Ronnie Pellegrini snuggles up to Alfred Sant in between posting slanderous comments on Taste Your Own Medicine – way to go, Labour

Published: February 17, 2011 at 1:17pm

Ronnie Pellegrini, righthand man to that scum Lorry Sant, now glued to the hips of Jason Micallef, Joseph Muscat and yes, even Alfred Sant. Jaqq.

In court this morning, that Ronnie Pellegrini, for so many years the righthand man of Lorry Sant, snuggled up to Alfred Sant on one of the benches.

They whispered and chatted like two lovers. It looked as though Ronnie was there for moral support – you know, like he turned up to show moral support to Consuelo Herrera, along with Jason Micallef – because it was only Sant who spoke, not him.

I don’t know what the case was about, but it was Jesmond Mugliett vs. Alfred Sant, one of the cases (like mine) which, ironically, the Chief Justice removed from Consuelo Herrera’s court and transferred with another 20+ cases en masse to another magistrate.

He did this because many of the people involved in those cases were revealed to have been guests at Consuelo’s 45th birthday party or her dinner and lunch companions. Jesmond Mugliett was one of them.

And then there are people who still like to believe that Alfred Sant was a good thing for Labour because he cleaned up the party. What did he clean up? He’s still thick as thieves with Lorry Sant’s henchman.

Ronnie Pellegrini posts slanderous comments on the Taste Your Own Medicine site under the nickname Il-Paccu Tal-Bidnija. I know because he’s not very clever (so what’s new for Labour) or internet savvy, so from time to time a comment comes up under his own name, Ronnie Pellegrini, and then a little while later the name is changed to Il-Paccu tal-Bidnija after Ronnie realises what he did wrong and gets in touch with the moderator, who obliges him.

I have authenticated screen shots of these name changes. Perhaps I should send them to Joseph Muscat and his bright new Labour Party and ask them whether they approve of such attakki moqzieza.

But first I am going to send them to the police.

36 Comments Comment

  1. Alan says:

    About time you struck back.


  2. Zmien tad-deheb says:

    Isn’t this the man to whom Consuelo Scerri Herrera sent a virtual bouquet of flowers?

  3. The Grinch says:

    Perverted minds and Labour scum.

  4. Hot Mama says:

    Go get ’em

  5. mario lanza says:

    Endangered species that very unfortunately aren’ t endangered enough.

  6. David Gatt says:

    Ma’ nafx fejn ha taslu kollha kemm intom.

    Libelli kontra xulxin … hafna storbju fil-bidu imbaghad il-kawzi jdumu jkarkru s-snin sakemm fl-ahhar jigri xi haga … sakemm ma’ jigux ceduti.

    Sadanittant hemm nies innocenti u ohrajn inqas innocenti li qed ibatu.

    Ghalfejn dan il-glied kollhu? Kulhadd jaf li ma’ tistghux taqblu ma’ xulxin. Imma ghalinqas ma’ tistghux taqblu illi tkunu civili ma’ xulxin fil-kummenti taghkom?

    • dery says:

      I agree with David Gatt. He has made a point that hadn’t occurred to me before. All these useless suits are slowing down the already clogged justice system (sic) to the detriment of people who really need justice.

      [Daphne – Who are you to decide who needs justice and who doesn’t?]

      • dery says:

        ho hum… perhaps people rotting away in prison while our laws presumes them innocent because they are still awaiting judgment?

  7. S Azzopardi says:

    Yes, Daphne!

  8. Jakob says:

    Maybe Mr. Pellegrini, after disclosing his identity in such a foolish manner, should change his nickname to Il-Paccu tal-Prima Klassi, because I don’t think there’s a better name that suits someone who gets caught red-handed like that, whoever the person is.

  9. ciccio2011 says:

    Tghid il-kummenti kollha tal-Paccu tal-Bidnija diga tajruhom min fuq il-blog taghhom?
    I had a quick random look, but couldn’t find one.

    [Daphne – I don’t have the mind of a Ronnie Pellegrini. Remember that I don’t vote Labour. First I got screen-shots taken, then I uploaded that post. ]

  10. ciccio2011 says:

    Are these two feeling that, with a referendum, the limelight has been taken away from them?

  11. Pepe` says:

    taste your own medicine, Ronnie boy!

  12. Edward Caruana Galizia says:

    I was told that Labour had nothing to do with that website.

    [Daphne – They would say that, wouldn’t they. The people who told you that should explain why, in that case, five minutes after it went online it was promoted on the Forum Zghazagh Laburisti Facebook page, and on the Facebook pages of various ‘zghazagh Laburisti’, like that total prat ‘Tander’ Saliba. They took down the links when they were threatened with legal action.]

  13. kev says:

    You’re definitely committed to free expression when it concerns your own tirades, but if one of your victims reacts on a medium over which you have no control, you scurry to the police biex ‘tugzah’. Fik il-hobz, e!

    [Daphne – Actually, Kevin, I don’t scurry to the police or to lawyers. In 21 years of grave and relentless slander from the Labour Party and its machine and its supporters, I have sued for libel only three times: Joseph Muscat (I won the case and the judgement was upheld on appeal), Astrid Vella (we shall probably settle out of court) and Kurt Farrugia (still pending, because it has been moved from Consuelo’s court). Next week, I shall be filing cases against Saviour Balzan, Matthew Vella and Roger Degiorgio, so that makes six in 21 years, unless I sue them jointly, which would make four. And I shall be asking the police to proceed against Ronnie Pellegrini, who has long been asking for it and whose involvement in that slanderous website is his idea of supporting Consuelo Herrera by spreading lies about me. The website was set up in direct response to that case, as you should recall. But you know all this already because your brothers-in-law are her chums. Why, one even flew to Singapore with her, but didn’t explain to her what a Singapore Sling is because she thought it was a sexual position and included it in the reasons why she felt libelled. Do I laugh or do I cry? Now I know why she had to study so hard to pass her exams, poor thing.]

    The police are there to tackle crime, not to arrest Ronnie for saying things about Daphne. Il-veru kaz ta’ living by the sword on Lilliput.

    [Daphne – I agree with you, kev, but I think these people now need a taste of their own medicine, don’t you? You’re preaching to the converted here. Instead you should pick up the phone and ring your wife’s brother Andy Ellul, who is the one who pressurised the police into proceeding against me on behalf of Charlon Gouder, when they didn’t want to because they thought he was ridiculous. In fact, the inspector could barely contain his laughter as he took my statement and again when he read it out in court. Everyone could tell he relished reading out ‘Charlon Gouder mar ma’ xi qahba’. Except your brother-in-law, of course. And that partner of his, Vince Micallef, with the chewing-gum. What a chav, honestly.]

    • ciccio2011 says:

      “I agree with you, kev”
      Kev, I suggest you put that in a frame in your Brussels office – or in your bathroom, where you hide from Sharon to meet us.

    • TROY says:

      Yes, Evarist is worried that they might have heard his other half asking him if he’s done the housework, or whether he needs a lift home because smart as he is, he never learned how to drive.

  14. mark v says:

    Sick village politics, anyone aware of what is happening in our neighbouring countries?

    [Daphne – Oh, didn’t you read my column today? Sorry, but I haven’t uploaded it yet. It is online at, you know.]

  15. Antoine Vella says:

    By the way, I wonder what Alfred Sant thinks of the recent outbreak of Mintoffianism in the PL. Maybe some Medialink journalist should ask him.

  16. Riya says:

    Paccu tal-Bidnija u ‘Bitch’ jghidlek dan Ronnie Pellegrini, il-henchman ta’ Lorry Sant, dak l-imbruljun korrott. Imma ghax toqros fil-laham il-haj lilu u l-partit tieghu bil-verita sagrosanta.

    Ara lil Daphne ma jistax jghidilha korrotta kif kien sidu Sant (Lorry, mhux Alfred li kien mieghu dalghodu), allura jinfexx fil-kliem baxx, oxxen u dizonest, ghax tal-Labour hekk biss jafu jaghmlu. M’ghandhomx sustanza u fibra ta’ xejn hlief li jaghjru lil Daphne bi kliem baxx.

    Dan Ronnie fejn kien jahdem? Mhux mal-GWU? Allura minn fejn gab l-villa u l-karrozzi lussuzi? Kif ihallas ghal dawk is-suits flashy li jilbes? Ara, tal-GWU vera ihallsu l-living wage mela. Nahseb li veru l-anqas ghandu biex ihallas il-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma miskin.

    Ghax ma jghidilnix x’jaf dwar il-vjolenza fi zmien il-Golden Years ta’ sidu Lorry?

  17. C Falzon says:

    A little out of subject, but did you notice Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Varist suspecting their phone is tapped because they heard a whirr and a click on their mobile?

    Its probably the same Egyptian secret agency that sabotaged Saviour’s website.

  18. Moxxu says:

    Go for it, Daphne. We are all behind you.

  19. What a Plonker says:

    What a blundering so and so! Why post again? He should just have the comment removed while hoping that nobody noticed. Actually, all this is worrying.

  20. Edmont Dantes says:

    It seems that the clueless moron(s) managing said site (quite a stretch of the definition), are scrambling in panic now. Most of the posts have disappeared, as have comments.

    [Daphne – Which is a rather good way of telling us that yes, Ronnie Pellegrini is very much involved. Well, you can’t expect better from Lorry Sant’s thug.]

  21. Zmien tad-deheb says:

    Ronnie Pellegrini(on 15/10/09):

    We have to learn from the past but we want to have a future. This future is threatened by Gonzipn.

  22. Zmien tad-deheb says:

    He wasn’t always coy though, was he? Here he is on Facebook:

    Ronnie Pellegrini
    Alex napprezza jekk ma tkomplix thammeg il-fb billi toqghod issemmi lis-sahhar jew il-mizbla tal-bidnija. Halliha tifga fid-demm ahdar taghha u tiehu hsieb l-intiena li ghandha fir-razza taghha.

    ‘Alex’ is Alex Saliba, the secretary of FZL and a member of the Labour Party’s executive.

    [Daphne – Yes, I’ve long known that that scum Ronnie Pellegrini is the one spreading rumours and lies about my sons and my father. He is absolutely convinced, for instance, that my father has a second family in Sicily (when you’re scum, that’s how you interpret the world) because he and my mother are frequently there – not at a second home in Modica, heaven forfend, but at a nice hotel like normal people – with one or two of a variety of daughters and grandchildren, with whom my father is frequently to be seen in the absence of my mother who is doing that thing all men hate, going round the shops. Sicily is full of Maltese seksikin with ‘second homes’ nowadays – why, even Anglu Farrugia has one – so it is pretty obvious how that one started. In fact, I always ask my parents why they bother with Taormina instead of going to, say, Alaska where some ghastly Maltese johnny is unlikely to pop out from a log cabin.

    The lies about my sons first began in the general election campaign of 2008, when criminally defamatory emails were sent from a GWU address to the entire contacts list of that particular ‘section’. Lots of people forwarded the emails to me, and we immediately reported the matter to the police and the GWU. The GWU went into panic mode and sent their lawyer over to hand-deliver a letter of apology to my husband’s office down the road. In retrospect, we should have just put a rocket under them and blasted them all the way to hell in court, but we saw it as a police matter, in the same way that abusive phone calls are a police matter not a civil matter.

    John Rizzo did nothing. He told me that because the GWU had been alerted ahead of the police, they had “erased everything”. He said this to somebody who knows that you can’t erase things by pressing delete, which is why the police have a team of people trained to deal with cyber crime. I’m guessing they just didn’t want to seize any GWU computers. Or perhaps Ronnie stamped his feet and called in some favours. Who knows. ]

  23. My knowledge of IT is minimal. But even if GWU erased everything wouldn’t there be the records on the computers of the people who received the e=mails ?

  24. GCHARLES says:

    Riya, saqsejt minmnejn gab il-villa Pellegrini.

    Siehbi Lorry Sant, wara li rega sar ministru fil-1976 bdiet tigbrillu rasu u bhal ma jaf kullhadd u biex ma jidirx beda jaghmel il-kuntratti fuq shabu ta’ madwaru: garage fuq wiehed, villa fuq iehor, etc. Forsi Ronnie lilu messitu villa, ghax wara li miet Lorry halla hafna flus wirt, imma dawk li kellhom fuq isimhom propjeta tieghu ma kelhmux u zammuh.

  25. Riya says:

    ‘Alex napprezza jekk ma tkomplix thammeg il-fb billi toqghod issemmi lis-sahhar jew il-mizbla tal-bidnija. Halliha tifga fid-demm ahdar taghha u tiehu hsieb l-intiena li ghandha fir-razza taghha’.

    L-intiena fir-razza taghha? It’s a good quote Ronnie! What about your family? Alla hares nista nitkellem. You and your PL never have issued an article explaining the bad smell of Daphne’s family because there is nothing wrong and you know it. That is why you and the GWU use the barrier of the internet. Only cowards like you use this tactic.

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