Foreign Affairs at Mile End

Published: March 22, 2011 at 10:02pm


Does the Labour Party know that Cyprus is split? Its new website Maltastar has illustrated a report about (the Republic of) Cyprus’s decision to stay out of the anti-Gaddafi fray with a photograph of Irsen Kucuk, prime minister of (Turkish) Northern Cyprus.

U mhux xorta.

13 Comments Comment

  1. Harry Purdie says:

    The only ‘affairs’, foreign or otherwise, that these turkeys (no pun) understand, are their pornographic videos and facebook pics.

  2. U Le! says:

    During last election they did not know the exact number of new voters, so we should not be surprised that they have an acute lack of ‘foreign affairs’.

  3. Antoine Vella says:

    Perhaps they thought (wished) the EU had changed its flag from blue to red.

  4. Farrugia says:

    We do not care what the turkish republic of Cyprus thinks about this issue because we do not recognise that ‘state’.

    Is the PL suggesting recognition of northern Cyprus? Very unusual stance. No country in the EU recognises nortern Cyprus, but the interim government in Benghasi is recognised by France (Portugal also maintains contact) yet we have not hard the PL supporting recognition of the Libyan Republic (Benghasi). As for the Greek response to the isuue, this is what the Greek PM had to say on the Libyan crisis on Ekathimerini newspaper:

    “As friends of the Libyan people we have to think of the day after,” Papandreou argued. “They must know that they have a friend with principles, without selfish interests, who is ready to help rebuild their country. Greece is not going to remain neutral in these developments. Greece’s absence would not help our national interests. We will be present with the force of our principles, with respect for our obligations and with the need for the region’s democratic rebirth.”

    Something for our PM to ruminate on.

  5. El Topo says:

    Kemm int qansha.

  6. Joe Micallef says:

    Even the photo should have suggested something was wrong.

  7. Maria says:

    I’m dying to see whether the people from Mile End had anything to do with Gaddafi financially.

  8. Dee says:

    Is that a picture of Emmy Bezzina?

  9. David S says:

    …and today, 23 March at 12.30, they still have not changed the picture. How could this party govern Malta?

  10. ciccio2011 says:

    Cyprus is not only split, they are very bitter about it. There is even a demilitarised zone between the two territories.

  11. WhoamI? says:

    Daphne, we will hold you responsible should the LP improve. You help them a lot.

    [Daphne – Ah, but they haven’t changed the photograph yet.]

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