Confucius, he say….

Published: January 24, 2011 at 4:14pm

John Bundy spent all weekend thinking really hard, and this morning posted the resulting pearl of wisdom on his Facebook wall.

An ignorant person with a bad character is like an unarmed robber, but a learned person with a blog is a robber fully armed. Bongu lilek u lil ta’ hdejk.

Well, at least I know better than to wear boxer shorts on my head, like that man who held up Batman’s mother in Qormi.

29 Comments Comment

  1. Silverbug says:

    Interesting that he’s feeling robbed, when he did it all by himself.

  2. ASP says:

    Deep down, he’s not a bad man. BUT he’s doing Joseph Muscat a big favour and Malta will suffer under an incompetent.

  3. A Grech says:

    I am not sure if this had been posted already, if not, here it is. Watch Bundy trying to be subtle…

  4. NGT says:

    Did you really think somebody like that could have come up with that pearl of wisdom all by himself?

  5. Anna says:

    How very, very childish of him.

  6. Alex says:

    Might I suggest a correction?

    “John Bundy spent all weekend thinking really hard, [gave up, googled for brainy quotes, came across a chap called Mickey Kaus], and this morning posted the resulting pearl of wisdom on his Facebook wall.”

    Google the quote in full…

  7. GiovDeMartino says:

    Xejn ma jhawwadhuli l-istonku lili, imma ritratt bhal dan……

    Veru Pajjiz tal-Mickey Mouse. Kulhadd ikejjel lil kulhadd b’xibru!

  8. Macduff says:

    Now he’s made it public that he fears you, Daphne.

  9. Marku says:

    Ooh, his head must have really hurt after he came up with that.

  10. Rover says:

    What on earth is he saying? I have wasted the last 5 minutes trying to decipher what he is on about.

    That dreadful Ronnie Pellegrini wants reconciliation and Bundy blabbers about robbers with blogs.

    I think lunatic fringe is too kind for that lot.

  11. Gahan says:

    John Bundy, rajtek tipprova taghmel ir-review tal-gazzetti flok il-helwa Veronique Dalli dal-ghodu u ghidt dal-versett go qalbi:

    “Bongu lilek u lil ta’ hdejk.
    Bundy, kemm tiflah taqa’ ghan-n**k?”

    Nittama li tibqa’ tahdem mal-aqwa stazzjon ta’ Malta.

    • M Fenech says:

      It’s not Veronique, but her sister Miriam.

      One and Bundy, together, forever.

      They deserve each other.

      • Gahan says:

        Iva, ghalija xorta ma naghrafohmx! Miriam helwa wkoll. Hasra li ghada se jerga jaghmel ir-review tal-gazzetti Bundy. Ma’ tal-ONE trid taghmel kollox….flessibilta, flessibilta!

  12. mark v says:

    Humility leads to the highest distinction, because it leads to self-improvement.

    Quote from one wise man, whose name I cannot remember.

  13. Claud says:

    It’s actually not his quote … he just forgot to mention the source!.

  14. dg says:

    He really doesn’t get itL the more he speaks the more he digs his own grave.

  15. StevO says:

    Confucius he say…”man who walks in airport sideways is going to bang cock.”

  16. dg says:

    Comment of the week, from Facebook (type of audience Bundy is attracting lately):

    Stephania Silvio: is confucius for confused?

  17. H.P. Baxxter says:

    What is there to rob him of? His wit?

    • Angus Black says:

      Well, at least the one on the right still has a full head of hair. The one on the left has been robbed of his and will soon need the same remedy as his predecessor.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Lil din l-art helwa,
        Li saret mimlija scheming f**kers,
        Salva Mulej minn dal-viperi,
        Ftakar li mhux kullhadd bhalhom.

  18. Louisa says:

    Mr Bundy is too distracted by the opportunities thrown up by the enthusiasm of his fans, so it’s too much to have to think outside the box. No wonder he resorts to Google.

    • Louisa says:

      H.P.Baxxter, good one. Let’s say robbed of his wit and his notion that he is God’s gift to ALL politicians, ALL the media and ALL of Malta.

      What does that leave him with to feed his ego? Of course – chatting to the ladies on Facebook, the surest sign of a major midlife crisis.

  19. Joseph Micallef says:

    If the person with a blog is Daphne, does that mean that Bundy is the ignorant one?

  20. Hot Mama says:

    “It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations.” – Winston Churchill

  21. red nose says:

    Any bets Bundy will be on the Labour Party election list come 2013?

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