Do you think he's going to get paranoid about Barroso now?

Published: March 7, 2011 at 3:08pm

Time to call in John Dalli & Associates, I think

Do you think John Dalli’s going to develop a fresh obsession that the EU is out to get him? Or that I am in league with Barroso, the wire services, and the international press?

Or, now that he has been forced to operate outside the context of Malta and Gaddafi’s regime, will he now finally be forced to acknowledge that it’s his thinking and behaviour which are the problem?

He’s an EU commissioner, but he continues to speak as though he is at a village political meeting addressing an audience of John Bundys.

He’s just not up to the job. The fact that you’re a smooth operator in Tripoli does not equip you for the international stage in a major crisis like this one, where you have to weigh every word and watch every move.

Ghal mas-Super One tajjeb. U taht xi tinda ma’ Muammar., today

Barroso intervened with Dalli to issue ‘clarification’
Ivan Camilleri in Brussels

Commissioner John Dalli’s ‘clarification’ on his controversial Libya comments was only issued following the personal intervention of Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso

Without going into the details of their private conversation, Mr Barroso’s spokesperson, Pia Ahrenkilde Hansen confirmed this morning that Mr Barroso contacted the Maltese Commissioner over the weekend in order to discuss his comments on Libya.

“What I can say is that Mr Dalli issued a clarification on his remarks which is “very useful” to us,” she told the Commission’s daily press briefing in Brussels this morning.

Late yesterday evening, Mr Dalli issued a statement to ‘clarify’ his comments on Libya and which were interpreted by the international media to be apologetic to Colonel Gaddafi and his regime.

In his statement Mr Dalli said that he regretted that some of his comments conveyed the “false impression” that he did not support the position on Libya taken by his boss, President Barroso.

Last week Mr Barroso made it clear that the time for Mr Gaddafi is up and he must leave. However, when, during an event in Malta he was asked to comment about whether the Libyan leader had to resign, Commissioner Dalli said that Gaddafi “should make his own decisions”.

In his Friday intervention, Mr Dalli also questioned the authenticity of some of the media coverage being given to the Libyan opposition and described as ‘pitiful’ that US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton was relying on media reports to get information of what is happening to Libya.

The international press slammed Mr Dalli’s comments and said that during the past years Mr Dalli has developed close business contacts with the Gaddafi regime.

14 Comments Comment

  1. Antoine Vella says:

    I don’t kow how he expects to come back and be accepted by PN activists and supporters.

  2. Zorro and friends says:

    Mur arah il-prim ministru taghna. Ajma hej. Not capable of rising to the occasion.

  3. Maria says:

    One wonders whether John is having enough sleep at this particular moment in time.

  4. Anthony Farrugia says:

    John Dalli contemplating his future from the balcony of his Portomaso flat.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      What future?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Oligarchs never die. They just go to Portomaso to restructure their investments. Sorry to disappoint you, Purdie, but Dalli’s future looks bright.

      • willywonka says:

        That’s true…Baxxter is correct.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Baxxter. As does Mubarak’s and Ben Ali’s etc? Dalli is toast–a turkey with an abnormally small cloaca. So full of ….excrement.

        Maybe it’s time to think of your own future.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Implying what, Purdie? God damn it don’t talk to me in riddles. And don’t you F**KING dare suggest that I somehow enjoy my failure.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Baxxter, just read your ranting retort. You just proved my innocuous comment. You appear to revel in failure.

  5. Another John says:

    Corinne Vella: where are you? Have you given up on the task of raising the level of conversation on I nearly have. It is an impossible task. Just read the comments beneath the article about Barroso and Dalli and you will get the gist of what I am saying. What a dismal situation.

    • Corinne.Vella says:

      I posted a comment there. Maybe it’s taken a bit long to appear.

      Your turn.

      • Another John says:

        Too late tonight. does not usually post comments after 8 pm. I am sure there will be ample new fodder tomorrow and many more morrows after that!

  6. Carmel Scicluna says:

    Imn’alla u l-Madonna ghandna lil Gonzi prim ministru. B’Gonzi fil-gvern inhossni kburi tabilhaqq li jien bniedem universali, cittadin Ewropew u Malti.

    Mhux kburi kieku prim ministru kellna lil dak ir-rahli ta’ Dalli! Jimpala l-liri biss jaf u jigi jaqa’ u jqum mill-poplu Libjan jibki u jixher! Veru Alla jaf x’inhu jaghmel!

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