What is Magistrate Herrera's relationship with her brother Jose's Valletta canvasser?

Published: September 9, 2011 at 5:51pm

Magistrate Herrera (2nd from left) with her brother Jose Herrera and his chief Valletta canvasser, Doreen Sciberras Tal-Fjur

Magistrate Herrera (left) with Jose Herrera's canvasser, Doreen Tal-Fjur

Magistrate Herrera (2nd from right) with her brother Jose Herrera's Valletta canvasser (centre), Doreen 'tal-fjur' Sciberras

Magistrate Herrera’s only supporter in court last Tuesday was the woman shown in these pictures, Doreen Sciberras of the Tal-Fjur family minn qieh il-Belt.

She stayed there loyally throughout, passing rude remarks about me and pulling faces.

She must have taken time off from her day-job selling jeans at Carrera in the Embassy Shopping Complex.

I wondered exactly what the loyal attachment between the two is all about, because she seems to be attached to Magistrate Herrera like a keyring. She even has Magistrate Herrera’s children down as her Facebook friends – that’s how involved she is.

It turns out that she’s brother Jose Herrera’s chief Valletta canvasser.

Well, what do you know.

If you’re a magistrate and your brother, besides being a defence lawyer whose clients appear in your court, were a politician, why on earth would you hang around with his canvasser?

Why on earth would you invite that canvasser to your birthday parties or involve her/him with your children and your home?

21 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Meanwhile, over at the grotto, they’re having a lesson on comparatives and superlatives.


  2. Suldat ta' l-azzar says:

    Forsi taghmel naqa’ xoghol ta’ maid ghand il-magistrata. Illum naqa’ difficli biex issib maid li ma’ tperriclekx kollox man-nies. Mhux hekk?

  3. zorro says:

    You dare ask ‘why’, Daphne? Simple darling, ghax meta tkun hamallu, biex thossok ftit ahjar mieghek innifsek taghmila ma l-akbar hamalla min qieh il-Belt.

    Ministerial potential a la grande, hi!

  4. M. says:

    It looks like they share the same hairdresser and sartorial consultant, but not the same diet or personal trainer.

  5. Dee says:

    Mur arhom lil dawn, sena u nofs ohra, fil-gvern.

  6. 'Angus Black says:

    This photograph would make a terrific billboard for the Nationalist Party.

    Vote Labour and make this man Justice Minister.

  7. Grezz says:

    Jose’s canvasser Doreen Sciberras reads this blog (as if we didn’t know that already).

    Her Facebook page has been deactivated. Here’s the cached version – http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:YTTIhRjO3moJ:www.facebook.com/public/Doreen-Sciberras+doreen+sciberras&cd=2&hl=mt&ct=clnk&gl=mt

  8. Harry Purdie says:

    Possibly two ‘dykes’ attempting to hold back the tide of truth?

  9. GSD says:

    Is one of the men in the second photo an English teacher at Junior College?

  10. mary says:

    jekk din hija min qiegh il belt x’ghandha hazin ghax ahna tal belt we are proud

    [Daphne – ‘Ahna tal belt we are proud’. Allahares titfa kullhadd li huwa mil-Belt fl-istess keffa ma’ Dorina tal-Fjur, Mary. Il-familja tieghi mil-Belt, imma mhux mil-qiegh.]

  11. Carmelo Micallef says:

    Mary, your tribal allegiance to vulgarity and corruption is nothing to be proud of and you are not ‘Valletta’. My family are also from Valletta – you do not speak for us, we speak for ourselves.

  12. Pups says:

    Yes he was, as far as I know, a teacher of English at Junior College (not sure if he still is) trying to enjoy the high life.

  13. cat says:

    Issa tbieghomna il-jeansijiet Doreen jekk jitla l-Labour? Nini, nini minn jaf x’job isibulha dawk ta’ Herrera.

    How nice, “Tal-Fjur”. Laqam tal-familja sabih ghax ghandna erbgha laqmijiet Hal-Qormi tal-biza.

    • Anthony says:

      Job Description.

      Chef de Cabinet and special advisor to the minister on real estate, corruption of minors and relations with the judiciary.

  14. M - A says:

    U dawn x’parties huma? Jidher it-tabib Stephen Spiteri dak li jfalli hafna mill-parlament ghax ikollu hafna x’jaghmel. Jidher Dr. Robert Abela u l-mara tieghu u hafna tfajliet ‘sbieh’. Grazzi tal-informazzjoni, Daphne.

  15. Rover says:

    Is she therefore Jose’s galoppin?

    No offence for the equestrian connotation.

  16. Amaro says:

    Sorry ta’, imma Doreen tal-Fjur mhux mil-Belt imma minn Haz-Zebbug.

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