Hands up, all the Maltese politicians who actually get what’s happening here

Published: May 6, 2011 at 12:00am

35 Comments Comment

  1. K. Formosa says:

    :) Informal dinner … Almost a stand-up performance!

  2. Pecksniff says:

    Just President Obama taking the the we-we out of The Donald and demolishing him as payback for the latter’s insistence on where Obama was actually born. But I think the majority of our politicians will miss the point entirely.

  3. Etienne Caruana says:

    How to take the mickey out of Donald! Who would have guessed that Obama was just about to spend a sleepless night overseeing the capture of Bin Laden?

  4. A. Charles says:

    If this had to take place in Malta, the President would have been inundated with libel suits and some “meschino” magistrate would have found a reason to fine the speaker for putting the subjects of the jibes into disrepute.

  5. Galian says:

    Donald Trump would have paid half his fortune for a hole to crawl into while that was going on.

  6. BuBu says:

    Holy moley! His true calling wasn’t president – it was stand-up comedian.

  7. Joe Micallef says:

    Payment in kind gracefully taken! But that is only a layman’s take and nothing to do with that of eminent Maltese politicians.

    What intrigues me is that a proper comparison to the situation in Malta would require our politicians to reverse their ideological affiliation.

  8. Edward Clemmer says:

    “He who laughs last, laughs best.” What a wonderful way for me to start my day. In front of my PC, I was laughing and applauding (by myself) right along with the rest of the Press Corps (and President Obama).

    What an effective opportunity not missed by the President. By contrast, the Maltese politicians on both sides of the major political divide have gone very seriously far-right: The PN leader (among others) looking like Tal- Muzew; the PL leader (and scowl-supporting comrades in classic shoe-banging Soviet fashion circa-1961 and pre-1989) looking like Norman Lowell (to the point where Normal Lowell agrees).

    Well, in a liberal democracy, you have Obama roasting journalists. In Malta, “journalists” are regularly mouthpieces for the politicians, and some politicians are (former) journalists, but all see communications and the use and control of the media as political “weaponry” aimed at political opponents.

    In Malta, the politicians take aim at each other, but not at the Press – especially not with a critical eye towards their own “journalistic” version of media “facts” and an overt propaganda agendas.

    Someday we may even have freedom of the press, when political satire on TVM (or banned from TVM) need not be approved by some Broadcasting Authority – and political parties don’t own broadcasting media. We might even be allowed to put up dramatic plays on stage without the invasion of marauding censors pretending to protect adults from “threatening” thoughts and reflections. Only in Malta, and in certain socialist or totalitarian regimes.

  9. Absolutely fantastic.

  10. Interested Bystander AKA non-Catholic outsider says:

    Was that one at the back … possibly ….. was it …… no just someone scratching their head

  11. Steve says:

    If you can’t beat them, make fun of ’em.

    [Daphne – Wrong: beat them BY making fun of them.]

    • john says:

      Lord Randolph Churchill, the most brilliant parliamentary debater of his day, was “quick to invoke the deadly weapons of mockery and irony”

  12. ta' sapienza says:


  13. Joe Micallef says:

    Do you want to test whether Maltese civil servants take this as gracefully.

    It is about their Spanish counterparts but I can see so many similarities that I would find hard to distinguish.

    It’s nerve-wracking but gloriously funny.


    • Pecksniff says:

      Brilliant. These guys can fit in our Inland Revenue, VAT, Social Services, University (any other candidates ?) without any trouble at all. What’s missing is the messenger with his list of ten excuses to send you astray or up the wall.
      Liked the stapler part.

  14. Esteve says:

    It looks to me that he put that clown back into his place.

  15. Alan says:

    It’s called the art of impeccable timing.

  16. ciccio2011 says:

    Looks like Barack Obama played his TRUMP CARD very well.

  17. Josephine says:

    Meanwhile, in parochial Malta, “Mrs Muscat spoke on her personal challenges in raising three-year old twins while her husband’s work kept him away for long periods and said it was only her love for her husband which kept her going.” http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20110506/local/politicians-wives-call-for-education-on-new-roles-of-spouses.363946

    I’m sure her three-year-old twins would be really pleased to know, later in life, that it is her love FOR HER HUSBAND which kept her going. Silly me, for thinking that there was no greater bond than that between a mother and her (dependent) children!

    Ahjar ma’ nghid xejn!

  18. Simon says:

    ..seems like Trump has set his eyes on a new target …now Steve Jobs is not even from this planet….and this guys aspires to be Commander in Chief some day!


    • ciccio2011 says:

      Mr. Trump’s eyes are set on becoming the President of the United States. It is rumoured he is working on his candidacy with the Republican Party.

    • EJG says:

      Don’t believe everything you find on the web Simon. The blurb at the top of the website you are quoting says it all: All the news that’s fit to fabricate.

  19. davidg says:

    Wait,did the love for her husband or for her children, or for both which kept her going?So, if she did not love her husband anymore ,she would have not kept on going and abandoned her children and husband altogether.

  20. El Topo says:

    The interesting thing is that others at the dinner, such as Saturday Night Live’s head writer Seth Meyers and comic Wanda Sykes, got the audience (and the Obamas) laughing by poking fun at Obama and his wife. Can you imagine something like that happening in Malta?

  21. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    It looks like Al Qaeda is in on the conspiracy theory too now:


  22. Joe Scerri says:

    Maltese politics is more akin to the stories of Don Camillo and Peppone

  23. kev says:

    Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, how very funny, Barry!

    Let me tell you what happened in this saga.

    Around two years ago people were asking to see Barry’s birth certificate since rumours had it he was born in Kenya (which would disqualify him from his Presidency). Afer some time a digital version was released and the ‘birthers’ (as they came to be disparagingly called) demanded to see the original doscument.

    This did not happen, until some days ago when the US government released a scanned copy of the original.

    But there’s something very funny about this scan. If you open the PDF document with Adobe Illustrator you’ll see what looks like a digital forgery. Why? Because barring a sound explanation it seems to have been tampered with: it is multi-layered (like a photoshop job) and was not even been ‘flattened’ when saved (something a forgerer would not dream of doing unless he wants to be found out).

    To add some fantasy to the fairytale, the forgery makes no sense whatsoever. For example, Barry’s mother’s signature is split on two layers. Download this document and open it with Adobe Illustrator and tell me if this is not a sick joke: http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/rss_viewer/birth-certificate-long-form.pdf

    So unless there is a mysterious Adobe bug that splits into layers upon scanning there is only one explanation: they are pssing on ‘conspiracy theorists’ – a show of power, in a way, like saying: ‘Look, here it is, and it is layered and unflattened, and you can scream and shout till kingdom come for nothing will happen. That’s how powerful we are.’

    This dinner speech reflects this pissing attitude.

    As for Donald Trump – once a clown, always a clown. He rode the birther bandwagon only a couple of weeks ago and does not really figure at all. A useful idiot, I would say.

    Funny that Barry should also mention Roswell in the same breath of a ‘faked moon landing’. Perhaps he should know that the FBI’s ‘The Vault’ website has been uploaded with some very weird stuff concerning Roswell – http://vault.fbi.gov/UFO – but that, of course, is another story altogether…

    It’s a surreal world we live in, but do keep on clapping and laughing. Isn’t Barry a funny President? Even funnier than Bush II.

    [Daphne – Wherever there’s a conspiracy theory, you’ll find our Kev.]

  24. SDS says:

    Good on you Mr. President, Stump the Trump with humour of course.

  25. VR says:

    For me, the clue sentence in Obama’s speech was his insistence to make sure that journalists did not believe that his birth video he played was not actually him. I wonder how the journalists took this.

    • Joseph A Borg says:

      They were whispering to themselves: we’re over-qualified to do our hack jobs but it pays really well.

  26. Self Sideshow says:

    Now if only more senior politicians would take up Obama’s lead and make light of powerful businessmen / other public figures, whenever they overstep the mark. Refreshing.

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