Gejja xi intervista fuq TX, jaqaw?

Published: February 7, 2011 at 3:36pm

Karmenu Vella stands in adoration of his hero.

Karmenu Vella told the Labour Party conference yesterday that he wants to be left alone (just like Greta Garbo).

Halluni bi kwieti, jahasra!” he shouted at his audience, though they weren’t the people he was talking about.

His frustration must be enormous. The days are long gone when Il-Botom, his driver and Illum editor Julia Farrugia’s father, could be relied upon to go out with a submachine gun and let rip at Enemies of The People.

Despite telling a newspaper 10 years ago that he was prepared to move out of politics and make way for new and younger faces, Il-Guy (somebody decided that this is Il-Gay pronounced with a Zurrieq accent, but it’s not because in those days and that village they would simply have said Dak Il-Pufta) he now says that he has no intention of going anywhere.

No, not even on a shopping trip to Sicily on board the Stormy with Tunny Net Dalli.

When Beppe Fenech Adami stopped Karmenu Vella in the corridors of power at the Grandmaster’s Palace a few days ago, and told him that perhaps somebody who was a minister in the 1970s under Mintoff should realise that it’s time to pack up and leave, Il-Guy went nuts and yelled at him:

“Jiena nippakkja u mmur? Ghax ma jitlaqx dak missierek li qatt ma ghamel xejn!”

Il-Guy was so angry about it – his true MIntoffian colours emerging – that he yelled out the same thing at the Labour conference yesterday, to a round of applause from the chicken-heads beneath. The chicken-heads applauded even more loudly when Il-Guy hollered that he hadn’t been in the Labour Party since the 1970s. He had been there MIS-SITTINJIET! From the 1960s. Really fresh and new.

Perhaps Beppe should have reminded Karmenu Vella of that day in parliament in December 1986 when he left his seat and rushed across the floor with those other hooligans we had for ministers, and assaulted Fenech Adami, the leader of the Opposition, as he tried to speak about the death of Raymond Caruana and the other shootings.

It was more than 10 years later, when Gianni ‘Il-Pupa’ Psaila testified in court, that we discovered why Karmenu Vella tried to stop Fenech Adami senior from speaking that day.

Il-Pupa said under oath that it was Karmenu Vella’s driver, Julia Farrugia’s father, who emerged from Il-Guy’s ministerial car with a submachine gun, asked him where the PN club was, and began to shoot at it.

If Karmenu Vella is feeling set upon, he has only himself to blame. Lucky for him that he’s got two ladies who look on him kindly when this one doesn’t: his driver’s daughter, now editing Illum, and his son’s wife, Super One’s Miriam Dalli.

Forsi issa taghmillu xi intervista fuq TX, minghajr ma tghidilna li hi mizzewwga lit-tifel tieghu.

16 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    Is it because there’s no one to replace them that the dinosaurs still walk Labour’s earth? Or is there no room for anyone new because they’re determined to cling on forever?

    Who in the PL is fresh and new? Please don’t say ‘Joseph Muscat’. I said ‘fresh and new’.

    • ciccio2011 says:

      They are the same political despots – whose politically arrogant behaviour was fanned under Mintoff’s leadership – who want to cling to power forever.

      They are the ones who made Labour what it is today, and who made sure Labour stayed in opposition for almost a quarter of a century.

  2. mario lanza says:

    Karmenu: the sequel. The same film with different words.

  3. maryanne says:

    “Il-Guy went nuts and yelled at him:”

    He needs to consult Godfrey Grima so that he can teach him how to develop ‘naqra gilda hoxna’, and how not to click on this blog.

  4. Anthony Farrugia says:

    Was it Marlene Dietrich or Greta Garbo who wanted to be left alone?

    [Daphne – Greta Garbo, you’re right.]

  5. ciccio2011 says:

    The more we see of Joseph’s new Labour, the more we are reminded of the old.

  6. gianni says:

    If Psaila testified that way, than Farrugia is the chief suspect without the slightest doubt. Is he still alive?

    [Daphne – Yes.]

  7. TROY says:

    My God! have you all gone mad? We are here talking about the cold-blooded murder of Raymond Caruana and most of you are talking about Karmenu Vella.

    The subject is IL-BOTOM and his connection with this crime.

  8. vicki says:

    The Labour conference was indeed a farce yesterday. Following Karmenu Vella’s ‘highly applauded’ speech, according to the newspaper The Times, an ex PN councillor who also converted to Islam (Mario Farrugia Borg) introduced himself as a new PL member.

    Some time ago, this same person was on Xarabank claiming that he is in favour of Sharia Law and he would propose same if ever elected to Parlament. It is true that Labour is the party of ‘Anything goes’ as long as they attract more votes.

    This person said that he feels at home with a party that welcomes minorities. LGBT is also a minority group within PL. Is this Mr Farrugia Borg compatible with the idea because as far as I know Sharia Law kills anyone who is homosexual.

    Vera sitwazzjoni tal-biki u tal-biza.

  9. on the dot says:

    Daphne, in fact, not more than a month ago, probably more like 2 weeks ago, Karmenu Vella was a guest on TX being interviewed by Miriam Dalli…

    • md says:

      is it a news…. that miriam dalli is the wife of karmenu vella son? News is something that is news in itself and can discuss and analyze it. Not by being busy body.

  10. Riya says:

    Il-pulizija kien irrizultala li meta twettaq id-delitt ta’ Raymond Caruana l-arma li biha nqattel Raymond kienet propjeta’ ta’ Nicholas Ellul maghruf bhala ic-Caqwes, mill-Qrendi, izda kien joqoghd il-Belt.

    U wara li l-Botom kien iwassal u jnizzel lill-Perit Karmenu Vella, il-Belt, dak iz-zmien ministru, il-Botom kien imur dritt jiltaqa ma’ Nicholas Ellul, il-bniedem li gie akkuzat fil-Qorti bil-qtil ta’ Raymond Caruana.

    Dan ic-Caqwes kien involut f’hafna okkazzjonijiet fejn intuzaw armi tan-nar, fosthom meta darba spara fuq canvassers ta’ Louis Galea fejn il-kazin Nazzjonalista taz-Zurrieq u darba ohra gewwa hanut il-Belt propjeta ta’ wiehed jismu Eric li jinsab fi Triq it-Teatru.

    L-argument kien ukoll politiku. Dak iz-zmien, minhabba li certi nies kellhom il-glorja tal-Ministri, li jisparaw fuq xi hadd kienet qishom qed jixorbu tazza ilma.

  11. Grezz says:


    “Another key player in this game of silence is the current Deputy Prime Minister, George Vella. Dr Vella admitted in court that he was approaced by Psaila. However, the minister refused to give details, invoking professional secrecy even if the conversations were not related to the medical profession. He would not answer a question by this newspaper on whether he would be prepared to testify if Psaila releases him from professional secrecy.” ( )

  12. Keith says:

    I assure you that as a resident of Zurrieq, Il-Guy is not pronounced Il-Gay. Secondly, I feel offended by your comment since you’ve just discriminated against our village by alleging that we use vulgar Maltese language.

    I will definitely not reiterate the Maltese phrase you’ve written but I’m certain that its used in all villages by all people.


    [Daphne – Indeed it is.]

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