Tithajru, nies? 'Stitch & Bitch mal-GWU'

Published: February 16, 2011 at 5:06pm

Stitch, bitch or both? Nah, just eat I think.

In today’s L-orizzont, on page 21, you’ll find this gem of an advertisement, holding out the enticement of a ‘stitch and bitch’ session at the General Workers Union (forsi qeghdin ihossu rashom, marelli):

The Stitch & Bitch Craft Club – Tizviluppa Komunita Kreattiva – Kull nhar ta’ Sibt fis-1:30pm fil-bini tal-GWU, South Street, Valletta. Gha aktar informazzjoni cempel lil Nicole fuq 79911200.

23 Comments Comment

  1. Bob says:

    WTF? Daphne, Malta needs you, you need to be heard… you are our only hope.

  2. Bob says:

    How very progressive: women are there to stitch and bitch.

    • maryanne says:

      Maybe they will ask them to buy textbooks about stitches and crochet. There’s one called The Happy Hooker by Debbie Stoller. It’s about crochet, honest.

  3. Ian says:

    Eh? I don’t get it..
    Bitch as in what, exactly? To complain? A female dog? A nasty woman? What?

    Love the caption.

  4. Pawla says:

    So very Priscilla, Queen of the Desert!

  5. Hot Mama says:

    what about Snitch? They’re good at it too

  6. Antoine Vella says:

    I was aware of the bitching by the GWU but I didn’t know about the stitching. Wasn’t it banned by the Censorship Board?

  7. Grezz says:

    Madonna santa! Are these people for real?

  8. La Redoute says:

    Toni Zarb looks rather unwell and his hair’s standing on end. Why?

  9. Who me? says:

    That desperate to bitch about something?

    The group has nothing to do with the GWU, apart from using space that is available in their building.

    I’m not involved in the group. I just happen to know that it has got nothing to do with either the PL or GWU.

    [Daphne – Right you are.]

    • M. says:

      Let’s put it another way: Can anyone imagine In-Nazzjon accepting a paid advert for a “Stich & Bitch Club” event to be held at Dar Centrali?

  10. ciccio2011 says:

    Meanwhile, at MaltaToday, they have organised the Bitch about the Witch online. Fitch kemm ghandhom.

  11. abela triganza says:

    Dawn hasbu li ser ikunu originali forsi?

    Jidher li anke l-intelletwali li jsegwu din il-blog thawdu ahseb u ara certu nisa tad-dar li jmorru l-Union biex jahdmu l-ganutell, il-monasteru u l-parcmina, biex igawdu minn lezzjonijiet issussidjati.

    Probabbli r-ragel taghhom ikun ilu ghomru jhallas il-membership tal-union ghal xejn – mhux is-sussidju jkun hallas.

  12. red nose says:

    GWU needs money to replace the dwindling membership fees

  13. Aldo says:

    You should come to the club. You’d be the prime bitch, but can you stitch?

    [Daphne – Beautifully. It is one of my many skills. Girls from good families were always taught needlework as it was expected that this would be how they would spend their time while the cooks and the housemaids did the rest. (You asked for it, prat.)]

    • La Redoute says:

      @Aldo “You should come to the club”

      You sound like you’re the club’s prime bitch. Do you also wear pink emu feathers, and do Jason and Ronnie provide the catering?

    • Aldo says:

      Mela you’d fit right in! The ladies that judge and talk about people they do not know about would love you…

      [Daphne – No, because I can’t stand group activities. Oh, do stop using biblical language: judge, indeed. I merely state facts and say what my opinion is of those facts. And I NEVER talk about things I don’t know. I don’t talk at all, in fact (ask around). I write.]

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