The leaders of the Labour Party: an epic tale of degeneration

Published: September 13, 2011 at 11:08am

20 Comments Comment

  1. Grezz says:

    That sea of red flags really brings back bad memories, together with an inexplicable sense of fear.

  2. A. Charles says:

    The choice of music at the end would be fitting for an epic disaster film.

  3. Jozef says:

    Il-mexxej ‘prezenti’, are they sure?

    He’s either late or absent.

  4. The chemist says:

    Maa x’biza.

  5. Pat Zahra says:

    Ma jisthux! Using the sound track from the Narnia Chronicles to celebrate Joseph Muscat… repulsive.

    So who might he be in this little charade?

    Peter the Magnificent?

    Edmund the Wise?

    Forsi Aslan, ghax bjond?

    If only he possessed even a smidgeon of the high principles propounded in this marvellous allegory.

  6. cat says:

    Sorry ta’ imma Michelle u t-tewmin x’ghandhom x’jaqsmu mal-feature?

  7. John Schembri says:

    Qabbiztli d-dmugh!

  8. Dee says:

    Madonna tal-hniena.

  9. 'Angus Black says:

    MINTOFF: Integration or Independence? Britain or Gaddafi’s Libya? Democracy or tyranny? Negotiation or threats? Transparency or corruption at ministerial levels? Foreign investments or alms begging?

    KMB aka Dr. ZERO: Peace of mind or chaos? Freedom of speech or freedom to burn down the Times? Freedom of religion or attack the Curia? Honour our neutrality or warn Gaddafi of an approaching American aircraft?

    SANT: Keep VAT or change to CET? Go for CET but not tell Minister Lino Spiteri about it? Tell shopowners to smash cash registers? Increase electricity rates when oil was selling at $12.00 or less? Progress in education or ‘Reception class’? Mintoff the ‘Savior’ or Mintoff the ‘traitor’? Swits in the Med or full EU membership? Dead men vote or abstain?

    Call me JOSEPH: Anti-EU or pro-EU? Moviment tal-Moderati’ or ‘Moviment tar-racanc’? Inklussiv jew sezzjoni ghal ‘gays’?
    Save immigrants’ lives or let them drown? Go green or let Marsa PS run longer by obstructing new Delimara extension? Recycle or beg the EU to withhold funds like the Sant’Antnin project? Has a vision or let a remnant from the 70s write a 2013 election programme?

    Not much to choose from the four leaders thus far and not much to choose as future leaders from within the LP’s skip even if getting pretty full of rejects.

  10. H.P. Baxxter says:

    90 sena girja ghal go l-abissi.

  11. Harry Purdie says:

    Jonathan Swift described the Yahoos, in Gulliver’s Travels, as ‘the most odious race of pernicious little vermin that God ever suffered to walk upon the face of the earth’.

    An apt description of this bunch, I fear.

  12. John Schembri says:

    Baxxter, illum iz-zghazagh bniedem bhal dan jghidulu “ghal gol-hajt”.

    Ghadni qatt ma rajt bniedem li lahaq fejn lahaq ghax dejjem sab is-sodda mifruxa ghalih, u li jwarrab lil kull min jifrixielu.

    Ried swimming-pool fid-dar li tah missieru il-permess gabuhulu f’gimghatejn qabel l-elezzjoni.

    Alfred Sant u Father Colin fost ohrajn ghenuh isir MEP.

    Il-kap Germaniz tas-Socjalisti Ewropej Martin Schulz u Jason ghenuh bil-kbir biex isir kap tal-MLP.

    Biex sar kap tal-oppozizzjoni sab lil Cuschieri joqghodlu tapit, u issa nsieh.

    Ipprova jdahhal id-divorzju, imn’Alla sab lil-JPO jtieh palata ghax kien diga qata’ qalbu, u rtira kollox.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Din ta’ “90 sena” u l-ohrajn “sa mill-1880” hija big joke.

      Fid-dinja normali (i.e. il-bqija tal-Ewropa), l-ebda partit ma jiftahar li ilu jezisti jew li zamm l-istess principji ghal seklu shih.

      Allahares il-policies tan-1920s ma gewx mibdula, rigettati jew modifikati.

      Dan sieheb il-Fehmiet Bazici. Mentalita’ ta’ kazin, bil-vetrina kbira tal-kewba skolpita kollha skrollijiet, fejn inzommu l-partitura tal-Maestro Sig. Whatever Kien Jismu b’mustacci giganteski tal-belle epoque.

  13. Joe Scerri says:

    Time stopped in 1949.

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