DSK self-destructs

Published: May 17, 2011 at 12:50pm

Dominique Strauss-Kahn – what an idiot. Just unbelievable. Imagine pushing the total-self-destruct button like that.

Imagine not knowing that a New York City chambermaid from Guinea is going to react in a wholly different way to a pass by a butt-naked old man who locks her in his hotel room than a Parisian woman would to a pass by the chief of the International Monetary Fund and a ‘known seducer’.

Stripped down to his bare essentials and devoid of the contextual trappings that feed his vanity and his ‘magnetic attraction for women’ (ahem), it must have been a real shock to the IMF chief to discover that a woman’s reaction to his true, unadulterated self is a series of high-pitched screams and a valiant attempt to escape, followed by a hysterical summoning of the police.

And no, I don’t for a moment believe he is innocent or that the maid is lying.

41 Comments Comment

  1. Interested Bystander says:

    “Clinton zed eet wud be eezy”

  2. Paul Bonnici says:

    And he left his mobile phone behind him in the hotel when he dashed to the airport to get away from the USA, and phoned the hotel and told them he was at the airport.

    • ciccio2011 says:

      He probably realised he left his mobile behind when the security officer at the metal detectors asked him to place his keys, wallet and MOBILE through the security machine. “Shit. I aM F*cked.”

  3. Matt says:

    The judge had no choice but to deny him bail. She could not ignore the hotel witnesses and the CCTV recordings.

    So now he is in a single room at a maximum security prison, among mass murderers, rapists and mafia bosses.

    A nice touch on his CV.

    • ciccio2011 says:

      Who says the IMF was a better place than that maximum security prison? It holds entire economies to ransom.

    • Etienne Calleja says:

      That’s not why he was denied bail. It actually highlights the distinction between Federal and State Courts n the U.S. – viz. Madoff and Sid Vicious, respectively.

  4. Kenneth Cassar says:

    Reminds me of Anderson’s “The Emperor’s new clothes”.

  5. john says:

    Here we go again: first we had Iman Obeidi now we have Dominique Strauss.

    Why do these things always have to happen to some pretty, innocent girl? I guess because it sells more papers.

    Has anyone asked what this innocent girl was doing in the man’s room in the first place? I know of no respectable hotel which would allow any of it’s maids to enter a guest’s room without first making sure that the room was vacant.

    [Daphne – You haven’t stayed in many hotels, then. They knock. They knock again. And then, when there is no answer, they go in. I trust you don’t still live in an era in which guests inform reception when they go out, and leave their big chunky keys behind in a pigeonhole clearly marked with their room-number. If you are under the shower, there is no way you are going to hear the chambermaid knocking, for instance. And then you overlook the fact of lonely perverts who deliberately pretend not to hear the chambermaid, and then get a thrill out of having her walk in on them naked, a sort of upmarket version of those flashers on beaches. I appreciate that some men like you can’t understand these sorts of situations because they have never had to live life as a woman, but there you go. Most women have had to put up with scenes of some sort or another, though not as bad as this.]

    I don’t see why a man of this calibre has to resort to these tactics to get what he wanted, when all he had to do was phone the reception, and they would have sent him a busload, all of different shapes and sizes.

    [Daphne – Then clearly, you don’t understand that male sexuality comes in all forms, and is not just about the actual act of fornication. Life is not that simple.]

    Now let’ s not have someone come up with the usual crap, because he comes from a broken family, he had a rough childhood, a divorced family, leave that to the antidivorce movement.
    Would this pretty, innocent girl have gone hysterical if the man was someone without two dollar pieces to call his own?

    [Daphne – Exactly how do you know she is pretty and innocent? Innocent of what, anyway? And what does that have to do with it? She endured a violation.]

    The good thing about it is that it happened in the U.S.A.so we can freely say SELL IT TO THE MARINES.

    • john says:

      Perhaps we might soon hear how much she expects to receive to drop the charges. Innocent, my foot.

      [Daphne – Careful, you’re beginning to sound like a Lowell supporter. Strange how you haven’t yet cottoned on to the fact that she’s black and from AFRICA.]

      • john says:

        I assure you I am not a Lowell supporter and not a racist. She could have been yellow or blue, for all I care. What I am trying to say is that men in his position, are always prone to unscrupulous people looking for a way to make a quick buck.

        [Daphne – Yes, except for two things: 1. she didn’t know who he is/was; 2. it is precisely because of they are a thousand times more vulnerable than most that men in his position should not make sexual passes at women, still less commit the criminal acat of forcing themselves onto them. And that is quite apart from the respect for the women involved, of which there is apparently nothing. But ask any woman in Malta about that, and she’ll have quite a bit to narrate.]
        Why don’t we wait and let the law take its’s course, before declaring him guilty. Unfortuneatly, his first day in court, did him no good,having to appear in front of a woman judge. but as I said ,let’s wait and give the man a chance.

      • Kenneth Cassar says:

        [john- Unfortuneatly, his first day in court, did him no good,having to appear in front of a woman judge. but as I said ,let’s wait and give the man a chance].

        Ironic that you weren’t prepared to give the “woman judge” a chance as well. What was that supposed to mean?

    • El Topo says:

      There’s a first time for everything, but common sense would tell you that this guy must have tried this sort of trick elsewhere and got away with it.

      • john says:

        If she had been working there for some time, I am sure she
        knew who he was, he is a frequent visitor to that hotel.

        Yes we men are very vulnerable , and the danger is the fact that women know this perfectly well,and we men being so naive fall for their schemes.But we still like them.God bless them all.

    • John Schembri says:

      Hotel rooms have locks on the inside. If you don’t want the maid to come in, you hang the Do Not Disturb notice on the door knob or turn on the DND push button, and lock the door. Hotels are equipped with systems which indicate whether the room is occupied or not. Maids keep the door open when they are doing a room.

      Dominique Strauss-Kahn is in deep shit.

    • Galian says:

      Oh my god! Are you for real?

    • Guza says:

      The “innocent girl” you are referring to is – according to news reports – a 6ft tall, hard-working, well-respected single mother, who simply split her time between work and home. She is most certainly the victim in this case.

      Oh, and if you ever needed proof that a man’s brain is hanging below his waist, then I’d say you’ve now got it.

    • Etienne Calleja says:

      I see…Eman el-Obeidi is in actual fact a newspaper sales trick. Thank God for people like you, john, exposing the blaggards for what they really are!

      • john says:

        Could be, I bet she will be making quite a packet,by recounting her experiences from Tunisia. My grandmother used to say “Women are always sitting on a gold mine” I guess some are more capable of exploiting this endowment than others.

        [Daphne – Was your grandmother a prostitute?]

    • john says:

      Come on Daphne, do we have to stoop so low?

      [Daphne – ?]

      • john says:

        On second thoughts, do you have something against prostitutes? They are doing a job like anyone else. Some do it in Testaferrata Street, some do it behind a desk and others do it in their matrimonial bed, at the end of the day they are all after the same things, money or favour.

        [Daphne – ‘They’? Do you mean women in general? Well, with a grandmother who gives you that impression of women, why am I not surprised.]

  6. Steve says:

    I don’t believe it either. We put these people on too much of a pedestal. They then think they can get away with anything.

  7. Steve says:

    That picture of him looks so different to the one taken after he’s spent two nights as a guest of the state of New York.

  8. El Topo says:

    No fooling around with the chambermaid who will be cleaning his 11-by-13 I bet.

  9. Apple says:

    Total abuse of power – shame on him

  10. Harry Purdie says:

    A white Tiger bites the dust!

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Looks like Arnie’s in the dippity doo too. An Austrian Tiger bites the dust. ‘PIP’ not in these guys’ vocabulary. (Pecker in Pants).

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Daphne, Arnie was just renamed the ‘Sperminator’ by my second favourite columnist. Check Maureen Dowd’s column in the New York Times about DSK.

    • ciccio2011 says:

      It seems that after Portugal, Ireland and Greece, the IMF will have to bail out its own President.

  11. Steve Forster says:

    Dominique will be holding on to his bar of soap for dear life in the prison shower block.

    “Damn dogs, I just butt###### some old dude from the IMF”.

    Sorry to lower the tone.

  12. Anthony says:

    I suggest that we all presume he is innocent.

    If he is eventually found guilty, he will have his name engraved in gold in the company of other innumerable assholes who helped shape his wretched country’s history.

    That would presumably be one of the many reasons why the global economy is in deep shit. With his brain embedded deep down under his paunch, how on earth can he be expected to lift the world’s economy out of the mire.

    Then, not only would he qualify as a Bollinger Bolshevik but also as a downright twit.

  13. ciccio2011 says:

    What I found hilarious is this bit from the BBC:

    “He was arrested after boarding a plane, prompting the judge to say that Mr Strauss-Kahn, 62, was a flight risk.”


    Apparently the judge was concerned Mr. Kahn would chase the flight attendants down the aisle.

    • Grezz says:

      Ever heard of “fight or flight”, Ciccio? In his case, it’s quite obviously the “flight” that kicked in.

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