January 15, 2011 at 9:20pm
You might not believe it, but the Labour Party has some brand guidelines. Look at them here.
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I’ve read the guidelines. Nothing wrong about them I must say. Or is it that you don’t expect the Labour Party to have any sort of brand guidelines?
[Daphne – Brand guidelines are useless when you can’t apply them to the public face of the party – the leaders. The brand does not mean the logo, though people outside the business often confuse the two.]
… and a brand officer as well
“Wherever this is not possible please contact the PL brand manager…………..”
At the bottom one finds the Brand Officer’s name – Johann Grech. Who on earth is the brand manager?
Kieku jaghmlu wahda tajba!
As usual, you are spot on, Daphne!
A quick glance at Labour’s brand guidelines proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that this party engages, from time immemorial to the present day, in a game of smoke and mirrors.
Gavin Gulia gave a perfect example on Xarabank.
That will get us out of recession in no time, that will. Vera mohhom fuq il-werqa (jew it-torca). Tfittex kemm tfittex, Partit bla sustanza ta’ xejn.
In spite of all the hype there is only one thing these pictures remind me of: October 15th 1979.
That evening my wife and I stood shaking opposite the building that is now occupied by the Stock Exchange.
That is all that flames and PL mean for me.
How can anyone ever forget?
Damn! That has put me off the Calibri font . . . back to Verdana.
Hope it puts you off their ‘cool grey’ as well. Everything around the PL is cool.
As long as you avoid also “Garamondi” which according to the brent meneger is used “for bulk body copy,” you should be fine.
On my system, it is called Garamond – do not know about yours.
What’s in a name… Garamond from Monotype, ITC, Adobe or Sabon… and others are all based on an 16th century original.
The name change is required because of copyright issues. Then again, Garamondi reminds me of a cheap Chinese knock-off.
very professional indeed, all major corporations and companies have one. well done partit laburista.
[Daphne – Labour is a political party, not a major corporation or company. I think you forget that.]
@daphne – that doesn’t mean they have to be unprofessional! We have no place for amateurism anymore in our country. The Government (including the civil service) should try to be more professional too.
[Daphne – That’s not what I meant, Mr/Ms Vella. Political parties are completely different animals to corporations and companies, and so the approach to presentation has got to be different. The logo is often the sole ‘public face’ of companies and corporations. With political parties, the public face is the party leader – or in this case, leaders, plural. Therefore the party should be concerned with its leaders, not its logo. ]
“We have no place for amateurism”
That rules out most of what the PL does, then.
J.Vella, you rightly say there’s no room for amateurism but ‘amateurish’ is precisely what the PL is. Do you really think that your party is professional just because they have published a booklet about the colours of their logo?
Mr Vella, it’s easy to build a brand manual. I can knock one together for you in a couple of hours.
Branding is more about company culture and how it WANTS to interface with its publics – ask Wolf Ollins if you care.
The old knock off would be the mission statement that takes pride of place in many staid businesses’ stairwell, and was usually conjured up by some business consultant and a couple of boring board meetings.
Yesteryear’s buzzword would be 360º branding… that’s still being peddled by big agencies around the world.
what a waste of funds.
MaltaSTAr? is going to have a hard time to stick to the logo and the brent gajdlajns. It will probably reporoduce those two lines as PaRTits LaBOREistA.
They didn’t honour the exclusion zone of the logo on their own website and didn’t use the correct RGB colours, not to mention that they cropped off the text on some locations of their website, as well as their Facebook group.
Not to be pedantic :)
These guidelines are mainly used for brand identity especially when a company is competing with other international brands.
Well done, Daphne, and keep it up.