Yesterday in Benghazi

Published: September 16, 2011 at 10:10am

13 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    It’s now official. That Frazier is not fit for purpose. Behold the nasal Maltese-English and the “x’ABZ” expression.

    • Gakku says:

      Can you imagine him fighting in Misrata?

    • Delacroixet says:

      Is the Brigadier related to Tonio Borg? He sounds just like him. There’s a drinking game somewhere in that video – down something whenever the brigadier says “collective eff-a-rt.”

      If anyone attacks our dear Republic, we’re going to just stand on the cliffs, stare our enemies down and talk in a nasal drawl. Then we’d all go for coffee at The Ferries.

    • Snoopy says:

      Baxxter was referring to the Director of Defence and not the Brigadier.

      • Gakku says:

        Didn’t manage to sit around until the Director of Defence and her chewing gum first time round.

    • Mario Debono says:

      Truly the judgement of an armchair critic. Where were you, Baxxter? Hiding behind your nom de guerre, presumably, whilst fighting in Misurata againstr Ghaddafi?

      [Daphne – The point is, Mario, that NOBODY from Malta fought in Misurata against Gaddafi, not our director of defence and certainly not our armed forces. We are a neutral country with an army we never plan on using, except to deliver boxes of food from the warehouse to the docks – not even all the way to Misurata itself (leave that to private initiative) because that might not be neutral.]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Such fine logic, yours. If I had been fighting in Misrata I wouldn’t have been lambasting the Maltese government. My plea to my Prime Minster and his government is to let us – if he really believes all that tripe about Malta sovrana – fight and possibly die for our sovereign country. We’re not all cut out to be engineers and web developers, you know.

  2. red nose says:

    Its a pleasure to note that France and Britain mean business. This should be a positive sign for Malta in its future dealings with Libya. Now that visas are again being processed in our embassy in Tripoli, one has to be more than extra careful. I hope that the people there are on their toes.

  3. Ray Pace says:


    Frazier is George Vella’s (Labour) niece.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      I wouldn’t have known that. Can’t see anything distinctive in the eyebrows. What with the enormous shades and all.

      [Daphne – Ray Pace failed to specify that George Vella is Mrs Frazier’s uncle only by marriage. He’s married to Mrs Frazier’s aunt (Grima).]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Oh well. She can be anybody’s niece for all I care. My family pedigree is not exactly stellar. But really. Director of Defence. Who probably can’t tell a Scud from an Exocet (It-Torca or Kullhadd or whatever it was published one to illustrate the story on TEFGHU MISSILI LEJN MALTA. An error illustrating a lie, made believable by ignorance. And not one word from the Defence Directorate.)

  4. Brian says:

    L-aqwa l-collective eff-a-rt. It’s as if P61 has just liberated the whole of Libya.

    Anybody here remember that TV comedy series ‘PT 73’ back in the early 70s?

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