What a cabal

Published: February 18, 2011 at 1:14am

When reading the story beneath, do please bear in mind that Jason and Ronnie turned up together (in coordinated outfits) to the law courts to support Consuelo Herrera during the first hearing of the police case against me last year.

I had them thrown out, not because they’re trash but because they’re going to be witnesses.

Not that it is entirely clear that Jason can be relied upon to say the truth under oath, given that he claimed in the Charlon Gouder case that he had no idea that I write about politics or have a blog or write a newspaper column, because as far as he knows I ‘make cookery books’.

So that’s why he’s got a thing for me, because he loves food.

You know, it would be so much easier to respect them if they showed some signs of neural activity up there.

Malta Today, 29 June 2008

Former Lorry Sant henchman canvasses for Jason Micallef

Ronnie Pellegrini, one of the late Lorry Sant’s henchmen and close personal friends, is Jason Micallef’s chief canvasser for the post of MLP secretary-general.

Ronnie, as he is known to friends, has been contacting MLP delegates to promote Micallef, and together with Labour executive council member Nettu Farrugia he has accompanied Micallef to meetings in MLP clubs.

Pellegrini was originally a GWU employee, but is seemingly seconded to the Labour party and is now fully employed by the party. He was one of Alfred Sant’s staunchest supporters, and a common sight at the former MLP leader’s press conferences before the election.

Yet Pellegrini’s style of canvassing has irritated other candidates for the post of secretary general. They told this newspaper that as a party employee, he should desist from getting involved in the campaign.

Pellegrini’s notoriety goes back to the days of the late Lorry Sant, the former Labour minister of works who was renowned for his brusque manners and his involvement in numerous corruption accusations.

Among Pellegrini’s initiatives was the decision to erect a statue to the memory of Lorry Sant, even though many in the party did not agree with the idea at the time.

13 Comments Comment

  1. CAT says:

    Jiena nahseb li missier Pellegrini kien u mela missieri. Meta miet Lorry Sant kollox f’idejh kien, fis-sens li kien jassisti lil Mrs Sant f’kollox.

    • Beamer says:

      Ahhhhh, sweet. Somebody was wondering how he paid for his villa and his beamer off the living wage at the GWU. Perhaps he helped himself to some of that. Or Carmen gave it to him.

  2. Matt says:

    The MLP should insist on having that Lorry Sant statue removed. What a party. What a mentality.

    Labour pushes aside good people and promotes people who are disgrace to the country, not just the party. I pray they stay in opposition for the rest of this millennium, perhaps by then they will mature and change.

  3. Riya says:

    Kif seta ikun li kien jassisti lill-mara ta’ Lorry Sant meta hi spiccat b’xejn. Seta jkun li kien jassisti lill-Piu Camilleri?

  4. Bob says:

    The article states he was an MLP employee… was he?

    ‘I had them thrown out, not because they’re trash…’ This must go down as the quote of the week!

  5. The Grinch says:

    Ronnie Pellegrini kien jaghmilha ma’ tal-Hawsla, Piju Camilleri, u bella companija. Min jaf forsi dan Ronnie jekk jafx min kien qatel lil Lino Cauchi.

  6. Antoine Vella says:

    Saying that Lorry Sant “was renowned for his brusque manners” is such an understatement that it verges on the falsehood. Brusque does not mean the same as brutal and violent which is what Sant really was. Moreover, he was not involved in “corruption accusations”, He was involved in corruption.

    The monument to Lorry Sant was, and still is, one of the most insolent provocations invented by Labourites and it is a credit to PN tolerance that Pellegrini was allowed to erect it and that the statue has not been vandalised and destroyed.

    [Daphne – They’re not great with vocabulary, are they. Renowned for? ‘Notorious for’ is what they meant.]

  7. Riya says:

    ‘Min jaf forsi dan Ronnie jekk jafx min kien qatel lil Lino Cauchi’.

    Ma nghidux hmerijiet l-ahwa. Lill Lino Cauchi mhux in-Nazzjonalisti qatluh, biex jehlu Piu il-Hawsla u shabu bhal Ronnie u ohrajn?

    Dak in-Nazzjonalisti kienu qattawh u tefawh go bir fil-Buskett, u ghalhekk meta Anglu Farrugia investiga l-qtil, ma sab xejn u Guido Demarco ghamlu in charge tal-prosekuzzjoni ta’ Lorry Pullicino bhala ingrazzjament, minnflok ghaddih proceduri tad-dixxiplina minhabba dawk l-arresti kolla li kien jaghmel ghal xejn.

    Imbaghd meta xi hadd kumbinazzjoni sab il-katavru l-Gvern Laborista tal-Golden Years kien qal li gab espert barrani u qallulna li dak kien katavru ta’ mara u kienet tpejjep, meta Lino qatt ma kien pejjep f’hajtu.

    Nahseb dan kollu sar biex in-Nazzjonalisti ma jinqabdux. Ghalhekk ukoll il-Kummissarju John Rizzo ma semmiehx lil Lino waqt l-intervista li ghamlitlu t-tifla tal-Botom, biex jipprotegi n-Nazzjonalisti li ghamluh kummissarju.

    Dawk in-Nazzjonalisti ma ssibx tarfom.

    Anglu Farrugia lil Daphne mar jarresta u qafila f’cella kollha hmieg ghal hin twil biex tiffirma stqarrija ivvintata minnu u qal li Daphne kienet hebbet ghal pulizija u akkuza fil-Qorti.

    Min jaf jekk lil Piu Camilleri li kien ihhawwad fil-korruzzjoni tal-bini ma Lorry Sant meta Lino Cauchi kien l-accountant ta’ Piu kienx arrestah u tefghu go cella bil-hmieg ghal 26 siegha?

  8. dery says:

    Daphne, where is that poster with ‘missierna Lorry Sant’, taken from and what is supposed to mean? Is it for real? If so it is disgusting.

    [Daphne – There is a Facebook group dedicated to Lorry Sant. I can’t remember the exact name, but if you search under Lorry Sant on Facebook you’ll probably find it immediately. It’s a gathering point for fans of Lorry Sant, with photos, anecdotes and so on. It’s administered by somebody who works as a bouncer (natch).]

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