The debearded wonder and his army of Lord of the Rings aficionados and Che wannabes are planning a revoluzzjoni kbira

Published: February 28, 2011 at 2:49pm

Is the debearded wonder at Malta Today, writing yesterday for Illum (editor: it-tifla tad-driver tal-Guy, mastermind tal-programm elettorali ghas-sena 2013 tal-Partit ta’ Joseph) particularly sleep-deprived right now?

Or has Saviour Balzan been unbalanced by the severe stress of coping with a caterwauling infant for the first time at 50, after a lifetime of looking after No. 1?

He wants a revolution against Lawrence Gonzi. Malta tirbah zgur.

After a short spiel about how he longs to be at the epicentre of the Libyan revolution so that he can touch it and feel it, but then failing to write about it because he’s dying to return to his tired subject of how we need to get rid of gOnzIpN, he had this to say:

Imma wara l-Libja stenna li din l-ispluzjoni tkompli. Min jaf fejn? Kollox possibbli. Is-Sawdi? L-Algerija? Il-Marokk? Jien naf, forsi c-Cina. Naf biss li ahna nistghu, bhal Malta u l-Maltin, nirbhu.

Jien nghid jekk nuzaw mohhna nirbhu nistghu zgur. Il-prim ministru diga qed jirbah hafna punti ghall-mod kif qed imexxi kollox.

I can just see them lined up on the barricades in their checkered scarves and their fatigues, knives between their teeth and a couple of Kalashnikovs:

Salvu Balzan, Roger de Giorgio, JPO, the Prisoner of Zenda from Brussels, Matthew Vella, Al Jazeera Stagno Navarra, Choccies Benoit, Josanne Cassar, Secret Weapon Astrid, Julia tal-Guy, Charlon ta’ Albertown, xi Claire Bonello max-shag ta’ Norman Lowell, Ronnie Pellegrini, David Friggieri and Jacques Rene Zammit.

Jason Micallef will man the field hospital and the Communications Coconut can be used to sneak messages below the radar across AnAmy lines.

Don’t forget to take Reno Calleja with you, my dears, u xi AST ukoll ghax dak espert kbir fir-regimes. U jekk ghandkom bzonn xi covert operative, tinsewx li ghandkom il-Guy tat-Tunny Net.

28 Comments Comment

  1. Herbie says:

    Have you forgotten KMB. He is an expert in co-ordination. He proved himself in the Egyptair saga didn’t he?

  2. Hot Mama says:

    You also need a voluptuous Ukrainian ners…I am sure Anglu Farrugia, now that he is a shorn chinless wonder, will oblige

  3. U l-Gvern Malti komplici filk-massakru tal-poplu Libjan.

    Malta, which issued licences worth £67.9 million, was the largest European arms supplier to Libya in 2009. – The Telegraph.

    [Daphne – Keep up. ]

    • Who do you believe, a Europen Union report or a denial by the Maltese Government? Hawwadni!

      [Daphne – Il-vera mhawwad. Hawn xi fabbriki tal-armi hawn Malta? So how can we export arms if we don’t make them. It’s obviously trans-shipment or re-export, and it was the former. Who do I believe, a European Union report or a denial by the Maltese government: the denial by the Maltese government because I know that we are not arms manufacturers, for a fact. Issa jekk taf b’xi sweatshop H’Attard fejn jahdmu il-helicopter gunships go xi basement, ghidli fejn. Perhaps the person who wrote that EU report failed to distinguish between the different types of licences.]

    • The Grinch says:

      Michael Camilleri, imma kemm tiflah tkun pappagall tal-hrejjef. Mela Malta ghandha xi fabbrika li timmanifattura l-armi zghar jew kbar? Tista’ tghidli fejn hi dil-fabbrika?

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Here’s a couple of pictures of German forces rescuing oil workers trapped in the Libyan desert on 26th February.

    Note that only 22 of the 132 evacuees were German. So you can be neutral all you like, but when the shit hits the fan, you need your friends and allies, and you’ll run to the nearest rescuer.

  5. Jo says:

    Thank you, Daphne and thank you all those posting comments here. You make my day. I ‘ll tell you, Daphne, I really missed your blog when it wasn’t being updated. At first I thought you might have had a mishap but then I reasoned that you needed a holiday or were very busy with your magazines.
    Again a thousand thanks.

  6. M Fenech says:

    You forgot John Bundy.

    • Hot Mama says:

      Yes, of course. These clunkers might need a Talk Show to put their wonderful Realpolitik across…and who is more adept at such a task than the Wunderkind of Clunkerdom himself? Il-Bundy?

      • P Shaw says:

        He is just an extra with a specific entertainment role – he does not participate in the ‘strategy’ meetings.

  7. Watch this disgusting video. Not for the faint hearted.

  8. willywonka says:

    You’re probably not going to believe this. On my way to the office this morning, I stopped to purchase my papers at the newsagents as I usually do every morning. Being a “morning -person” I suppose, I always engage in some good-spirited banter with the staff there before completely dedicating myself to the mundane task of earning my daily quota of leavened dough.

    Anway, there I was asking whether all and sundry enjoyed their week-end and whatnot, when I observed a rather preoccupied salesgirl. When I inquired, her colleague told me, that she was very worried and upset. I asked the girl, point blank, what it was that got her so worried that the distress was spilling onto the floor and lest we slip on it as we walk past. She said she was worried about the situation in Libya. Ah! A concerned citizen, said I.

    ‘Well’, I said, ‘…do you have relatives in the country who couldn’t get out?’ She told me, that it wasn’t about that but rather about her wedding. ‘Your wedding?’, I asked intrigued. ‘Are you having your wedding in Libya or planning your honeymoon there?’.

    This was not it, she told me. She was worried because of the possibility that Malta would be used as a base for military operations. I said, ‘Yes..?…So..?’

    ‘Don’t you UNDERSTAND?…’ she said with a frown, ‘…we could be….ATTACKED….and that would ruin my wedding…all that money…’

    I stared at her in silent disgust for a while then I walked out without adding another word. You have about 1,000 people who have had their lives unjustly taken away from them just 200 km from our shores, and here we are worrying about our petty little wedding.

  9. Andrew Borg-Cardona says:

    The gritted teeth in Salvu’s piece are almost palpable.

  10. .Angus Black says:

    “Jason Micallef will man the field hospital and the Communications Coconut can be used to sneak messages below the radar across AnAmy lines”.

    Safely away from flying bullets, you mean?

  11. cat says:

    You can notice from miles away that Ghaddafi is a psychopath. The looks on this face, gestures and postures all say it.

  12. KB says:

    Has anyone heard Malta Today’s radio ad?

    It goes something like this.

    For classified ads buy The Times, for weather news buy The Malta Independent, for real news buy Malta Today.

    Now I can understand why the pro-Mubarak hackers decided to hack the site.

    • El Topo says:

      Should take a leaf out of a wally-come-lately and go for the three-plan trick: “Plan A is buy Malta Today, Plan B is buy Malta Today, Plan C is buy Malta Today’. Chuckle.

  13. ciccio2011 says:

    Which one of them will set himself on fire first?

  14. ciccio2011 says:

    “I can just see them lined up on the barricades in their checkered scarves and their fatigues, knives between their teeth and a couple of Kalashnikovs: ”

    You forgot the drugs from Al-Qaeda and the spiked Nescafe. Maybe some green soap could help.

  15. What’s wrong with being a Lord of the Rings fan?

    [Daphne – It’s a particular profile. Think about it.]

    • I’m thinking about it – still can’t find anything extraordinarily wrong with me.

      [Daphne – There’s nothing WRONG with Lord of the Rings fans, Reuben. They just tend to fit a particular profile, hence ‘Lord of the Rings fan’. Issa if I give into a description of what that profile is, you’ll get upset. But I gather you’re married with children, so you’re atypical.]

      • Don’t tell me you’re having qualms about saying something that someone MAY find insulting … just blot out the dirty words …

        [Daphne – OK, I’ll spare the description and instead illustrate the point: Raphael Vassallo is a typical Lord of the Rings fan. Peter Farrugia, late of Malta Today, is another.]

  16. I even paint the little metal LOTR figures – not only those, mind, but those too.

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