Hbieb tal-hbieb
October 10, 2011 at 11:57pm
Guess who Saviour Balzan interviewed on his amazing talk-show on Favourite Channel this evening?
Cyrus Engerer.
X’kien mhux Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, jew Robert Musumeci, jew xi Jesmond jew Karen Mugliett, jew anke dak l-istar fenomenali, John Bundy?
Don’t these people ever get tired of turning in their ever-decreasing circles of lanzit-ridden foes-turned-friends?
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I’m not so sure about the circle being ‘ever-decreasing’. Mind you, I’m quite sure that you know how things stand at the moment, but, my opinion is that the PN is continuously losing ground.
The fact is that they hide their dirty laundry better than the Vatican does and so one cannot really take things at face value.
The Labour Party were never really clever at hiding their internal rifts. It has now become a balancing act for the party in government to portray a unified front, one which was so important in all their past campaigns.
For example: Franco Debono being Cyrus’ lawyer, JPO having his own soap opera, Robert Musumeci and Jesmond Mugliett amongst others.
It seems that the Prime Minister is bending over backwards so as not to step on any of his constituents’ toes and all this because of his one seat majority.
Your episode with Magistrate Herrera clearly shows that one individual can undermine a whole institution. Can’t this be applied to the government?
[Daphne – Who is that individual, Richard? Consuelo Herrera or me for pointing it out?]
It has come to a point were all members of parliament have been given a very long leash, and most of them are discarding ethics and good governance for their own, personal goals.
How would you undermine a whole institution? Unless you represent one in particular, you cannot undermine it.
[Daphne – I’m glad you said that, because I am tired of dealing with people who believe that problems are created by the person who draws attention to them.]
Reuben Balzan’s speech was a telling-off of sorts to all the judiciary who have ridiculed one of the most important professions in history.
A profession in which its constituents should behave in a way as to completely make away with the common cliche’ of them being money hungry above anything else.
(I was obviously referring to Consuelo Herrera)
Povero disgraziato!
Perhaps he’s trying to patch up Engerer’s image after the Bondi+ embarrassment.
The enemy of my enemy has become my friend.
As a general comment and not particularly restricted this submission, I truly wonder if JPO knows he is perjuring himself. I am quite convinved that he really thinks he is telling the truth.
For him, truth and fiction (his version of what happened) have actually become intertwined and inseparable.
How he got to this state and how to untangle the web of fact from fiction are two elements which I really do not know how to handle – except by keeping a very very healthy distance from whatever he says.
The king of losers and moaners, interviewing his peers. I tend to ignore that kind of thing. Their days in the limelight are numbered, and once dear Joseph is prime minister, I wonder who will be their scapegoat after a couple of months following the general election.
As JPO, what a clown.
“He’s very clever, but sometimes his brains go to his head.”
A man who changes parties with the same frequency I change my shoes, and for the same reason that tonight I might choose pizza over pasta.
Voters do not expect journalists to give credible explanations for their disclosures. It is the politicians in question that are expected to do so.
After all, it is they who chase voters to trust them with running the show for five years, not journalists.
Ms. DCG has had the guts and balls to admit on her blog that she was quite mistaken in the recent past re the trustworthiness of Cyrus and JPO as PN political animals.
In so doing, her credibility has shot up sky high. Which is more than can be said about certain other journalists.
Issa anke Saviour Balzan ghandu skip.
Qied tara Gorg, kullhadd sema minnek u qieghed jibza ghall-ambjent.