Cyrus Engerer

Published: July 26, 2011 at 2:27pm

Vince Micallef, far right, helping usher Christ into Jerusalem

The police commissioner is to give a press conference at 4pm, so I’ll hold off commenting until after that. It appears, however, that the story has the stinking (unofficial) hands of Labour and the PN backbiters all over it, and not the contrary.

Suffice it to say that the lawyers for the aggrieved party – Marvic Camilleri – are those two Labour slime-balls Vince Micallef and Andy Ellul, who are also the ones who pursued the police to press charges against me on behalf of Charlon Gouder.

You might recall that Vince Micallef was last seen on this website in a ‘virgin white party’ photograph with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and some other idiotic-looking middle-aged people trying to look ‘witit’.

I won’t tell you which Labour tramp I believe is masterminding much of this plotting and pot-stirring – and my suspicions are based on lifelong experience and knowledge in other contexts – but I am sure you have the imagination to work it out based on a recent post. Vince Micallef is, after all, one of her dearest friends and his car is often parked outside her house.

113 Comments Comment

  1. chavsRus says:

    Nice spin – but hardly credible.

    The PN’s death-wish grows stronger by the hour.


    (PS: The porn-actor got his way too – a Canossa from the PM, no less)

    [Daphne – Spin ta’ ghajnek, Chavs. What a sheltered life you lead.]

    • Kurt Borg says:

      I can’t believe people read your blog… such an arrogant writer…. oh I am sry you r not a are just a failed reporter that nobody wants on his paper/tv/radio.

      so you reply to someone that does not agree with your comments with “spin t’ghajnek”

      let me ask you a question…. were you one of those that was shoked by the TFAL BULA billboard during the referendum?

      [Daphne – Take spelling lessons, sweetheart. It might help you get a job.]

      • Kurt Borg says:

        could i get employed with

        another arrogant response,,,,

        [Daphne – Definitely not with that kind of spelling.]

      • Kurt Borg says:

        publish my comment maybe? I am still awaiting at least a good response from you…

        [Daphne – Take spelling lessons, sweetheart. It might help you get a job.]

        kumment li konna nighduh lil xulxin fil-primarja….

        [Daphne – Mela mort il-primarja? Ha nghidlek, ma tantx jidher mis-spelling tieghek.]

      • Kurt Borg says:

        ….. any time soon? .. nistenna risposta sura ta nies min ghandek?

        [Daphne – Dwar xhiex, Kurt?]

      • Orlando Ellul Micallef says:

        Oh dear! You can’t believe that people read this blog, yet you comment about it.

        “A failed reporter” … yet you and your mate chavsrus constantly make rubbish comments – which I admit makes me laugh.

        [Daphne – To put the record straight: I was never a reporter, so couldn’t have been a failed one. I have been a columnist since the age of 25, and if I had failed I wouldn’t still be the hot topic which, I’ll admit, is getting really boring for me. People have been talking about me for 21 years. Time to change the subject, don’t you think.]

        At least she hasn’t been wining and dining people as Joseph Muscat did.

      • John says:


      • Kurt Borg says:

        I have been a columnist since the age of 25, and if I had failed I wouldn’t still be the hot topic which, I’ll admit, is getting really boring for me. People have been talking about me for 21 years.

        OMG….. tell me that you forgot to press the backspace key after writing that sentence!

        [Daphne – Note that I said ‘talking about me’ as distinct from, say, ‘praising me’. It’s a complicated sentence, full of phrases, tenses and punctuation. Hard for somebody of limited education to understand. Return to your Facebook wall.]

      • Kurt Borg says:

        oh no don’t worry I understood your sentence completely… it’s your obsession with me being unable to read and write that made you write such a beetle-headed comment.

        [Daphne – Ara, so you can spell and write suddenly. What a surprise: a Labour cheer-leader with a split personality, and a liar and fraud to boot.]

        issa… tista’ tnehhi naqra l-attenzjoni minn fuqi? since people have been talking about you for 21 years, it’s a waste to spend time talking about me…. let’s continue the 21 year tradition…..:)

      • Steve says:

        Yep daphe is arrogant but sometimes people prefer to hear a lies because with lies you can sleep better. People sometimes do not want the truth cause the truth will hurt and with lies they can for sometime pretend that everything is ok.

        Kurt people as you say are stupid to read this blog, so are you cause you read it.

        [Daphne – You know people are talking about you on Facebook when all the subliterates start coming in.]

      • Orlando ellul micallef says:

        And john, if 55% can read what you wrote, how would you write your CV or letter for employment?

  2. Leonard says:

    The public’s perception is that fascism within the PN is alive and well.

    • Edward Caruana Galizia says:

      Not really. Fascism involved ethnic cleansing and racist sentiments. It was Muscat who thought we should take on the Italian attitude towards the asylum seekers and let them drown in the sea.

      The only thing working against the PN at the moment is their religious views, which actually enhance their compassionate attitude towards those looking for safety in Europe.

      [Daphne – A smart observation. I’m glad you’re the one who pointed this out. Imagine if I had. Though it is quite possible, of course, to have compassion without being religious.]

      Let’s also not forget that the PL is, to say the least, a former communist party, Mintoff being the one who gave it that reputation- a man Muscat doesn’t stop praising.

      Personally I don’t believe we have much of a choice any more.

      • Charles Cassar says:

        Thank you for noting that religion has no monopoly over compassion.

      • Edward Caruana Galizia says:

        I didn’t mean to claim that religious = compassionate. Even more so when I am not that religious myself.

        [Daphne – I didn’t think you did.]

      • ytor/malta says:

        Facism is alive and strong, using different names such as Socialism in Malta strangely enough. Joseph can be proud of himself.

    • Dee says:

      The public’s perception of the PL is that it is currently a skip for unrecycled refuse.

  3. Joseph says:

    I hope that Cyrus is not being framed cos he changed sides. We are in a democracy and we all have to respect everyone’s opinions.

    I ask the police to examine the computers of the police stations, I have serious doubts, but they might find some interesting sites surfed by their fellow staff.

    They took almost 2 years to file charges against Mr. Engerer. What were they doing during this period?

    [Daphne – You could always ring Labour HQ (or Robert Musumeci’s home) and ask policeman-turned-lawyer Vince Micallef.]

    • Police computers are restricted in the sites they can visit by the servers at HQ. Furthermore all sites visited by people working on police computers are recorded and traceable to the individual.

      So there’s no need for an investigation to be launched. The audit is continuous and uninterrupted.

  4. Albert Farrugia says:

    God knows what would have been written on these columns had Joseph Muscat visited a porn actor.

    [Daphne – Apparently, the prime minister visited a hunger striker, not a porn actor. You can’t have it both ways, Albert.]

    • chavsRus says:

      Erm – you are the one who underlined the fact that this man is (or was a porn star) now he has become a hunger-striker? You are the one, it seems, who is playing heads you lose, tails I win.

      [Daphne – Was a porn star. Not is. The hunger-striker claim isn’t mine. To me he’s just a nutcase.]

  5. Zian says:

    LOL … only you could find a way to pin this on Labour

    [Daphne – Maybe it should occur to you that I’m one of the few with the wits and the facts to be able to see what might well be going on when the lawyers are two former policemen who are actively involved in the Labour Party and still have their contacts with the police force where they spent years. Their client Marvic might well have been surprised and ‘shocked’ as he said on Facebook to find that the police had charged Engerer, but the jury is out on whether his lawyers were.]

  6. Stephen says:

    This is also worrying. Very worrying! If the PL can manipulate and use the police ‘now’, what will it be like if and when they return to power?

    • ytor/malta says:

      Just like the old days – at least we know where we are heading. Great thing is that they are their own executioner .

  7. Interested Bystander says:

    Even I can figure out that Labour have no need for a prominent ‘gay’ in their midst.

    In fact he would be perceived as a liability.

    Am I right?

  8. denis pace says:

    No-one from the PN in his right senses would ever have dreamt of such ill-timing.

    It is just too obvious.

    Something stinks…and that is usually a Labour stronghold.

    • maryanne says:

      Who had an interest in telling Malta Today about the phone call of Mr. Galea Curmi to Mr. Rizzo? Cyrus Engerer, his father or their lawyers? I don’t think so.

  9. c frendo says:

    I think the PN has let too many parasites, including some of its own back benchers, ride on its bandwagon.

  10. Dee says:

    Would this farcical story have something to do with the unexpected late night visit made by the wannabe first-couple to Kermit and Piggy some days ago?

  11. chavsRus says:

    If you manage to con your followers here into believing that this is a Labor spin, I’ll take my hat off to you. You must be cleverer than I thought. Or they are stupider. Or maybe they just want to believe it ….

    [Daphne – Oh, do you wear a hat? How old-fashioned.]

  12. maryanne says:

    ….’ Rizzo did not give any further details, but mysteriously added: “He then asked me to do something which I couldn’t do.” (as reported by Malta Today)

    Asked whether he had received a phone call from Edgar Galea Curmi (from the secretariat of the Prime Minister) Mr Rizzo said he could confirm the phone call was made on July 21 to enquire about the Chris Engerer case, but he did not have details at the time. Cyrus was near Mr Galea Curmi at the time. No requests were made by Mr Galea Curmi. (as reported by The Times)

    Which one is the correct version?

    • Interested Bystander says:

      Maybe he asked him to kiss his own elbow (try it)

    • Giovanni says:

      Maryanne, here is your explanation.

      “Mr Galea Curmi told him that Mr Engerer’s lawyer was claiming that the investigation was motivated by the fact that his son had moved to the PL. Mr Rizzo told Mr Galea Curmi this was not the case and Mr Galea Curmi asked him to explain this to his lawyer.” But Mr Rizzo said he did not as he felt he did not owe Mr Engerer’s lawyer any investigation.”

      • maryanne says:

        I may have missed it or else they have correccted it.

        But why the very misleading heading? Well, it is not beyond Malta Today, we are used to it now.

      • Neil Dent says:

        I’m sure it’s ‘any explanation’ rather than ‘any investigation’. Shoddy proof-work on the part of

        Mr. Rizzo’s negative response was 100% proper, befitting of his position.

        Malta Today’s spin is disgraceful throughout the entire online article and their headline is the worst part. Well worthy of prosecution by Messrs Rizzo and Galea Curmi.

  13. Joe Vella says:

    ‘Come siamo caduti in basso.! Viva Malta ta Tinto Brass: kawlata ta srum, zbub u kuxjenzi mahmugin bil-konvenjenza ! Which side are you on Dafni?

  14. Hi Daphne, I am posting here because you tend to see things more clearly than I do. How come it took the police almost 2 years to interrogate Mr Engerer?

    [Daphne – I can’t spell it out but the important thing to note is that it was a win/win situation for Labour. Cyrus was interrogated when he was at his most prominent in the PN, speaking at the general council, etc. He was charged, and his father arrested, when he left the PN and with timing to cause maximum damage to the PN. Anyone who thinks that the Nationalist Party/government organised this to pay Cyrus back is thinking out of his pants. Their PR skills might have slipped really badly over the last few years, but not so far into hellish stupidity, rest assured. I have my own history with police harassment over the last three years or so and it’s definitely not coming from the government or the Nationalist Party. Just as the harassment of that Pierre Bartolo in Anglu Farrugia’s ‘xiri tal-voti’ case didn’t come from the government. The police force is teeming with rats – though there are so many good people too – and is headed by a Commissioner who doesn’t make sure he has a case BEFORE he prosecutes. Then to compound matters you have all these former policemen-turned-lawyers and working in the field of criminal law, who still have extensive insider links with the force because they worked in it – Anglu Farrugia, Vince Micallef, Andy Ellul. Horrible, a real mess. Did you note how part of The News of the World scandal involved the payment of money to policemen for information? I’m told this is normal practice here – not only are policemen paid for information, but certain lawyers also give some interrogating officers a cut if they recommend them to arrested persons who have no lawyer. But getting the facts on this is a nightmare.]

    When Alex Vella Gera came to testify in the Realta’ case, he was arrested that same day. When I issued a press conference on Stitching, I was called to Police HQ that same night. As far as I know, Mr Engerer hasn’t been abroad all that time these past two years . . . Why now? Why did these accusations surface only now? I must be missing something but I just can’t put my finger on it.

    [Daphne – Tell me about it. I found a squad car and four policemen at my gate when I came home from a party at 1.30am. They really need to clean up that place.]

  15. Joseph says:

    Can anyone explain why the Commissioner of Police gave sensitive information to Mr. Galea Curmi?

    Mr. Galea Curmi can request such information in his position?

    Rizzo: “He then asked me to do something which I couldn’t do.” – Can he specify what was asked?

    [Daphne – Have sex with Cyrus Engerer? Who knows. Police uniforms are a big thing, I’m told.]

    • Ronnie says:

      Uncalled for.

    • I’m putting in my tuppence worth here. He was probably asked by Mr. Galea Curmi (at the insistence of Engerer’s lawyer – probably) whether the Police could NOT prosecute Cyrus Engerer on the charges as adduced against him.

      Given that some of the charges warrant a prosecution independent of the complaint of the injured party, the Police must continue with the case no matter what. This is probably what he meant – he could not stop the prosecution, because once the report was in (compalint or no complaint) it is then out of the Police’s hands.

  16. marcellu says:

    a qahba dafni……kemm ghad irridu inreddawlek zbub meta inkunu hemm……….ja qahba,xadina ingarzata ma ferh ta xadin……..

    [Daphne – Oh my, a hardcore ‘debasement of women’ porn fan. Kemm hawn freaks Malta, jahasra. Gzira tal-mutants.]

    • Joseph says:

      Marcellu taqax fil baxx… daphne ghandha opinjoni differenti, ma hemmx ghalfejn naqghu dan il-livell. Mhux tort taghha jekk il-Mulej kien ghajjien meta halaqha…

      [Daphne – Mela l-vera kien bazwi meta halaq lilek, siehbi, ghax halla nofs mohhok fil-kaxxa.]

      • Joseph says:

        In-nofs li taghni dejjem hadem iktar mil mohh shih li ghandek int. And dont get offended, you are used to make fun on everyone…. be more jolly :D

        [Daphne – ‘Be more jolly’. That’s right, girls should smile and be pleasing. Mela they make fun of the men x’arukaza.]

      • silvio says:

        Good answer: Daphne at her best.

        Kieku kellhom mohh shih ilhom fuq 20 sena fl-oppozizjoni?

      • Joseph says:

        hahahahaha funny Daphne… I said be Jolly (cheerful, positive attitude) and not pleasing (I barely imagine you pleasing)…. My God, you have one minded track…. always about sex…loool

        [Daphne – The prime minister sometimes takes time out to visit nutjobs. Have your man call his. You might get a kiwi out of it.]

      • john says:

        What a rubber Jolly this man is.

      • Grezz says:

        @Joseph – What’s a “one minded track”? Nahseb li kien ghajjien meta halaq lilek, hux?

    • Edward Caruana Galizia says:

      I can’t believe you loaded up that comment.

      [Daphne – I thought I should give at least one example of the sort of progressive and enlightened comments I receive on a regular basis. I was about to email you, incidentally: I’m checking out some aspects of Maltese law to be able to send you some links and details. The process is helping me too, because there are so many things I never bothered to check out.]

      • Neil Dent says:

        A while back Daphne decided to regale us with a choice selection of such comments. First we laughed at their backward language and ignorance while reading, then after a dozen or so we became rather concerned.

        It wasn’t funny anymore; it was very worrying.

        Not only because of the hatred and abuse being directed towards Daphne, but also because of the realization (confirmation?) that such people still exist in considerable numbers in spite of the passing of a whole generation, and it will very likely be ‘their’ government in power in under two years from now.

        They imagine (see above) that once Labour are in power, then the ‘good’ old days will be back again, along with the terror, retribution and vindictiveness that reigned in ‘their’ time.

    • sap says:

      “kemm ghad irridu inreddawlek zbub meta inkunu hemm”

      WOW! Is this the new Labour?

    • David Gatt says:

      Dan bis-serjeta jew?! Mela haseb li xi gungla hawn gew jew?

      [Daphne – Mela, billi hemm hafa bears mas-saqajn….]

      • john says:

        Well – we are in a bear market now.

      • Grezz says:

        Forsi mhux gungla, imma hawn hafna hdura (u lanzit) mas-saqajn! Hawn hafna nies li jghiru, u ma jistghux ghall min hu ta’ success izjed minnhom fil-hajja, specjalment jekk dik il-persuna hija mara.

    • Paul Bonnici says:

      This sounds like a very tolerant person! Labour’s other face!

      • Suldat ta’ l-azzar says:

        Marcellu , nahseb bi kliemek qed taghmel hsara lil-partit. Oqghod kwiet u ssaporti naqra ohra.

    • ytor/malta says:

      Marcellu, I remember you sick f**ks from the days of Mintoff and Karmenu. I was brought up surrounded by your type. I worked amongst you. You and your type are why we do not have a decent opposition or alternative government.

    • ciccio2011 says:

      marcellu, ahna hawnhekk we eat only beautifully layered uncut cock, ok. And remember this: you cannot have the cock and eat it.

    • Leonard says:

      marcellu could be a PN supporter or just a bored joker trying to have a bit of “fun” at the expense of the PL. I’m not saying he is, but it’s too easy to play these tricks so why bother uploading these comments?

      [Daphne – There are volumes of them, Leonard.]

    • Anthony Farrugia says:


      nies bhalek (fl’opinjoni in bhima mhux bniedem) m’ghandhomx post fis-socjeta. Ja pastaz, hamallu u injorant l’int!

      Inti il kankru ta’ din is-socjeta – nies bhalek kienu, ghadhom u jibqhu jcahhdu lil Malta minn opposizjoni decenti, ja bhima! Jekk mintix tajjeb ghal quddiem in-nies mur aqbez.

      Tidher li m’intix ragel ghax tinheba wara ”Marcellu’, ja godard.

    • Tim Ripard says:

      Enjoy, Cyrus.

  17. Ronnie says:

    Truly ingenious how you managed to also pin this on Labour. Having read your blog, it is now obvious to me that Labour are also to blame for the sub-prime mortgage crisis, Greece’s debt and world hunger.

    [Daphne – Of course not, msieken. But they would have been, had they been in power there. Talking of Greece, any news about the Sixth MEP’s seat?]

  18. Randolph says:

    So Cyrus was interrogated on June 23, and as reported by, the Police Commissioner stated that “on July 9, Mr Engerer himself asked for investigations to be concluded as quickly as possible. The police inspector was also told by Mr Engerer’s lawyers to take the case to court as soon as possible.”

    A week later, he resigned from the PN and joined the PL.

    It’s obvious that it was done to make it look as an act of vengeance by the PN.

    It seems you were spot on, yet again.

    [Daphne – I’ve been in this business since I was 25, Randolph.]

    • Ronnie says:

      Daphne, let’s say I believe your interpretation of events above (which I don’t). How do you interpret the fact that the police waited till Cyrus defected to Labour to raid his dad. Everyone in Sliema know that his dad is a regular pot user; why now and why not before.

      [Daphne – If the police waited until Cyrus defected to Labour before raiding his father’s place, then the motivation was Labour, not PN. Use your brain. The brainpower among the PN hasn’t deteriorated to the level where they’re going to come up with this kind of Cunning Plan.]

      • Ronnie says:

        Not so sure Daphne, having heard the argumentation by the PN in the divorce referendum it is the exact Cunning Plan I would expect actually.

        [Daphne – Kemm ma taf xejn, mela. And why have the police been harassing me for the last two or three years? Because Paul Borg Olivier got them onto it? Give it a rest. You’re talking Labour snake-pit there. Interrogating officer: Neil Harrison, former long-time lover of Miriam Dalli. U hallini ftit.]

  19. il-Ginger says:

    I think this maybe a frame-up. It happened way too quickly.

    Time will tell who was really behind this. I am sure of that.

    • il-Ginger says:

      Either that or some stupid Nationalist caused a lot of trouble to the party he supports.

      But then again if you think about it – who is the most expendable person in the Labour Party at the moment? Who is the one who deserves the least from them? Who is the most vulnerable? Who will the Labour Party not miss? Who is Joseph Muscat’s pawn?

      This is why I think it’s a frame-up and if it isn’t then the Nationalist Party are going to spend a very long time in the opposition – cos this is Mintoff style stuff right here.

      [Daphne – If we’re going to be taking that road, you might as well ask yourself who has most to gain by putting Engerer out of the race. Start by looking at the Labour candidates who would have been his rivals in 2013.]

  20. AC says:

    Cyrus, you are nothing but trouble. You are hurting a lot of people when at the end you and only you know what is really happening and who is behind all this.

    • Libertas says:

      So much hurt to his own godfather, Edgar Galea Curmi, who has helped the Engerer family so much and for so long and who now sees his genuine efforts to help both father and son used against him.

      So unfair.

  21. Bob says:

    “Dr Muscat said he preferred to speak about matters he was certain about”

    CERTAIN about… I hope so and if you have matters you are not CERTAIN about with your pawn make sure you clear them out!

  22. denis pace says:

    It is very obvious that the Labour Party has organised a “gang” of people who flood the comments board at and this one as well. It is not coincidence. It is carefully planned and concerted.

    [Daphne – Yes, obviously. In the last general election they were organised by Miss Nikita Alamango, friend of Cyrus and member of Forum Zaghzagh Laburisti, and the game was given away when an email meant for one of them went astray. I had written a piece calling them the elves in Sant-a’s grotto, and the ‘elves’ (their singular: elve) stuck. The word ‘intollerant’ with two Ls was a key give-away. When this blog started out, it even had an ‘Elve Comment Generator’. You clicked on it and a stream of repetitive words like INtolLerent came out. Time to bring it back for drittijiet tal-gejs, I think.]

    • ray says:

      Maltatoday is much worse. How they allow all comments to be posted without some sort of moderation is beyond belief. Not only has this ‘newspaper’ lost the plot with all the anti-government misleading titles, but with those comments it gives the impression that it actually encourages hatred.

      • Marku says:

        Malta Today is crap as are the views of many of those who comment on it. But who cares?

        Pretty much the only people who post there are Labour diehards and twisted friends of Norman Lowell.

        The only reason I go to the site is to read what James Debono has to say.

        [Daphne – Me too. He’s really the odd one out there.]

    • Dee says:

      The barage of inane comments on’s board must be the end result of the recent call on the PL media for volonteers who can type on a PC keyboard. These performing monkeys are the ones who did not make it to the lofty intellectual standards of PL’s Fondazzjoni IDEJAT.

  23. Libertas says:

    The facts as they emanate from the Police Commissioner’s and Joseph Muscat’s press conferences:

    Cyrus Engerer knew all along that his ex had lodged a complaint against him, saying Cyrus was sending lewd photos of his ex having sex with others;

    Cyrus was questioned by the police on the 23rd June – just 5 days AFTER his speech in the PN general council when he was still very much within the PN;

    Cyrus contacted the police again on the 9th July and insisted the case against him proceeds with some haste;

    Cyrus resigned from the Nationalist Party and crossed over to Joseph Muscat on the 15th July;

    Cyrus did not tell Joseph Muscat he has this case against him and/or that he had been questioned by the police.

    These are the facts: Cyrus Engerer knew BEFORE he resigned that he would be charged in Court.

  24. ciccio2011 says:

    Dak kif Joseph Muscat accetta lil Cyrus Engerer fil-partit tieghu minghajr ma kien jaf li qed ikun investigat?

    • Dee says:

      Mur avda lil Joe Muscat bil -foreign affairs ta’ pajjzna meta jilhaq PM.
      VERA TAL-BIZA, fil-veru sens tal-kelma.

  25. Teokrazija taz-Z**b says:

    Sorry Daphne but I am not quite buying your side of the story. I think that the current crop running the show at Pieta (perhaps Castille too?) are actually naive enough to do something like this and then it blew right out of their hands.

    I have known people who suffered for whistle-blowing in good faith under the PN. Not quite to a degree as in the eighties mind you but it’s just a question of degrees. I can only say that this administration reminds me of the KMB days – thankfully sans aristokrazija tal-haddiema up to now.

    I only wish I was younger and could get away from this sick place.

  26. anthony says:

    This highly suspicious behaviour by someone in the higher echelons of our police corps warrants an inquiry.

    It is high time we had the equivalent of the UK IPCC set up in this country.

  27. Pecksniff says:

    The PL/MLP is becoming a haven for lost tormented souls. Was Marisa Micallef the pioneer? I think her best-by date is well in the past, she says and writes nothing, seen nowhere.

    I sometimes wonder if she has already skedaddled back to UK or if she is hanging on for dear life desperately waiting for 2013.

    Her place is well back in the queue of hangers-on waiting to cash their markers at Mile End.

    [Daphne – On the contrary, I think she’s the one with the lasso, corralling the gays for kafe ma’ Joseph. She’s asked so many of my acquaintances whether they want to meet him.]

    • ciccio2011 says:

      “…corralling the gays for kafe ma’ Joseph…”
      I wonder what they’re putting in the coffee. I hope they did not import it from Libya.

  28. mark v says:

    We must be living on a planet of our own. Just think about this nation’s main concerns these last two months or so.. divorce, Manu Maltes and now Cyrus.

  29. Polly Bonello says:

    If Labour managed this spin they really deserve to be in Government! With so many PR experts (yours truly included) I wonder how you lot were relegated to the third division! You must have become a bunch of rotten losers. Punters only bet on winning horses!

    [Daphne – You really know a lot about betting. If punters only bet on winning horses, there would be no odds and bookies would be in rags.]

  30. Edward Caruana Galizia says:

    “However he viewed Cyrus Engerer as a victim and a symbol of the many people who were victimised for not being Gonzi’s Nationalists. Such people had to be defended.”

    I find that pretty rich coming from him to be honest. Especially when he and his family supported a government who did just that, victimize people who didn’t support them, and inflicted more than just a police investigation.

    Not to mention that his followers hurl abuse and target people who criticize the PL openly and he does nothing to even publicly distance himself from such vile. And please don’t call the rubbish they write journalism,because it just isn’t.

    I imagine the way he thinks is the same as those loonies and others around him- “what do you expect”

    If you criticize the PL, they won’t have to do anything. It’s the supporters that can carry out all their dirty work and leave them with no blood on their hands (meant metaphorically).

    If Muscat would like to know who gets targeted for not voting for a specific party or not liking it, then we can meet up and I’ll show him. Although he doesn’t need showing- its right here on the internet.

  31. christopher degiorgo says:


    1. int tip persuna li f’dal pajjiz tiprova iggib il firda bil kliem ta mibeda li titfa fil kitbiet tighek

    2. int tigi tghajjar li nies kif jiktbu? int trid tkun li minallik tghati l’edukazzjoni li nies kif jiktbu? charity begins at home mhux ahjar ghalimt li tifel tighek kif iggib ruhu quddiem il camera ta tv, jew dik l’edukazjoni hamalla u miskina li kont kapaci ittih?

    [Daphne – Iva, u fil-fatt kburija hafna bih ghax ta’ 21 sena biss kien diga qieghed fil-PhD programme tal-London School of Economics, fejn int lanqas biss kapaci tahsel il-latrini. Eh, bilhaqq, u jahdem Facebook ukoll, meta int u nies bhalek bilkemm huma kapaci jiktbu fuq il-Facebook walls. Mank kellek omm bhali, Christopher, forsi kont tohrog inqas waste of space, ja miskin.]

    jien ma nafx fdal pajjiz kif irridu nimxu il quddiem b’nies bhalekk. ”gurnalista” tal habba gozz, u il kument gibu jidher, ticensurax li ma jdoqqlokx.

  32. christopher degiorgo says:

    iva mela issa anka int qeda turi il livell baxx ta edukazzjoni li ghandek, ghalimtu tajjeb hafna il ibnek, ghalimtu it-tolleranza lejn haddiehor, miskina int u dawk li johorgu is subba ta nofs quddiem camera ta tv ghax turu il mod hamallu li intom trabejtu fih, ghax ma mortx mal hamalli tal monti ta hal qormi tkanta viva gonzi tana, halli kont tkun gibt il phd int ukoll fil hamallati u il buzulotti, ghalkemm miniex gradwat, ghandi xol u kburi b’xoli u dejjem tghajt servizz lil kullhadd u uzaw servizzi tighei kemm nies ta femma nazzjonalista kif ukoll ta femma laburista u qatt ma ghamilt distinzjoni lejn hadd u qatt ma waqajt flivell hamallu quddiem malta kolla nohrog is suba ta nofs fuq tv. laqas idea ta xinhu rispett mghandek missek tisthi.

    [Daphne – Min jitwieled tal-pepe ma joqghodx jibza li xi hadd se jahsbu mhux pulit u ghalhekk ma joqghodx lura milli jghidlek fejn tiehdu meta jkun hemm bzonn. Dawk li joqghodu jibzghu li xi hadd se jahsibhom ‘hamalli’ (kelma tieghek) jibzghu ghax fil-fatt hekk twieldu. Ghalhekk ir-ragel tar-regina Elizabeth II jidghi kemm irid, per ezempju. Imbilli jigi xi hadd bhalek u jghidlu hamallu, it’s no skin off his nose. Tlett snin wara, Kurt Farrugia u t-tifel tal-porn star Byon Jo Zammit ghadhom iduru bil-camera tas-Super One u l-‘vittma’ taghhom qieghed jghix hajja – sforz tal-kapacita tieghu – li huma lanqas biss kapaci joholmu bih. Kif ihobb jghid Alfred Sant taghkom: the proof of the pudding is in the eating.]

  33. Farrugia says:

    Daphne, I think you are speculating beyond credibility on this matter.

    What if different factions within the PN were behind the Cyrus Engerer case? A radical (fanatical) faction operating independently of the central administration may want Cyrus punished for crossing the political divide by exhuming his past presumed misdemeanors or offences.

    Alternatively, this muckraking of Cyrus’ past may have been willed by the central administration of the PN as a warning to potential high-ranking PN dissidents (admittedly their number is swelling), who now can ponder the consequences of publicly renouncing the party.

    Whichever the case, this will backfire on the PN and add to its diminishing public credibility. However, wasn’t it the PM himself who ignored the fate of his Party’s credibility when he voted against the will of the people in the ‘divorce’ parliamentary vote? Should we be surprised that an overt act of political suicide is followed by more of the same in the Cyrus Engerer case?

    If, as you claim the PL is behind this, then you have seriously underestimated the effectiveness of their political strategems and their ability to operate at a political level.

    The boldness of your comments in this matter is misplaced. A more contrite attitude would be more becoming of a political observer.

    [Daphne – Sackcloth and ashes are really not my scene. I’m not into ‘humble’ and ‘pleasing’. Being raised a woman in Malta was enough to blow that out of the water for the rest of my life.]

    • Farrugia says:

      I am not saying you have to be humble or ‘pleasing’ (whatever that means) and I don’t think sackcloth looks good on you. What I am saying is that one has to recognise this is cock-up (hope this is understood. But you never know from someone who accused me of not knowing that the prefix homo is from the Greek homos meaning ‘the same’. But then I am not quite like the hoi polloi that contribute to your blog).

  34. rita c says:

    Blogs are just blogs. Some of them are really a waste of time.

  35. Edward Caruana Galizia says:

    People at the moment are only thinking what the person responsible for all this wants them to think. That usually helps one figure out the person responsible.

    I don’t believe headlines. I don’t even believe statements either. I believe in the things that we know. And I suggest we all do the same.

    The way I see it there are two explanations to all this.

    1) The PN, or someone within the PN, leaked the info and caused all this mess for Cyrus Engerer. This person was angry that Engerer defected and wanted to tarnish his reputation by making this public and stopping Engerer from going further in politics.

    2) The PL don’t give a damn about Cyrus Engerer. They don’t care about gay rights or about Liberalism. They only care about power and getting it for whatever reason. They get Cyrus Engerer to leave the PN by using Gay Issues as a lure. Mr Engerer, being a man with his heart and head in the right place, can’t feel comfortable in the PN since the divorce situation and so defects. Bingo! The PL exposes this whole mess, the timing being perfectly calculated to pin it on the PN. They complain about the whole situation and accuse the PN of all sorts of things, when all the while they are the ones responsible.

    All this is speculation. We can only know for sure if we are told who the whistleblower is.

    But we won’t. Whichever party is responsible we won’t find out. No politician or Policeman will let the cat out of the bag for very obvious reasons. So it is a full proof plan. So tightly packed in and perfectly sealed.

    However there is one thing the whistleblower doesn’t know. The one thing a person like that would never count on.

    Someone like that likes to think that they can guide our thoughts and show us what to think, and they do, and all from behind the scenes. The person thinks that we are all going to believe whatever “our party” tells us and just fight over who’s right while all along we disapprove of Mr Engerer. Well we won’t. Not anymore.

    But I say we put an end to this. I am sick of this business. I don’t want to know who is suing who, we never end up hearing what the verdict is anyway. I don’t care about headlines or press conferences, they just warp our perception. We should demand answers and not care who gets in trouble for it.

    The victim here is Mr Engerer. We should stand right beside him. We will not listen to anything our politicians have to say. We want to know who tipped the police off and who is to blame for bringing all this out in the open now….now of all times.

    • Ian says:

      “The victim here is Mr Engerer”. Excuse me? The guy, faced with a relationship break-up, retaliated by circulating pornographic pictures of his ex to his ex’s employers. I could call that many things, but, a victim?

  36. xaxa says:

    Isn’t it obvious? The PN lately have made several mistakes in my opinion but no one in the party is so downright stupid to go after Engerer immediately after he left the party. This is a PL move and the thought that these people might have power in their hands very soon really creeps me out.

    Prosit Daphne, spot on once more. And if you get more obscene comments like before publish them, so that others know just what we’re dealing with here.

  37. kev says:

    This is a self-centred conspiracy theory lacking in both fact and logic.

    But it does follow the Zeitgeist. It seems all parties are focusing on different players without bothering to spot the ball. This is no surprise, given that the playing field is a web of idotic laws and policies. But why bother going there when the whole affair is just another partisan spectacle – which is why we get Muscat chasing Galea Curmi for a phone-call he was entirely entitled to make.

    This country has gone to the dogs. You realise this by reading its trash press reporting on headless chickens playing hide-and-seek.

  38. Antoine Vella says:

    It could well be that I’m suffering from KCS (Kev’s Conspiracy Syndrome) but I can’t help wondering whether the police were waiting for the election to get nearer before springing an embarrassing charge against ‘a PN candidate’
    Now that the ‘PN candidate’ suddenly switched parties they had to modify their plans.

  39. silvio farrugia says:

    What a farce of an E.U.democratic country we are.One changes sides or criticise the government and one’s family is hounded,arrested,premises cleaned out and one gets charged for things done years ago or for stupid things.
    Does the government think we are stupid? It is so blaring obvious.An other blunder in a long list..communist.facist tactics

  40. silvio farrugia says:

    Imma kief kull meta ha nibda ndur mal labour jigi xi wiehed bhal Marcellu u jfakarni fi zmienhom ? Qieghed giga theded lil daphni ?
    Mela ma ghawnx cans f’dal pajjiz.Dal gvern mhux iktar demokratiku u tal knisja u tal labour ghadhom l’stess u ma nidmux

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