I've had it with Cyrus and Vince Micallef and the rest of the tedious crew

Published: July 26, 2011 at 11:32pm

So I spent the evening watching Mad Men.

What I think about today’s police show will have to wait until tomorrow because I’m bored rigid with all the fighting about same-sex marriage, what Cyrus did, who bitched an ex lover by sending out naked pics, who reported who, and which slimey former policeman turned Labour lawyer is in the mix.

But I did manage a smile when I saw the photograph accompanying the report about Joseph Muscat’s demands for Edgar Galea Curmi’s head (attack is the best form of defence when you find you’ve hauled in a dud).

It reminded me of my childhood book about the Three Little Pigs.

28 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio2011 says:

    M’hemmx x’taghmel. Manu Maltes wanted Austin Gatt’s head. Joseph Muscat wants Edgar Galea Curmi’s!

    • Grace says:

      Manu Maltes is not the only one who wants Austin Gatt’s head. Anyone who has to get the bus to work wants Austin Gatt’s head, mind you I’d prefer his car ro his head.

  2. Anthony Farrugia says:

    If it were a ‘labour induced’ stunt then it worked pretty well.

    Votes are all about perception (unfortunately) and perception out on the street is disgust towards the police force and yes the PN.

    It is actually ‘disgusting’ that in a week ‘dad’ was arrested for a joint (get real!) and ‘son’ for some pic of his old flame!

    We have our streets full of drug dealers (a quick 5 minute walk in Paceville will easily confirm this) and who do the police arrest? An ex drug addict (victim) who smokes a joint!

    I always defended the police force but this is disgusting! And yes, government better distance itself from this mess, because the ‘perception’ out on the streets is that the PN ‘triggered’ this and not the PL.

    I for one believe it was neither of the two. Definitely don’t believe your ‘far fetched’ conspiracy theory that somehow Labour conjured all this up (no dear Daphne, they are not witty enough for this either) and cannot imagine such a stupid reaction from the PN either (they are way too witty)

    • Lomax says:

      Why, pray, is it disgusting? People send kwerelas and people get arrested for far less.

      Besides, it was no “half joint” only. Trust me on this, if I report that a person with a drug-related criminal record had hashish or joints in his possession, the police would close in on him.

      Estranged wives, just out of jealous revenge, report their estranged husbands (unbeknowst to them, usually) for possession of far less than half a joint, and that husband is then made to face charges.

      [Daphne – That’s right. There was a law report in the newspaper yesterday: a woman fought with her boyfriend then went straight to the police station to report him for rape. The police picked him up, arraigned him and he’s being held on remand.]

      Certainly nothing untoward happened here in this case. And if you were to circulate pics of your naked girlfriend, if she had to press charges, you would be in Cyrus’ predicament.

      So believe me, the Engerers got no treatment different from the treatment you and I would have got had we committed the same things and discovered. but of course, that paradigm of truth that iS Maltatoday gave it a totally different spin.

  3. Anthony Farrugia says:


    then again, whoever triggered this farce, does not change the fact that the PM’s secretary has NO right to call the police commissioner and ask for such information and/or clarification.

    This is abuse of office and yes he should resign and show some decency.

    • Lomax says:

      No, abuse of power is when the PM used to call judges and magistrates to demand that his “blue-eyed boys cum thugs” be freed from charges of assault, battery and a host of other criminal offences.

      Edgar Galea Curmi acted instinctively, moved by his feelings when in that office you have to put on your office-hat before you put on any other hat.

      Hence, Edgar Galea Curmi, in my view, was extremely naive, particularly when he knew that Cyrus was now under the limelight for the “wrong” reasons.

      He should have seen it coming that his telephone call would be misinterpreted and used against him, and, as we learn in the first lecture ever of the law course, you never ever should take decisions for a person for whom you even care, let alone with whom, it would seem, you have a certain affinity.

      Hence, Galea Curmi’s telephone call is not abuse of power – certainly the Commissioner of Police wouldn’t have had any of it if it were. However, he was naive and stupidly fell for it. Fate was also a bitch when you think that (according to what has been reported) they bumped into each at Mdina.

      Be that as it may, I accuse Edgar Galea Curmi of naivite’ – which, let there be no two ways about it, is also condemnable at that level – but not of abuse of power.

    • Mr. Farrugia,

      You addressed Mrs CG, but I’ll put in my two cents’ worth anyway.

      Mr.Galea Curmi is not the PM’s secretary but his Chief of Staff. Do you understand the implications of the title?

      Do you honestly believe that the PM should personally make phone calls and follow up the 101 mishaps and misdemeanours that happen during just one day?

      How do you think the PM manages to keep track of all the goings-on in each and every nook and cranny in the public administration? That’s right – he employs a secretary who in turn keeps track of other secretaries, who in turn….

      Mr. Galea Curmi not only had the right but also the duty to keep the PM informed of this unfolding saga.

      I suggest you watch a couple of episodes of West Wing.

      • Anthony Farrugia says:

        Actually I love West Wing :)

        Perhaps the PM’s chief of staff takes inspiration from it then.

        Thanks for your clear reply.

        Our country is run ‘west wing’ (the TV series) style!

  4. P Shaw says:

    The main conclusion from all this mess is that the so called little Joey has been and maybe still is underestimated, in the area of political ploys. He is an excellent chess player, and is not playing at the same ethical field as his opponents.

    [Daphne – Hardly. The whole thing has just blown up in his face.]

  5. John Schembri says:

    Edgar Galea Curmi is Cyrus Engerer’s Confirmation godfather,so they know each other well.

    Galea Curmi stuck his neck out for him with the Police Commissioner when he asked for an explanation. I expect Cyrus to stick his neck out for Edgar, his godfather, with his new found no-scruples, ruthless new leader Joseph.

    My question is: “Cyrus, are you also asking for the resignation of Edgar Galea Curmi like Dr Joseph Muscat is doing? Do you approve?”

    Staying silent in this moment of truth would be a confirmation that you are letting others use you for their own ends, and your only interest is POWER.

    Cyrus will be squeezed like a lemon and then thrown away along with Jason Micallef, Joseph Cuschieri, Nikki Dimech and the rest.

  6. Wayne Hewitt says:

    The MLP are wasting no time strumentalizing Cyrus Engerer. Reality is already dawning on him on what sort of party he just joined.

  7. Maltafan says:

    The whole Cyrus Engerer issue reminds me of the Harry Vassallo case before the election. Does anyone remember the huge fuss that was created? The truth ended up being that Harry had in fact not paid and sent his VAT returns. Do we know what happened to that case?

    The same applies here. There was a huge outcry of foulplay and attack. When the dust will settle we might finally realise that sending pictures of your ex-boyfriend sleeping with another man, to his employers, is utterly disgusting.

  8. Randolph says:

    Exactly. Cyrus sent photos of his ex-partner in a sexual act with another person. This speaks volumes about what his principles are and what he is capable of doing in order to get vengeance.

  9. Steve says:

    I don’t remember schoolyard tiffs being so childish. It is all so petty, childish and to be honest boring. Why do we keep voting for these imbeciles. All of them, both sides!

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Totally agree. These ‘people’ should all be wearing hats in the summer–their little brains have been fried by the sun.

  10. Randolph says:

    Exactly so. What Cyrus did – “bitched an ex lover by sending out naked pics” – speaks volumes about what he is capable of doing in order to achieve vengeance.

    • ciccio2011 says:

      Joseph Muscat should watch out and make sure he does not fall out with Cyrus Engerer.

      OK, if it happens, it might not be pics of the Dear Leader naked, but it could still be some compromising information that ends up somewhere for everyone to see…

  11. Neil Dent says:

    Over at Mltstraaa, the headline screams that apart from Edgar Gala Curmi’s resignation, Joseph Muscat is also demanding ‘unacceptable behaviour!’


  12. Dee says:

    What does one call a cat-fight between two vindicative gay men?

    [Daphne – I had this conversation yesterday with a gay man who said ‘When gay men fight…” and I said it’s not got to do with the fact that they’re gay, but with the fact that they’re a certain kind of man, so you get that savage vindictiveness twice over when it’s two men rather than a man with a woman. The rejected man with ego issues will, at the lower end of the scale, tell everyone that the woman who rejected him is a lesbian/whore/slag/frigid and at the more extreme end of the scale will stab her 50 times and pour acid over her (a real-life case from Malta). Sending out compromising photos of your ex is within this scheme of reactions.]

    • ciccio2011 says:

      When two straight men fight, invariably they call each other “pufta.” What would two vindictive gay men call each other?

      [Daphne – The same.]

      • Oliver Caruana says:

        2 ill educated men call each other pufta when they fight. Educated men don’t call each other names. Same goes for gay men.

        [Daphne – That’s almost funny. ‘Well-educated men fight but without calling each other pufta.’ So what’s a well-educated fight like, then? ‘After you.’ ‘No, after you.’ Anyway, ‘edukat’ doesn’t translate as ‘educated’ but as ‘well mannered’. Educated is something else.]

    • M. says:

      The Cyrus case brings to mind the recent case of a jilted husband who stuck up posters of his wife en flagrante with another man … on the parish church in Iklin.

  13. MMuscat says:

    I just had to rollover the two images as soon as I entered this page.

  14. Fenech M says:


    James couldn’t have written it better!

    Can it be that this Frank Psaila is the same high ranking member of the PN administration who asked JPO to contest the 10th electoral district in the forthcoming general elections?


    [Daphne – Doubtful, given that he signed the press statement saying that Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando hadn’t yet been asked.]

  15. Suldat ta’ l-azzar says:

    Nahseb li qed jghid Dr Joseph Muscat jaghmel hafna sens.

    1) B’liema dritt Galea Curmi jipprova jaghmel pressjoni fuq il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija, biex jiddefendi lil-filjozz tieghu u lil-missieru?

    Galea Curmi ghandu jirrizenja ghax indahal fejn ma’ jesghux.

    1)B’liema dritt jinhatar magistrat biex jaghmel inkjesta minghajr ma’ jikkonsultaw lil-kap ta’ l-oppozizzjoni?Fejn hi d-demokrazija li jiftahar bijja Gonzi PN li ha 500 ewro zieda fil-gimgha??

    2) Ghaliex ma’ ssirx inkjesta ohra separata minn ta’ dak li qabduh ipejjipa?

    3) X’fijja hazin li avukat li kien pulizija qed jiddefendi bugarrun?

    4) La l-bugarrun hafer lil-Cyrus suppost ma’ ittiehdux passi kontra Cirus.

    Kemm ghamiltuh kandidat Laburista malajr lil Cyrus!! Ahna xorta inhobbuh la gie maghna.

    • ciccio2011 says:

      Suldat, tista’ tghidilna xi jkun, jew min hu, bugarrun? Qed nissuspetta li din kelma li tixbah wahda Ingliza, izda din fil-Malti qatt ma smajtha qabel.

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