They must have drugged his Nescafe

Published: February 24, 2011 at 11:57pm

Raddled and addled

Do you think Gaddafi has hallucinogenic drugs on the brain because he takes them himself? Even accounting for the shock and trauma of what is happening to him, and his unbalanced mind, he seems to be under the influence of something, even if only a very heavy dose of Valium.

“He’s been talking like that for years,” a friend pointed out. “Don’t you remember when he went on for 96 minutes at the UN General Assembly in 2009, and the interpreter passed out?”

Yes, but he could have had what the Americans call a ‘substance abuse problem’ already by then. He certainly didn’t talk, walk or behave like that in his public appearances further back in time. It would also explain his erratic behaviour, which people put down to eccentricity or a cavalier disregard for convention.

So on Tuesday it was pills popped into protestors and today it was hallucinogens in milk and Nescafe. What next.

20 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    What next? How about some very nasty poison in his morning coffee?

  2. KMB says:

    I know what could be next – that we send Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici on a suicide mission.

  3. Rachel says:

    Perhaps his trusted Ukrainian nurse popped something into his morning brew while his Amazonian Guard weren’t looking?

  4. El Topo says:

    So many anecdotes to tell about Gaddafi and Libya.

    One October in the late 90s I noticed that the country was still on Summer Time even though the rest of Europe had put the clocks back one hour. “How come?” I asked a local acquaintance.

    “Well last weekend the clocks were moved back as usual but the Colonel was caught by surprise and got very annoyed”. “How dare they do something like that without asking for my permission?” he said, “Put the clocks how they were.”

    No one dared touch the clock after that and to this day Libya remains an hour ahead of us in winter.

  5. Pity he is a mass murderer, because I would hire him as a clown.

    Using ambassador’s reasoning it was Osama Bin Laden who sent the protesters to the Libyan embassy in Attard.

    Blaming Osama, Gaddafi has just lost his last chance to join him at his secret nest, in god knows where.

    The regime will not end without a bloody fight. The Gaddafis have nowhere to run and eventually will be killed by their own people, very sad.

  6. TROY says:

    I think Gaddafi had a face-lift gone wrong. If you look at him closely you’ll notice that his upper jaw is stiff, while the lower one has dropped revealing his lower teeth as he speaks. His face has been stretched to an extent that his eyes have been squeezed.

    • .Angus Black says:

      “If you look at him closely you’ll notice that his upper jaw is stiff, while the lower one has dropped revealing his lower teeth as he speaks”.

      Could be that he overdoses on Viagra and the facial muscles have migrated south.

  7. Samira Jamil says:

    An impassioned plea for help from a Libyan woman echoing the sentiments of all us Libyans. We have been gagged and unable to voice our discontent for 42 long years for fear of retribution. Enough is enough! The fear barrier has been broken. It is so liberating to feel that, finally we can speak up.

  8. Ragunament bazwi - the godless edition says:

    Here speaks another one through the seat of his pants on

    Edgar Borg
    The most christian thing to do is give them back.We should follow the teaching of the bible and not take or keep anything that does not belong to us. After all its the people of Libya who paid for them.

  9. A Grech says:

    BBC World Service this morning quoted Robert Fisk, The Independent journalist who has just left Tripoli. Fisk spoke about how a few days ago in a meeting with a colleaugue of Fisk, Gaddafi was more interested in a facelift than the protests against him. Fisk is convinced Gaddafi is mad.

  10. Anthony Farrugia says:

    Joe Grima(33 minutes ago)
    So when push comes to shove this Gioernment has no qualms of conscience benefiting from the ill fate if other countries and is not doing anything to stop the flow of money coming into this country as a result fo the disaster that others are expriencing in Libya. Shows how hypocritical GDr onzi was when he denounced Joseph Muscat for voicing an opinion the results of which are identical to thise being reaped by this Government from the Libyan chaos at the moment. Of course, the excuse is solidarity,. The real benift though is in hard cash and so it should be.

    One does not expect anything better from a Mintoff/KMB ex-minister!

  11. Giovanni says:

    Dan Joe Grima ( l-ewwel kumment ) spicca bhall Gaddafi jihallat il hass mal b**s

  12. David Buttigieg says:

    Trid tkun Laburist insomma,

    “Joe Grima

    So when push comes to shove this Gioernment has no qualms of conscience benefiting from the ill fate if other countries and is not doing anything to stop the flow of money coming into this country as a result fo the disaster that others are expriencing in Libya. Shows how hypocritical GDr onzi was when he denounced Joseph Muscat for voicing an opinion the results of which are identical to thise being reaped by this Government from the Libyan chaos at the moment. Of course, the excuse is solidarity,. The real benift though is in hard cash and so it should be”

    • Rita Camilleri says:

      @david buttigieg – Joe Grima is like a tortoise. Every now and then he sticks his head out and says the most stupid things imaginable – and like you said – “trid tkun Laburist”.

  13. moxxu says:

    Il-Laburisti dejjem ghal gol-hajt jew sqaq dahhluna. Dnub li se jkunu hemm fl-2013 ghax baqa’ nies injuranti u mgienen.

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