Vince Micallef is a man you can trust. So is Andy Ellul.

Vince Micallef - far right - one of the lawyers who filed the police report against Cyrus Engerer on behalf of his ex-lover, shown here trying to press up against Joseph Muscat by pushing others out of the way.

Andy Ellul, one of the lawyers who filed the police report on behalf of Cyrus's ex-lover, shown here hanging onto Joseph Muscat's coat-tails
Thank heavens for client confidentiality.
Otherwise, what guarantee would we have that Labour cop-turned-lawyer Vince Micallef didn’t brief his tight circle of friends – Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Consuelo Herrera, Robert Musumeci and Joseph Muscat – leading to all manner of 10pm plotting in Siggiewi, when he filed a police report against Cyrus Engerer on behalf of his client, Cyrus Engerer’s ex-lover?
Imagine a situation in which Vince, Jeffrey, Consuelo and Muscat had on Cyrus Engerer for as long as 18 months information which not even his political bosses at the PN knew: that he had emailed ‘sex pictures’ of his ex-lover to several people including, apparently, his ex-lover’s employers, and that the ex-lover had instructed Vince Micallef (and fellow Labour cop-turned-lawyer Andy Ellul) to take it up with the police.
It’s a good thing Andy Ellul is a man of great integrity, too, otherwise he might have been tempted to let something slip to Joseph Muscat while hanging onto his coat-tails some day.
Like I said, thank heavens for client confidentiality. If there were no client confidentiality then, why, we would end up suspecting all manner of evils like plotting and – heaven forfend – blackmail. But fortunately, you can always rely on decent chaps like Vince Micallef and Andy Ellul to do the right thing.
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For a split second while I was reading the title I actually thought you had gone bonkers. The rest of the article reassured me though.
CAN the opposition protest at such a thing? Officially I mean not just by way of a dummy-spitting tantrum, which is what this looks like.
They’ve gone so far as to claim that the leader of the opposition should have been ‘consulted’ about Judge Manche’s appointment (or not), indeed!
If I were Judge Manche I think I’d be pretty miffed at this latest outburst.
[Daphne – For some reason, the Labour Party doesn’t want an inquiry to be held or, failing that, wants to have its agent involved.]
…..and failing that, they’re doing their best to discredit the outcome of any inquiry, even before it begins. Curiouser and curiouser!
Meglio ‘l topo nella bocca del gatto che ‘l cliente nei mani dell’ avvocato.
X’ghandu x’jaqsam?
u tghallem ikteb…nelle mani
Hija cara li Malta ser terga’ tghaddi mis-seventies u l-eighties (il-golden years) jekk jerga’ jirbah il-Labour. L-ingredjenti kollha qeghdin hemm, ibda mil-Leader mintoffjan.
Ma tista’ tafdahom qatt.
F’dan il-punt, onestament, irrid nispera li ghad ikun Alfred Sant li jwaqqa’ l-gvern li jmiss tal-Labour.
What do you think of Carlo Bisazza and Franco Debono? Apparently the former is Chris Engerer’s lawyer, while the latter is Cyrus’?
Had anyone noticed the recent misuse of the well-known saying of poor Pastor Martin Niemoller on the FB of some of the above mentioned primadonnas?
A typical case of old Nick quoting the Bible when it suits him.