘ripetut’ mhux ‘ripetuti’!
    Di bhal tal 44.444.444 miljun ‘ishma’ flok ‘sehem’!
    L-istqarrija sthajjiltha il-glieda ta’ fuq tal-linja “ja mara hazina”.

  9. Rita Camilleri says:

    Why is Gideb with a capital “G” ? U kemm ha ndumu nistennew? We always have to WAIT with this bunch of idiots.

    • Fairy Liquid says:

      When the Labour Party uses a capital letter for something that’s not a proper noun, it’s Freudian. You can tell they think it’s Very Important.

      • Rita Camilleri says:

        thank you Fairy Liquid, I thought I was missing something…

      • Stefan says:

        The funny thing is that Capital Letters in the middle of a sentence are kind-of expected when they appear in certain areas of the media.

        I find it more shocking that the circulars issued by the principal at my son’s school are riddled with such Capital Letters where they should not be.

        On a lighter note – a circular recently issued by the same school contained a reference to “the backside” of a paper rather than the reverse…

        With examples like those, there isn’t much hope, is there?

  10. Joseph Micallef says:

    It might be me me missing something but since Evarist was caught hiding letterheads in the documents he exposed to the media, on the case, he has taken a back seat on the issue.

  11. Albert Farrugia says:

    “The State of Israel suggests that whoever needs to explain the odd results of the Delimara power station tender should focus on the issue itself instead of trying to involve us by using false accusations,” – quote from a statement by the Israeli Government.

    I think Minister Gatt should be careful here. He is endagering Malta’s ties to the State of Israel. Maybe his “jien ala ***** minn kulħadd” image can be a hit in Malta, where the people’s mentality seems to accept an arrogant behavour, but this image might not be so acceptable outside our shores.

    The Gonzi administration has already done great harm to Malta’s relations with Italy last year after mishandling badly incidents concerning illegal migrants and also during a supposedly “illegal” fishing incident.

    Now it seems its also throwing Malta’s relations with Israel to the dogs.

    [Daphne – Errrrr, have you forgotten that Suha Arafat lives in Malta? Why do you think she’s here?]

    • Anthony Farrugia says:

      I have the feeling that Malta’s relations with Israel were always at arm’s length under both administrations, not mentioning Guido Demarco’s affinity with Yasser Arafat.

  12. Etil says:

    Albert Farrugia – you are right. Minister Gatt should be very very careful otherwise he will have the Mossad at his back door.

  13. La Redoute says:

    “The State of Israel suggests that whoever needs to explain the odd results of the Delimara power station tender should focus on the issue itself instead of trying to involve us by using false accusations,” – quote from a statement by the Israeli Government.

    That sounds like a criticism of the all the ‘fuss and bother’ reporting…

  14. Dr Francis Saliba says:

    “Jekk il-Partit Nazzjonalista jrid ikun jaf aktar, kull ma ghandu jaghmel huwa li jistenna ftit iehor.”

    Translated: at the moment we have no answer – but we will think of something in due course.

  15. H Mizzi says:

    Daphne concentrate on John Dalli. He resembles Cetta ghand tal-grocer. Do you recall that the contest for the Leadership of
    the Nationalist Party was a “tigrija bejn il-hbieb”. It is evident that their friendship has withered away, if ever it existed.

  16. ciccio2010 says:

    Labour has made a great fuss out of an email which stated that its sender, an agent of BWSC, had contacts in high places. I think it could have been the usual bluff. Yet, I believe that email was investigated by the Auditor General.
    Now what does Labour know and think about this? Will they send this to the Auditor General for investigation?

    “According to UPS some companies understand corruption as the “culture of the country”. “Engineering firm Bateman Litwin prides itself on understanding the local culture of its project sites and “knowing who to talk to”. A representative
    of the company admits that he doesn’t “know what happens behind the scenes [about corruption], I don’t think it’s our business.”
    Page 26.

    The original source was:

  17. Skumnikat says:

    Did no-one spot “ufficju tal-kommunkazzjoni”?

    [Daphne – And Media Releae. That’s a typo. ‘Kommunkazzjoni’ reflects the way the peasant who wrote it speaks.]

  18. claire abela triganza says:

    Jiena li niskanta hu li l-politici tal-Partit Laburista ma jimpurtax jekk jaghjjru u jaghtu titli lil ministri u membri ohra mill-gvern.

    Imbaghad jekk kumbinazzjoni jkun hemm xi hadd milli jcempel lil Manwel Cuschieri u kumbinazzjoni jghid xi kelma mhux f’lokha jaqtalu biex taparsi ara kemm ahna serji u “puliti”.

    Ma jafux li bi kliemhom Muscat u l-bella kumpanija flok qeghdin jedukaw il-hafna supporters ta’ livell ta’ ntelligenza u edukazzjoni baxx qeghdin aktar igghaluhom isiru injuranti.

  19. Silverbug says:

    Now the Auditor General’s comments start to make sense: he said he found smoke not fire. That is what he was always meant to find because that was all that was generated by Labour.

    What amazes and concerns me is that people like the Auditor General still try to hedge their bets with juicy quotes such as the one that he was not given the tools to investigate corruption but found nothing to give to the police. Does anyone in this benighted island have a concept of remits?

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