Lie down, weep and tear your hair out

Published: August 13, 2011 at 10:44pm

Aaron Farrugia, who four years ago thought (and probably still does) that the singular of ‘elves’ is ‘elve’, is now the Labour Party’s education secretary. He is a statistician at the National Office of Statistics (his day job). And he describes himself on Facebook as:

I am currently the Chairperson of Fondazzjoni IDEAT, Malta`s Progressive think tank.Member of the Labour Party`s central administration and National Executive Committee

Also on Facebook, he gives a list of his favourite books and high-falutin’ quotes, all of them designed to create the impression that he is A Great Intellectual in the Labour Mould, with a Very Big Mind.

But the truth is elsewhere, though also on Facebook. Turn to Aaron the Labour Education Secretary and Chairperson of the Progressive Think-Tank’s Facebook photos, and you’ll find this lovely picture of rabbit which I have copied and uploaded here, and beneath it, Aaron’s progressive, liberal and intellectual caption:

On your marks. Get Set. Go. Il-fenek, fuq kliem il-gurnalista tan-NET telaq jigri ghand l-avukat ghas-separazzjoni biex jiskattaw l-4 snin. Run rabbit… :)

13 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio2011 says:

    Fondazzjoni IDJOTI is a more apt name.

  2. anthony says:

    I cannot tear my hair out because there is none left.

    I will not lie down and weep either.

    I am far beyond education age. That ended fifty years ago.

    My wife could not be bothered with any PL bollocks. Her main concerns are tennis and English football.

    My children have all deserted this sinking ship.

    Speaking very selfishly, I would not care a hoot if Aaron is entrusted with the job of educating the country come 2013.

    Everyone gets what he/she deserves.

    Good luck, Aaron.

    • il-Ginger says:

      Unfortunately we get politicians who we collectively deserve and there isn’t a better way.

      If only the intelligent people voted then the idiots of the country have no guarantee of their rights.This is why we are all lead by idiots.

    • Grezz says:

      Maybe you would care a little more if Aaron were to be appointed Minister of Finance or something to that effect. You know, kind of where it would affect you most. As you said, everyone gets what they deserve.

    • Vaux says:

      ‘I am far beyond education age. That ended fifty years ago’.

      That is a mistake there is no time barrier to knowledge, Rita Levi-Montalcini (Turin, April 22, 1909….still living), is quoted as saying that in her sleepless nights she resorts to study.

      ‘My children have all deserted this sinking ship’.

      But a living Captain can still maneuver his ship.

      ‘Speaking very selfishly, I would not care a hoot if Aaron is entrusted with the job of educating the country come 2013’

      You are not being selfish, but a being wishing a fellow being good luck.

      Having said this, I would tend, despite being a lover of what the French call ‘joie de vivre’, to be pessimistic and I can only perceive in today’s aspiring young politicians the same perceptions Alfred de Musset had when he wrote his play ‘Lorenzaccio’.

      This plays haunts me because sooner or later we realize that ‘whatever paths we choose in life, we always have to do with other human beings’.

      What is more disheartening in this play is the fact that after the murder by Lorenzaccio of a debauched Alexander de Medicis, another Medicis takes his place.

      Labour simply fails to convince me that they would make a change. Their past still over shadows their present.

  3. il-Ginger says:

    He definitely ain’t getting any pussy in that bedroom of his.

    How old is he, 12?

  4. Mario Pisani says:

    It’s also good to know that Aaron Farrugia is also a law student. Just like Tander, Jonatiiiin, Randolffff et al.

  5. The Professor says:

    Can anybody imagine someone like Oliver Friggieri – a true philosopher and thinker – posting something like this on a public noticeboard or website?

  6. Bob says:

    I did not get it…

    • ciccio2011 says:

      You have to see the comments beneath the photos before that one. He thinks he is having a dig at Net, but he is only digging himself down into a rabbit hole in my view.

  7. Intellect says:

    Aaron might promote himself as a fresh, progressive liberal. However, he is nothing more than a left-over piece of junk from Alfred Sant’s skip (same as Joseph Muscat)!

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