Here's another one who's got a vote

Published: February 21, 2011 at 9:22pm

Posted beneath the Mirage fighter jets story on

I think its better we grant them nothing and send them back. Why should Malta go through this scare because a political leader has lost his cool. I am sorry but we are being a bit too lenient with these people. First they protest in our own country and then 2 fighter jets come to seek refuge. What will be next? Gaddafi sends his people to kill the Libyans here? I think its best Malta remains neutral to all this because we will end up in one huge mess more than we already are in.

16 Comments Comment

  1. Corinne Vella says:

    Two fighter pilots defected after refusing to bomb their own people.

    What are the other pilots doing?

  2. El Topo says:

    Bla sens u bla bajd.

  3. Cannot-Resist-Anymore says:

    A chicken’s unhatched egg has more brain cells than this one.

    And yet this is the opinion of someone who can string a couple of thoughts together in fairly coherent sentences. I shudder to think of how the rest see it.

  4. Denis says:

    Neutrality? Still brain-washed by the 1980s.

  5. John Borg says:

    He’s probably one of those in a frenzy campaigning against divorce.

    • Big Daddy says:

      Thanks for this inspiring and illuminating pearl of wisdom. In just 11 words you’ve managed to remind us that no one side of the divorce debate has the monopoly when it comes to people capable of jumping to conclusions.

    • Albert Farrugia says:

      You mean he is one of those close to Dr Gonzi? Or someone sitting on the Executive Council of the PN? Come to think of it, I think you’ve got a point.

  6. Etil says:

    Just unbelievable to think that there are people so utterly selfish or self-centered. Do they really believe that Malta cannot be indirectly involved in what is happening in the Mediterranean area?

    It is a case of it is OK for Malta to get funds, etc. from other countries, but no, we should not in any way get involved or bothered about what is happening around us if it does not please us. What a mentality.

  7. Dr Francis Saliba says:

    The mentality exhibited by the author of this bit of selfish nonsense is the same as that which seeks that we make a touristic profit from the suffering of others. It has no reasonable connection with those who oppose the precipitate introduction of divorce laws in Malta while our neighbours to the south are being murdered by their own political leaders.

    • john says:

      “the precipitate introduction of divorce laws in Malta”

      Yes, we are rather rushing things, aren’t we? Perhaps we should hang on till 2525 – if man is still alive.

  8. Carmel Scicluna says:


  9. carlos says:

    Il-veru mohh ta’ tigiega .

  10. Denis says:

    It is indeed incredible that there are Maltese citizens “who’ve got a vote” and who are so egocentric and can only think about:
    -not getting involved as we may upset Gaddafi
    -the influx of migrants

    They aren’t capable of seeing the bigger picture – mass murder on our doorstep. Shameful.

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