Labour loves you if you're Muslim, but mocks you if you're Catholic

Published: September 2, 2011 at 11:11pm

I trust you’ve noticed the fundamental inconsistency in Labour’s opportunistic celebration of Islam and its parading of its new candidate, a Maltese Muslim convert (I remember him at university – he took a couple of anthropology courses with me and was a total pain in the rear end, as all converts are, including born-again Christians).

To be a Muslim is OK and something to be celebrated. To be a Roman Catholic is grounds for disparagement because it means that you can’t separate your politics from your religion, so boo and hiss to you.

Labour’s Muslim candidate is feted. Labour’s Roman Catholic MPs are hounded and considered embarrassing.

To be Muslim is cool and hip. To be Roman Catholic is to be tal-moffa and tan-nannijiet.

So liberal. They’d better read up on the subject.

16 Comments Comment

  1. Dee says:

    “Labour’s Muslim candidate is feted. Labour’s Roman Catholic MPs are hounded and considered embarrassing.”

    You are so right.

    What is even more telling is that in their race to appease the Muslim vote by blatant anti-clerical sentiment and Christian-bashing they forgot about the many hundreds of other infidel voters who are neither Christian nor Muslim but are atheists, Jews, Hindi etc.

    Will Joey’s PL be hosting a reception next Thursday on Victory Day, one of Malta’s most beloved traditional feast days?

    For more information., irikorru ghand Maria Camilleri.

  2. 'Angus Black says:

    Qasab jixxejru mar-rih.

    • Dee says:

      He is anyone’s so long as there is a chance he can get a vote.

      Bet he will soon be sending invitations to black masses to get the Satanists’ vote and celebrating Richard Dawkins’ birthday to get the atheists’.

  3. Harry Purdie says:

    Watching ‘Runaway Jury’ at the moment. Think we have a ‘Runaway Labour’. Confused, f*cked up, running scared, (and in circles). Wait until their agreements with Ghaddafi come to light. What a bunch of incompetents.

  4. sandy:P says:

    On Facebook:

    Cyrus Engerer
    I think the Gay community group should start organising jogging sessions as well as gym outings…quite a number of us are in need

    [Daphne – Gay jogging sessions? For God’s sake, can’t gay men jog with everyone else? Do people like Cyrus think the rest of us are diseased, or something?]

    • Dee says:

      Segregating gays while they jog – what next.

    • John Schembri says:

      Cyrus wants to rope in Natius and Joseph.

      I saw the Great Leader distributing silver-plated placards to three of Lifecycle’s participants at the PL HQ.

      Some observations:-

      This photo session cost the party some 100 Euro, donating that sum would have been ridiculous.

      Joseph wants to ‘look busy’, he doesn’t have time to go to people and so he comes down from his office wearing a short sleeved shirt, poses for the photo opportunity and off the squeezed lemons go.

      The inscription:

      PL Logo
      Lil (name)
      B’tifkira tal-partecipazzjoni tieghek
      fil-Betfair Lifecycle Challenge 2011
      mill-Onor Kap tal-Oppozizzjoni
      Dr Joseph Muscat
      1 ta’ Settembru 2011

      So patronising! Why would these cyclists need a ’tifkira’ , let alone from the PL leader?

      “Where’s the donation?”
      “Haven’t we met him already?”
      “I think he wanted a photo with Ian Castaldi Paris.”

      There were 23 participants and a back -up team of 15 people.

      I think I saw Anglu presenting that placard in the US of A to some Maltese association.

    • Rover says:

      Visions of men in tight pink outfits and white socks up to their knees bouncing down the coast road.

      What’s wrong with the rest of us then? Aren’t we allowed?

  5. sandy:P says:

    Cyrus Engerer
    ‎6,097 people have joined my political facebook page. Get to know more about what we’re working on at the Tas-Sliema Local Council and why I joined Partit Laburista.

    Cyrus Engerer
    Like · · Share · 2 hours ago · Privacy:
    George Bugeja and 12 others like this.

    Joan Barbara cyrus,the number looks good but the votes count dont you forgewt it so that means you have to work harder so wewill see you the next mayor..see you and we all wish you good luxk and good riddance to your enemies.
    2 hours ago · Like

    Marthese Grech even though i do not agree with you on politcal issues i still wish you luck and the number of pple who joined you on ffacebbook is fantastic they might not vote you all but still it means a lot
    2 hours ago · Like

  6. GiovDeMartino says:

    Ma nasal qatt biex nifhem kif nies bhal Cyrus ma jisthux jidhru quddiem nies.

    Immaginaw lili, ghax nahbat difri mal-pulizja nabbanduna l-partit tieghi, ikun liema jkun, u minn dak il-hin stess nibda naqleb dak kollu li nkun ili nghid snin shah! Veru l-iskipp taghhom taccetta kollox.

  7. Daniel says:

    Worse still, Mr Muscat has declared (while celebrating the Iftar activity) that the Labour Party is a secular party within a predominantly Christian society even thought ‘the majority of its members are Catholic’.

    Being secular also means distancing yourself from any form of religious involvement and not organizing religious activities like the PL did.

    Your article confirms what I have been thinking.

    The PL has given its backside, to say the least, to the Catholic Church while PL exponents fill TV screens during the ‘Min nicca l-barra’ programme talking about saints and fireworks.

    Watch these Super One shows and you’ll really understand how Labour is fundamentally inconsistent and opportunistic.

  8. Maria says:

    I.M. Beck’s opinion piece in today’s Times is spot on. What a difference from the mediocre but shameful Wikileaks reportage in The Times, by anti-Nationalist former Malta Today man Kurt Sansone.

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