New in politics: a gastronomic U-turn

Published: September 12, 2011 at 2:34pm

Getting ready for a gastronomic U-turn

Maltastar disease is spreading rapidly through Labour and is now even affecting the General Workers Union. The leading article in its daily newspaper, L-Orizzont, is titled today:


The exclamation point is theirs.

I read through it, trying to work out where food enters the equation, only to realise at last that a stray G got into the mix.

Thank you, the reader who sent in the link.

30 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    I’m gamazed and gappalled.

  2. Carmelo Micallef says:

    L-Orizzont accidentlly finds the G-spot.

  3. Wayne Hewitt says:

    LOL… priceless!

  4. Antoine Vella says:

    Shouldn’t it be ‘jutern’?

  5. Joe Micallef says:

    Food is probably Toni Zarb’s fixation.

    I guess even his infamous “issa daqshekk” was inspired by culinary experiences.

  6. Lucy says:

    Joseph’s swearing off the berrgers?

  7. Joseph Cilia says:

    Simply unbelievable – leaves one speechless.

  8. RonPaul2012 says:

    what about this daphne?!?!

    [Daphne – What about it, RonPaul2012? A former Labour prime minister and current Labour MP confirms that he’s a crackpot and Malta Today continues to grind its axe and decimate its reputation by reporting his insane statements. The Nationalist Party issued – days ago – a categoric statement that it never received a single cent from Gaddafi or Libya. Also, if you read that piece carefully, you’ll see that the only bit that makes any sense is the bit that quite obviously refers to the prisoner of Brussels, and Malta Today certainly isn’t going to finger him any time soon.]

    • maryanne says:

      I would have thought that Gaddafi would help the party who had a ‘special relationship’ with it.

    • RonPaul2012 says:

      and i thought ur truly are an independent journalist…u actually sound like the PN’s PRO!!

      as i always said…one reveals his true colours when in panic a mode!!

      [Daphne – Don’t I just. & ur a lost cause cos u dont tink str8t. CU 2nite – I dont tink.]

      • Kenneth Cassar says:

        I see. So I guess RonPaul2012 (is that a relative of HAL 9000, R2D2 or C3PO?) would think that a “truly independent journalist” would reason this way:

        “If I say the pro-EU campaign was funded by Gaddafi, I would be siding with the PL. If I say the pro-EU campaign was not funded by Gaddafi, I would be siding with the PN. So I must say that maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t, to be truly “independent”.

        According to modern robots, independent journalists must have no opinion.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        “I am not a robot”, says Clinton Paul.

    • MaltaRants says:

      Quoting Sant himself a few years ago:

      “Jekk titfa t-tajn, xi ftit minnhu jehel”

      Does this explain Sant’s remarks clearly enough?

  9. Carmel Scicluna says:


  10. Lomax says:

    Perhaps “gastronomiku!” is the superlative of “astronomiku”.

  11. drewsome says:

    Gasp and gorblimey!

  12. Grezz says:

    Kemm jifilhu jkunu injoranti. They’re not even capable of stringing two words together to come up with a headline. It’s not funny so much as worrying.

    • Carmelo Micallef says:

      Grezz, a better person than me would say: “Bless them, for they know not what they are doing”. Daphne, please explain how people vote for this kind of thing.

  13. MaltaRants says:

    Nahseb qed jirreferu ghall-IFTAR organizzat mill-PL.

    Ghax l-ewwel il-PL jikkritika l-Gvern ghall-imigrazzjoni u li qed jimlew Malta u li mhux qed jaghmel xejn biex jikkontrollaha, imma imbaghad jaghmlu U-turn u jorganizzalhom l-iftar.

  14. Not Tonight says:

    On, around two days ago, one of the headlines read: power-cut restored. How nice!

  15. JoeM says:

    And this one’s for Lou Bondi:

    G-asperini għall-uġigħ ta’ ras!

  16. Erasmus says:

    Maybe a star chef wrote that one.

  17. wee bee says:

    Gosh! That’s some mistake.

  18. Dee says:

    What gasinine comments.

  19. H.P. Baxxter says:

    A 360-degree U turn?

  20. Charles Darwin says:

    Probably it was plagiarised but took it out of context. Losers.

  21. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Maaaa, kemm ma tifhmux bil-Malti, mela mortu skola privata? That’s their way of saying it was a gigantic astronomical U-turn.

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