No wonder Saviour's newspaper never says anything about the Labour Party

Published: October 11, 2011 at 11:26pm

It didn’t click. But it’s obvious. The Labour Party’s deputy leader is Malta Today’s lawyer. So Malta Today never, ever says anything about the Labour Party.

Instead, it OCDs on the Nationalist Party in general and Lawrence Gonzi in particular.

The more I think about it, the more mind-bogglingly appalling Saviour Balzan’s bloody nerve is in accusing others of conspiracies, cabals, bias and conflict of interest.

I think he had better tie that proverbial millstone round his scraggy turkey-neck and jump into Jaff’s Haz-Zebbug swimming-pool. Forsi jigi Toni Abela b’xi rubber puppet ta’ Teletubi u xi bicca goggil u jaqbez ghalih.

A frigging farce.

3 Comments Comment

  1. Fl-interess tal-poplu says:

    This raises a serious issue about the independence of Malta Today from Labour. Joseph Muscat should take note.

    Actually, Joseph Muscat should be asked to disclose the following:

    What amount of income has Toni Abela/Labour made from professional services rendered to Malta Today?

    What is the full market value of the services rendered?

    Was Malta Today asked to pay the full market value of those services?

    If not, how is Malta Today paying for the full market value of the services received from the Labour Party’s deputy leader?

    Is there any barter agreement between Malta Today and the Labour Party, whereby Malta Today pays for part of those services in kind, e.g. by not publishing any damning stories about Labour?

    And while Labour works on the “bright future that lays ahead”, can Saviour answer these same questions?

  2. Ganna says:

    I use to buy Maltatoday, no more. Do boycott the paper that’s all

  3. ciccio2011 says:

    Could it be that Labour is not investing in Maltastar in order to lend a hand to Malta Today?

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