If these are Labour's new recruits, no wonder they're dragging out the dinosaurs
Alex Saliba, aka Tander, secretary of Forum Zaghzagh Laburisti and fellow ‘elve’ of Nakita Zammit Alamango sive Nikita Alamango, has an album called ‘My New Room’ on Facebook.
Given that he will probably have removed it by the time you get there (and you can only get in if you are one of his many thousand ‘friends’, anyway), I have saved you the trouble and uploaded some of the pictures here, plus a najs one of Tander with his hero Inspector Anglu.
It makes you wonder why people do this kind of thing to themselves. I mean, what sort of person would take snaps of his bedroom – one that is packed with excruciating insights into his personality – and upload them onto Facebook, especially when he is a junior politician with a public role as secretary of the Labour Party’s ‘Youth Forum’?
It beggars belief.
From the icons and imagery in the Labour Youth Forum’s secretary’s bedroom, we can deduce that his heroes are, in no particular order:
Christ crucified
Mickey Mouse
Joseph Muscat (same difference)
Che Guevara
Christmas Fader
A jolly snowman
Alex Saliba Gradwat
From this bedroom, we can deduce that Tander Saliba:
1. is anally retentive;
2. has a mother who cleans the house neurotically with pine disinfectant and disapproves of carpets ghax ihammgu;
3. is probably gay but puts a rocket under that hoary old rubbish chestnut that gay men have style, good taste and creativity hardwired into their DNA;
4. is definitely not having any sex there;
5. is probably not even allowed to eat his breakfast or drink a mug of coffee in there ma jmurx iwaqqa;
6. does not plan on leaving home (why get a ‘new room’ at 23?);
7. still believes that a Che Guevara poster is radical (especially in an anal bedroom that looks as though it is gone over with Dettol twice a day);
8. thinks that it is OK to frame your university certificates and display your graduation photo in a non-ironic way;
9. decorates his bedroom touchingly at Christmas with snowmen and his own mini-tree, as though he is eight years old or a teenage girl.
I’m afraid I have to agree with the person who posted a comment on this site (thanks for the tip-off) saying that it looks like the bedroom of a bachelor accountant with an unhealthy interest in children.
Either that, or an emotional retard.
It makes me desperate to think that these are the brilliant new minds of the Labour Party.
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How does someone with this sort of room get laid? At all?
Who says he wants to get laid? He’s clearly got a snowman fetish.
Must be a friend of Sheridan from “Keeping Up Appearances”.
…..and a Mickey Mouse one.
Let’s put it this way. There’s no greater turnoff than a photograph of Joseph Muscat smiling away at your girlfriend while you’re trying hard to hit that G-spot.
However, it may raise your street cred with FZL fillies, and indeed, it may result in multiple, simultaneous and prolonged orgasms.
Not with his mother and an armed guard of Dettol outside that glass door, it won’t.
“Ghajjatili, qalbi?”
Baxxter, since your comment is being monitored and being fed back to our little Joey, I suggest you explain to him the importance of a G-spot.
His idiot advisors will assume it’s a golf shot. Maybe a hole in one?
[Daphne – Oh, I wouldn’t bother. Muscat has no use for that kind of knowledge. Teddy bears don’t have G-spots.]
“Teddy bears don’t have G-spots”! Fantastic! Could be the next Eurovision Song Contest winner title.
Sung by Clinton Paul of course. Or it wouldn’t be fun. Let’s make him famous!
@Baxxter ‘Let’s make him famous!’
You should write the lyrics, Baxxter.
Done! Since over the top camp doesn’t go with Europop, I’m going with a sort of Lady Gaga-esque US-style pop tune
[intro in “morphed radio voice”]
I’m not a teddy bear,
I’m not a teddy bear
[cue music and pumping rhythm]
Baby when when see me
I’ve got everything you’ve got [this is the cryptic bit that makes it a cult hit]
Baby when you meet me
We come and hit the spot
I’m not a teddy bear!
Cos teddies have no G-spot!
I’m not a teddy bear!
Cos you make me feel so hot!
Baby in the summer night
Come and dance [pron. dense] with me
Baby hold me so tight
We will be so free!
I’m not a teddy bear!
Cos teddies have no G-spot!
I’m not a teddy bear!
Cos you make me feel so hot!
[cue morphed radio voice]
G-spot, G-spot
Teddy beaaah
You’re my G-spot teddy beaaaah.[sustained high note]
Ghall-choreography mhemmx seagulls din id-darba. Aqbdu lil Felix u libbsuh giant bear costume.
Chapeau, Baxxter!
Now, if a G-spot and a teddy bear (apart from summer night, dance, hot, free, baby and hold me tight) aren’t cross-cultural ingredients for a perfect Eurovision song, what else is?
You are a real Tausendsassa, Baxxter.
Copyright this song!
Baxxter, heed Andrea’s advice. You wouldn’t want Nakita Scissorhands to plagiarise it, would you?
Very naff – From the aquarrrrrrium in one corner, right down to the fake flowers on the floor in the corner next to the 3-door wardrobe.
Oh, and it’s “jolly snowmEn” – There are several of them dotted around the room.
What on earth would make people want to publicise this kind of thing?
The question you should be asking is:
What sort of 23-year-old man decorates his bedroom with vases of dried grasses?
Bob Marley when he was 23?
Good work, Daphne. You got all the way to his bedroom this time.
Add South Park to his list of interests.
I doubt very much that he watches, understands or ‘gets’ South Park. He just happens to have a little mirror there with a few South Park characters stuck onto it.
The strange thing is that when I saw this bedroom, it struck me as just the sort of thing that might feature in a South Park cartoon, for the wrong reasons.
What a pwetty, wittle, woom.
Looks more like a girl’s room to me.
Quite a difference from what my room looked like when I was his age.
Now I know why my poor mother would despair when she entered my room. It looked like a war zone.
His mother must be very lucky in having such a nice tidy boy – pity we can’t see whether he has a potty under the bed, maybe one of those with a duck’s head as a handle, really cute.
Please don’t insult accountants. Regarding #8, what’s wrong with framing one’s certificates?
Come on, k. Surely you know the answer to that one.It’s N-A-F-F.
Whatever… I’ll still hang mine up when it comes.
“Regarding #8, what’s wrong with framing one’s certificates?”
Are you an idiot?
Let me spoon-feed you: Empty vessels make most sound.
I’m not contesting that there are empty vessels with university degrees, but the sole act of hanging certificates does not necessarily make one such. At least il-ginger agrees with me.
K Farrugia nowadays with the matured need to a lifelong learning attitude, hanging one’s certificates may indicate when one had stopped acquiring knowledge, that is, unless you own part of the great wall of China and have a shareholding in a janitorial concern.
Framed certificates don’t help a man get laid.
I agree… in fact I stopped hanging mine up, because I’m running out of space now.
“4. (Tander) is definitely not having any sex there;”
Not so fast. He’s got a full spec computer system and a photo of Joseph Muscat.
Well, at least there’s one person on this planet who gets off on the thought of Joseph Muscat. Too bad it’s just Alex Saliba and not, say, Angelina Jolie.
And Daphne has understimated the nose of the snowman – it looks like a beautifully layered uncut carrot…
Dear God in heaven, Chicken. The tragedy for Mrs Saliba is that it’s probably the one place in that room she hasn’t thought of wiping down with Mr Muscle.
If he is more than eight years of age this poor guy has no insight in the nous sense of the word.
I cannot be more specific because the shots of his room do not provide all the information necessary for a full analysis.
All I can say is that he has BIG problems.
I wouldn’t say that his problems are any bigger than those of the rest of them at FZL and Super One: the Pink Closet Working Class Network. So much for progressive liberal.
I wonder what, or who, is in that closet.
Not Ronnie Pellegrini, that’s for sure. His Facebook Profile pic shows him hugging an attractive young lady. What he doesn’t say is that it’s his daughter. Tough.
Is that an advent calendar on his desk?
Do those hats have the Soviet emblem?
Is that a made simple book on his shelf?
Is that a Kermit puppet down there, in the small cabinet, next to the door?
And what is also surprising is the complete lack of book shelves (and books) in a room that belongs to someone who’s so proud of his two degrees.
Books? His mother probably gets rid of them as soon as he’s read them. Ghax igibu t-trab.
A room which demonstrates quite a lot of confusion in Tander’s mind.
However, there are quite a lot of books fl-armarji. They could be Ladybird books or Enid Blyton, for all I know.
Or polishes them with Pledge to keep them clean and shiny.
Ghogbitni l-combination tal-unit tal-pitch pine, kitchen style made mill-mastrudaxxa mal-ghamara moderna tal-KREA bil-purtieri tad-damask.
Nahseb irnexxielu jkollu kamra rustika, klassika u moderna fl-istess hin. Biex ikun kollox covered, dahhal lil Joseph Muscat biex ikollu touch progressiv, lil anglu biex ikollu spunt ta’ moderizmu…u lil istawa tal-qaddis fuq il-gwardarobba ghax fl-ahhar u mhux l-inqas ma xtaqx ma jkunx liberali.
Apparently he does get laid, because he’s ‘in a relationship’ – even though the only photo in the room is of Joseph Muscat.
How did everyone miss the large teddy bear sitting atop the shelves, holding a puffy heart?
Tghid dak minghand Ronnie P ghall-Velintajn?
Maybe he does get some, because isn’t that a perfume diffuser on his table?
Presumably to set the mood with a willing like-minded Laburista. Or else maybe he gets his rocks off to a combination of computer porn and Joe Muskett.
Why any politician would go out of his way to expose his bedroom – especially one that gives away so much – to thousands of people on Facebook is beyond me.
Has Nakita plagiarised his style?
What, under the watchful eyes of Joseph Muscat?
“Joseph Approves”
During the divorce campaign, Joseph Muscat had accused the government of interfering in people’s bedrooms and said that he wouldn’t do the same.
Now we have the proof that he is doing it already from the opposition.
Shades of “1984”.
In comparison, my room – when I was still living at my parents’ home – would have seemed to have been subjected to a nuclear attack.
[Daphne – My room, at 23, was a war zone of nappies, cots, potties, bottles, sterilizers, heaps of laundry and babies. What I wouldn’t have given, at times, for a nice lie-down in some Dettoled haven. ]
Oh, definitely gay, u l-mummy thobbu ghax tnaddaflu l-bedroom bid-Dettol. U allajbierek kemm hu bravu b’dawk ic-certifikati.
That’s not his room; it’s a cradle.
The way it’s laid out betrays conflict between the designer and the occupant.
It’s significant that Il Che’ is relegated to a corner partially hidden behind a cupboard, whereas the certificates face the door and are hung right next to the Crucifix. It should be the other way round really; the red icon gaining any meaning only when replacing the crucifix above the bed.
Obviously someone was having none of that.
This boy is subdued.
It’s also telling that the single bed is plonked right opposite a glass door, maybe Ernesto might have been above the bed after all.
The tribal art, candles and far eastern tuille, as yet an accessory, feel like the tentative signature of an external design consultant gaining favour with the occupant; the scatter cushion, lying very close to the heart, a defiant signal to whoever revised the layout.
Does he intend to provide us with periodic updates? I’m curious to see developments.
Do anybody remember the UK gameshow of the early ’90s with David Frost and Loyd Grossman called “Through the keyhole”? Daphne, you should have given this blog without any indication who could be the jerk who owns this room. I bet the result would have eventually be correct but the entertaiment would have been sublime.
“I’m a bit of a leftie liberal myself” — hmmm, are you hiding something? Are you by any chance interested in joining Muscat’s skip?
Jokes apart, I have been reading your opinion articles for more than ten years and you never struck me as a leftie. Mind you, I am not saying that you should be a leftie, far from it, but in my opinion you are more of a centre-right liberal. I am saying this because I have noticed that you believe in the expansion of private education, hold an unwavering belief in the free-market and from what I could gather you don’t believe that economic systems harbour any kind of structural bias in favour of the ‘haves’ .
I agree with most of your opinions, so don’t take the above as criticism. Excuse my wankellectualism.
The room seems to be spick and span and must definitely been spring cleaned by Tander’s mum.
Oh for crying out loud, this is beyond pathetic.
At 23 I was married, in my own home, had a starting-out job that paid crap with long hours, while juggling a kid, and chipping in substantially with the housework and cooking in between the lot.
Mr. Rieha ta’ Halib f’halqu has a thing or two to learn. Yet another emotional retard.
Ha Ha Haj !
First Joseph got Cyrus.
Then he told Gonzi to emulate Cyprus.
Trying to understand the new brilliant minds of the Labour is like watching a 3-D movie without the glasses.
No , try roller coaster with eyes stuck shut .
“Christ crucified
Mickey Mouse
Joseph Muscat (same difference)
Che Guevara
Christmas Fader
A jolly snowman
Alex Saliba Gradwat”
Some corrections:
Alexander MATTHEW Saliba, please.
I looked for the patron saint in your list (there’s always one) and from what I can deduce from one picture, Alex’s saintly hero is San Nikola tal-Vinturi. This guy must be from Siggiewi. Elementary, my dear Watson.
I can hardly walk in my ‘kids’ rooms when I need to look for some tool they’ve taken from my toolbox. It’s worse than stepping barefoot on a Lego brick. How do they live with all those books, guitar cables and gadgets on the floor?
You need SAS training to enter and get out unscathed.
Alex’s room is a breath of fresh air for people like me.
Are we normal?
The only time my kids’ room looks like that is 9.3 nanoseconds after the maid has left the room.
My kids are neat, but if they were THAT neat, I’d be worried. And they’re girls aged nine and 10.
U ajma Defni, kemm int kiesha.
Jahasra Tander taghna jzomm il-kamra tieghu ‘spick and spEn’.
Kemm hu helu, u isma hi, vAry tidy ezwell – taf li l-isterjo jghattih bil-plastik, bhal ma naghmlu ahna bil-linfa u s-sufanijiet tal-belluz?
Nadif tazza il-boy taghna, mela int, min jaf kemm jaghmlu koko dawk il-klieb tal-wulf li ghandek. Jaqq. Ara ahna pocket dog ghandna hi, xejn mu helu w kemm ihobb it-Tander taghna! Kieku qatt ghamillu pipi fil-kamra. Vera sweet.
I would shag the guy any day! I have such a Che fetish. There, I feel better now I am out in the open.
Have you noticed that he’s got a couple of Father Christmases hanging from the cupboard handles?
When he gets a home of his own, he’ll graduate to hanging them off the street-balcony.
Hopefully they would have grown a bit bigger by then. Otherwise, they won’t be worth stealing.
@Santa Claus – And make a bet that they’ll be the Tal-Lira kind, too.
Why Nikita voted Labour: to get VAT back on her computer
I never knew students at Tal-Qroqq wore “uniformi” on which VAT is paid. She must have thought she was at the University of Pyongyang.
Tralalalala…. tralalalala. Il-priedka tat-tifla.
Actually what strikes one about Nikita is that she looks like a middle-aged woman already. It’s extraordinary.
Ah but that’s a typical Maltese trait, if ever I saw one.
Oh, don’t get too excited about the title of this piece; you could have spared us your dragging out of dinosaur-era videos
The interior decorator must be one of those ‘tal-ghamara tal-Hamrun” to produce such a lovely and cosy bedroom.
Bniedma frustrata, imdejqa u m’ghandiex x’taghmel … Check the time this was uploaded.
[Daphne – Oooooooh, nesty! Ovvja li int imdorri tidhol torqod mat-tigieg bhal tar-rahal li ghandhom bzonn iqumu mat-tigieg ukoll, Larson. Now that you’re all mittilkless, it’s time you worked out that tal-pepe are allowed up after midnight.]
Wara Byon, Charlon, Quinton u Jason, issa ghandna ‘l Larson. I say, bring them ON.
Spoton, Ciccio.
If you ask me I would opt for Lanson anytime especially a noble cuvee.
Emerson, Braden, Charlton, Jurgen, Klinsmann, Kylie … http://www.facebook.com/larsongiovinco#!/profile.php?id=1224746280&sk=friends&v=friends
[Daphne – White trash named like blacks in the Bronx, born and brought up in Malta GC. Amazing how under-class preferences cross cultures and oceans.]
I thought Larson was the name of a brand of boats. I seem to remember a model called Larson Hampton. Now that’s a nice name for any new offsping being born into the Labour family.
Maybe someone could board this family and produce some offsping quick.
Maybe Larson was referring to the fact that you posted this on a Saturday evening; being Maltese, at that time you should have been either cramped on some beach for a BBQ or wasted at Paceville.
[Daphne – Bit old for that. But sshhhhh, don’t let Jeffrey PO and all the other second-flushers (or is it their first, as I suspect?) hear me say it.]
I would be blogging f’dak il hin waqt li nkun qieghed b’xi break down id-dar… because normal people f’dak il-hin would be enjoying the evening with their friends.
[Daphne – Not if they’re 47 and 55 and have raised a family and are still with their original spouse and have worked long hours all week and are not on the desperate hunt for ‘fun’, Larson. Normal people in that category spend the day out and the evening at home, unless the circumstances are exceptional. And that is quite aside from the fact that Saturday night is what WE call amateur night. You obviously inhabit a world of chavs with disordered lives who never got any fun at the appropriate age and are trying their damnedest to have it now. How to see that the abnormal and freakish have now become normal. If you’re still trawling round the nightspots looking for fun when you’re 47, Larson, ring me for counselling. But then you probably have the sort of mother who does exactly that, with or without some peasant Labour lawyer in a white shirt split to the waist.]
Ok if i don’t go out at that time i would be probably enjoying time with famiuly at home but blogging with all the respect is already boring during the day ahseb u ara fdak il hin …..
[Daphne – That’s because you’re from the underclass, Larson, and your idea of an enjoyable family evening at home is a ‘BBQ fuq il-bejt’ with the television on, the music blaring and everyone shouting at once, with really lousy food and beer drunk from the bottle. Blogging is boring? Of course it is. It involves the written word, a relatively new concept to first-generation literates. Perhaps I should sympathise with your plight, but sorry, I can’t. Your crass stupidity is unforgivable, even in an 18-year-old. You appear not to understand that people like you are just one part of Maltese society and not the whole of it. Everyone does not think and behave as you, your friends and family do, Larson. Broaden your horizons and find out.]
My, my, here’s what Larson Pisani does for fun on those wild SATURDAY NIGHTS:
The little elves, god bless them, have still not zeroed on the fact that what you upload on the internet is available to all and sundry at the click of a mouse and could come to haunt you in years to come. The magistrate’s lesson has not yet beed learned; resits next month.
Larson must have been terribly upset at your reference to accountants, up above. He’s an accounts administrator with a gypsum supply firm:
And he’s 18 years old, so no wonder he thinks it’s a crime to be home is-Sibt filghaxija:
That would account, too, for his gullibility as expressed in this comment on timesofmalta.com:
“Il-Partit Laburista qatt ma ried jitla fil-gvern biex jiggwadanja hu. Dejjem kellu il-poplu bhala il-haga principali fil-mizuri li ha.”
As for his night outs, he must be a real social blast and a half, because take a look at what he does for fun (it’s a whole other Malta out there, Daphne, peopled by conservative traditionalists who call themselves liberal because they vote for Joseph). He’s right in there with the Ghaqda Socjali u Muzikali Madonna tal-Karmnu:
Anything against progressism to be in a band club ??? then youre telling that thousands of people are conservatives ….
[Daphne – Precisely so, Larson. A Maltese village bandclub and religious committee are the quintessence of traditionalist conservatism. They are anything but progressive. And you’ve put your finger on it: thousands of people in Malta ARE conservative. No ‘s’. And it’s ‘saying’ not ‘telling’. I can’t be bothered to explain the crucial difference, but if you want to get ahead in life without having to piggy-back on the Labour Party, Super One or some Madonna club, you’d better learn it. Also: it’s progressivism and not progressism. It’s extremely careless of you not to check these things when you’re actually on the internet and can Google them as you write.]
Jogghobni il-mod kif thobb tikkoregi Daphne I really like it … Ma nafx kif qatt ma dort dawra il-blogs tieghek filfatt hehe
[Daphne – Something tells me, Larson, that the new social mobility is going to leave you completely unaffected, that you will simply acquire what you believe to be the accoutrements of mittilkless life but remain no different to your father and grandfather before you. In 30 years’ time you will be a bandclub peasant with a car and a house and a couple of kids, and you will bring up your children in your own image as your parents did with you, totally unaware that there is any need at all to improve your lot except materially.]
Daphne, you forgot the sitting room furniture upholstered in plastic (Ta’ Ghawdex, I think), imhabba it-trab. Just try sitting on the sofa or armchair in summer, you will need prickly heat powder and you will be sitting on the floor in no time.
Larson and it-Tander were at school together. Is that why you sallied forth in his defence, Larson?
On Facebook:
Marlene Mizzi and Natius Farrugia shared a link.
Ave Maria – Renato Zero – Sanremo 1993
Capolavoro, mai a fondo capito dalla giuria, dell’eclettico artista romano. Poesia in musica ed esibizione degna del migliore attore teatrale. Testo: Ave Mar…
38 minutes ago · Share
Marlene Mizzi
As great as Gounod’s or Schubert’s. Happy Feast to all us Marias.
38 minutes ago · 33 · Like ·
Natius Farrugia
2 hours ago · 119 · Like ·
Marlene Mizzi, president tal-Labour Business Forum. Immaginaw lil xi Helga Ellul tghid il-hmerijiet ma’ Ignatius Farrugia tal-OHAIO fuq Facebook.
Larson Pisani, you’re obsezzzed with this blog.
What a bunch of elvezzzz.
OHAIO ghogbitni wisq.
Ha nkun agent provocateur dwar dan il-bullshit kollha fuq poor starving Maltese and the Santa Marija convoy. Kieku veru l-Maltin kienu qed imutu bil-guh/bombi/whatever, kont timmagina li tahdem il-ligi tan-natural selection u jkollna popolazzjoni ta’ kwalità. Minflok ghandna lil Ignatius bhala type specimen. Warum?
Eh, imma dak Ignatius natural selection tal-babaw ghax ghandu ghajnejh zoroq.
Forsi ghax biex tirnexxi f’art il-kretini, trid tkun kretin? Jaqbadni dwejjaq kbir meta nara hamalli idjoti ta’ dan it-tip fêted and elevated to stardom.
So another attempt at rewriting the history of Malta?
A welfare state militates (metaphorically, of course) against natural selection and its “survival of the fittest”.
In any case, natural selection takes time – thousands if not millions of years – and a few war-time years would not have been sufficient for any significant changes to occur.
That’s why the greatest abuser of the natural selection idea – Adolf Hitler – saw the “necessity” of immediate mass-genocide for his plan of “purification” to succeed. Thankfully, he lost the war.
Nothing to do with this post but I am sitting at my laptop with a window overlooking the skies in Mosta. Fire works have been going on for just over and hour and an I cannot help but think that the Mosta parishers must be having a good economic time to afford such fetish.
[Daphne – We’re sharing the spectacle then. Do you like the ones shaped like hearts? They’re the fashion. They had some in Lija last week. As for Mosta affording this and that, eh, daqs kemm ghandna nies high class il-Mosta, bhal Anglu Farrugia, Jason Micallef….dawk bully.]
Ftakru li m’hawnx flus fl-idejn. Siehbi Marlon hekk qalli.
Forsi in-nies qed izzomm il-flus fil-but? Siehbi Joseph jghid li se jpoggi hafna flus fil-bwiet tan-nies.
“The Maltese and Gozitans are starving” and yet they still roll around in bling. Why, they even post photos on Facebook to prove it: flashy cars, August moon balls, exotic holidays, gold watches, “weekend breaks”, the lot.
Bunch of spoilt moaners, what.
Ahhh, so it was a heart. From the coordinates here, it looked more like an obese bum. I liked the one with mulitple red ones which was probably sponsored by Anglu himself.
Those red ones represent Labour to a T.
They appear very shiny and make lots of noise. But then you’re left with just smoke.
This guy has some growing up to do.
I wonder what a psychoANALyst would say about this bedroom. Someone could write a thesis about it.
The Dear Leader should feel proud to have his photo displayed in a place like that – how appropriate.
I’m curious: Are those pics still on Facebook? I have to admit that, regrettably, Alex Tander Saliba is not on my list of FB friends.
Laqwa il-linfa, bil-forma ta’ daffodils sofor. Xi hlew.
If I had a bedroom like that and photos displayed all over the internet, I would dig myself a hole and bury myself and do the world a favour.
Everybody should remember that ALEX SALIBA HIMSELF posted these photographs of his bedroom on his Facebook. Quite apart from the room itself, what does that single act say about him?
Hi Daphne,
It’s not that I have an eye for detail but is Anglu Farrugia attempting a royal wave there?
It’s not so much the way royals wave these days that he’s imitating, rather that distinct gesture of times gone by which was typical of royalty.
Check out the link and you’ll see what I mean. It’s a 1945 pic of George VI and the Queen Mother, then Queen Elizabeth.
It is still a mystery to me how people are permitted to become lawyers without even having the elementary grasp of either English or Maltese. I still feel that the majority of the present PL lawyers got there through mysterious channels.
red nose, in one particular year, Maltese was not even compulsory for the law course. A little bit of string-pulling or foot-stamping (or more) must have done the trick.
Most of the people in the PL environment come from working-class families who couldn’t afford private schools for their children so they went to state schools including the famous Junior Lyceum.
We all know that the level of English which is being taught in the state schools is not of the same level of the private schools.
[Daphne – I learned English at home, cat, not at school. And so did my children. The level of English taught and spoken at church schools is now even worse, thanks to the lottery which has been letting in dross for 25 years. And the escape to independent schools hasn’t yielded better results, for the simple reason that the teachers – natch – are products of those same church and state schools. The situation is so bad that pupils who come from homes where English is the mother tongue end up correcting their teachers. School or no school, there really is no excuse once you’re an adult. If you’re 45 years old and your Italian is terrible (like mine) you can’t blame your school, but yourself for not bothering. It’s the same with English: anyone with half a brain should be able to take note of how fluent speakers speak and construct sentences (or don’t), so why persist in error? Not sure? Then find out. I’m a native English speaker, but I still check things regularly because, as I said, I never learned any English at school and so know no grammar at all (in terms of rules, that is – I know it pretty well otherwise).]
A case in point: a student teacher walks into class and tells the boys to ‘calllm down’ and then asks, “Have you all did your homework?” Yes, she will be teaching English, come next October.
I beg to differ, Cat. The level of English taught at what is meant to be one of the better independent co-educational senior schools leaves so much to be desired.
The fact that school circulars themselves usually contain glaring grammatical mistakes doesn’t instill confidence in the system, either. In fact, it does quite the opposite.
It still a mystery how you daphne have the time ( or lack of it) to write such an article which does not make sense at all.
Just get a life
[Daphne – Here’s a clue, Ramon: unlike the underclass Labour dross from which you spring, I come from a good gene-pool. We can write, spell and think all at the same time, and guess what, we don’t silently mouth the words or trace our fingers beneath the line, either.]
I thought I posted a comment here. Or was it too uncomfortable?
[Daphne – Not at all. I take the most extraordinary pleasure in putting the occasional chilli up your butt. Metaphorically speaking, of course. The more fixated you get, the merrier a dance I lead. Try not to show you care so much, Chavs. It makes the girls mean.]
Was it intentional to put the Christmas tree under Muscat’s arse?
Look at it the other way round: Muscat is the bright star on the tree.
How I wished to have a room like this (but without the Nazi hat in the Mickey Mouse picture). But then, I turned 11.
Che Guevara, Southpark and Joseph pictures, Mickey Mouse – all in the same room. This is too much to handle.
Do you think he goes to sleep hugging Mickey Mouse?