Labour – always first with the news

Published: September 13, 2011 at 11:47pm

Maltastar editor Glen Bedingfield (left) with Super One supremo Jason Micallef

The Labour Party told us today, courtesy of its news website, that Saadi Gaddafi – who crossed the border into Niger – is the first of the Gaddafis to leave the country.

Saadi Gaddafi is the first member of Gaddafi family to flee Libya.

The site’s editor in chief, Glen Bedingfield, had better stop hitting the Barolo and bragging about it on Facebook, because I can think of no other explanation how a self-professed newsman working for the future government party could have missed the bit where Mrs Gaddafi Senior, two sons, her daughter Aisha and several grandchildren crossed into Algeria in a fleet of armoured limousines, where Aisha immediately gave birth.

But Maltastar knows that Saadi is in Niger because:

A Niger’s government spokesman announced that he arrived in Niger.

Let’s count our blessings, shall we? It’s a website, not a radio broadcast, because what are the odds that we’d have been told Saadi Gaddafi went to nigger?

20 Comments Comment

  1. Harry Purdie says:

    A totally incompetent, puerile and useless website it may be, Daphne. However it is truly indicative of the disaster we face if this bunch of Neanderthals gain power.

    Chuckled at your last sentence. Don’t think they’ll get it, though.

  2. Richard Borg says:

    You said the ‘n’ word.

  3. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Maybe because Algeria has been mentioned recently as being a transit base for weapons destined for the Gaddafi regime, from China?

  4. Joe Micallef says:

    Maybe he was short of Barolo.

  5. Matt B says:

    In The Times today, there’s an article about Arriva and the alleged improvements to the service.

    The reporter asked Labour for its reaction, and got this answer:

    ‘Asked how the Labour Party would deal with the current situation had it been in government, the spokesman said: “If Labour was in government it would have got things right through a proper process.”’

    Yet again, no proposals, no ideas, nothing. Worthless piece of s***, that political party.

    • Dee says:

      Dan Joey Muscat jahseb li kullhadd mazzun bhal dawk ta’ madwaru mid-dehra.
      Dan ma jafx li kull min hu f’ sensieh ma jixtrix hut fil-bahar?

  6. MoBi says:

    I’m pretty certain that there is a sizeable number of people for whom Maltastar is the sole source of “news”.

    They’re easy to identify – just look out for people who end up poking themselves in the eye when they try to pick their nose.

  7. il-Ginger says:

    “Saadi Gaddafi went to nigger”

    Believe it or not, while I was getting my hair cut at the barber I heard a guy there say exactly that.

    • Ivan M. Dingli says:

      In all fairness it was Daphne who sarcastically said so and not the LP.

      [Daphne – Where did anyone suggest that it was the ‘LP’. ]

      • La Redoute says:

        Which LP would that be? Perhaps you’re thinking of The Dark Side of the Moon – a literal and apt description of the PL, which styles itself as ‘progressive’.

  8. Dee says:

    Minn fejn igibu il-breaking- news dawn? Minghand il-parruccjani ta’ Bendu tal-Laham?

  9. Kenneth Cassar says:

    Considering its history, the PL must be the first to have the news about the Gaddafi family. Perhaps they felt it is more “prudent” to confirm the news only now.

  10. Rita Camilleri says:


  11. red nose says:

    Nahseb li qabel isaqsu lil Joe Sammut fuq il “whereabouts” tal-familja Gaddafi

  12. Matthew Vella says:

    Ouch, how could they not know that?

  13. 'Angus Black says:

    They should have also noticed that the Gaddafi funds have suddenly dried up. Watch for another fund raising event coming soon on Radio One and One TV.

  14. Vincent says:

    Maybe this is mlatastra’s way of proving how distant they are from the Gaddafis. They are not even interested in reading news about that horrible family.

  15. Oooops! says:

    Barolo, indeed! New mone , renovado taste.

    Did we have any Barolo imports in the Malta Labour Party times? Were we allowed to drink anything other than Green Label? Surely not many could afford ‘Barolo’ during the ‘great economic boom’.

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