Request for police action against Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
Tomorrow morning the police will receive a formal request to take action against Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, chairman of the Malta Council of Science and Technology and member of parliament, for carrying the following comment on his Facebook wall:
Daniel Busuttil Garnaw Apparti l-kruha materjali hemm il-kruha tal-karattru:
What happened to the case? Where is the judgement? Who defended your filthy and ugly son? How many young people, his age or even younger did he sell drugs to? How much drugs was he caught with? Why was he not arrested and arraigned at around 8 o’clock in the evening like Nikki Dimech? Or like Cyrus Engerer? Or like Cyrus Engerer’s dad? These guys weren’t trafficking drugs and killing young teenagers to make mondy like your own son was doing. ISTHI, u iddefendi din l-akkuza, jekk inti kapaci!
That the man is mad, or drunk, is no excuse. What he is doing here is a criminal act, and he must face the consequences.
I have just emailed the prime minister’s chief of staff to inform him that the police are to receive a request to proceed against the chairman of the Malta Council of Science and Technology.
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Go ahead and do it, Daphne. Call his bluff and make him pay for it.
[Daphne – He’s not bluffing and neither am I. The police are going to receive a formal request for action as soon as my husband reaches the office tomorrow. And he is also going to be served civilly.]
It seems that your blog is really popular with them, for all the so-called ‘rubbish’ you write. This post is already up on Facebook exactly seven minutes after you wrote it. By definition, I would call your enemies the most ardent of your followers.
They are in awe. Let’s start with the obvious – “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”.
Also, unfortunately as with many imitations, theirs is a pitifully poor copy.
Reference of course to the trash-blog run by highly excitable, immature and barely literate losers who contribute and “edit”.
A website whose existence, it seems, is only due to the presence of this one. Now how “sad” is that.
Rather than providing fair, intelligent comment and observation, and offering good reason/s as to why one should consider the option of voting PL, as would be the perfectly logical counter to this blog, the site is simply all about “what (insert stupid childish moniker here to replace Daphne’s name) said” and providing infantile rebuttals – well, not even rebuttals, but in the main, simply pathetic name-calling.
In short, Daphne strides, and the Chihuahas follow, yapping at her feet.
This comment is written by someone who in no way is a committed Nationalist (or anything-ist – the very notion fills me with dread) and who fits the precise profile of voter that the PL should be working to attract.
Of course the idiots cannot believe the aforegoing statement – cannot, not do not – the very concept of not being a born and bred supporter of any particular political party, but rather someone who evaluates and chooses intelligently, is completely alien.
And it shows. And I cannot, for the life of me, possibly identify with such people, people who hence find solace and support only with their like, and end up as self-propagating trash, very simply a non-option.
Very sad indeed.
It has gone all quiet on JPO’s Facebook page.
Daphne, it is possible to report cases like this to Facebook, and to claim that Facebook is being used as a hate group. And you can demand that in the circumstances they pull down the user account altogether.
[Daphne – Yes, that’s been done already. But this weirdo keeps cropping up under different guises. Malta is really chocful of mentally unbalanced people. It’s really disturbing.]
I fully agree that Malta is full of mentally unbalanced people. It is a country of relapsers and obsessed people. But I mean you can report JPO’s account as the hate group. Isn’t his wall becoming the Facebook version of TYOM?
He set out to pick up a quarrel deliberately today and he just got his wish.
Now he can play the victim and give himself a plausible excuse for doing his worst when it comes to that crucial confidence vote of next Friday.
Well done to you. This stupid bugger has to come down to earth with a bang.
I have been following his Facebook page today and it was obvious that he was trying to pick a fight.
Let him have it and he will soon find out that he is banging his head against a brick wall.
You see, Daphne, what I absolutely love about you is that you know where everything is situated in the hierarchy. Must be your military genes.
Thank you for reminding the PM’s chief of staff that there is such a thing as a Council for Science and Technology, answerable to the PM himself.
It had lately been turned into the national equivalent of our “holiday embassies” abroad – nothing more than a convenient corner upstairs.
Kollox nittollera jien, sijja minn naha u kemm minn ohra. Kulhadd adult u jista jiddefendi ruhu. Imma jmissu lit- tfal, (irrilevanti jekk hux veru jew le), ghalijja disgustanti u jiddispjacini hafna.
Mela sewwa, dan jidhol fil-kredu ghax ghandna kontra ommhu, miskin. Dak x`jahti? U fuq Facebook ukoll, jekk ma tridtx. Very sorry, Daphne.
[Daphne – The worst part of it, Pat, is that it’s NOT true and he’s really a son to be proud of, very gifted and a high achiever. Would that these social inadequates had a fraction of his abilities, but that’s part of the problem. They know I couldn’t give a stuff about anything they say about me, even the lies, so they go after my children instead. The pits. May they rot in hell where they belong. To call them peasants with pitchforks is an understatement.]
Qatta ghajjurin hodor bil-lanzit. I think they are trying to complicate life for you unnecessarily.
And may God bless your beloved son/sons. But what if he/they would have really had a problem? Flok nghinuhom, inkissruhom iktar mela?
Ma jmissux dan ghax jaf x’ jigifieri tfal ghax ghandhu. U min ghandhu it-tfal qatt ma jista jitkaza.
U f`dan il kaz, iktar u iktar ghax wehel hu ma ommhu. Jien m`iniex gellieda, far from it, imma kieku imissuli it-tfal nahseb aghar min dimonju insir.
Veru vilta` sfaccata. Ma nafx fejn se naslu jien, u dal madoffi Facebook tefghana min got-tagen ghal gon-nar apparentament.
[Daphne – It’s twofold, Pat: that he and his friends are prepared attack private ciitizens (and remember that he is not the only one of my sons to be targeted, because all three have been) to get at their mother, which would be bad enough if what they say were true, but they compound their crime by lying.]
Is Daniel Busuttil traceable?
[Daphne – We’re finding out.]
Come on everybody, let’s erect a tent so the good dentist can have a good cry in it while preaching that he is being framed. What a hypocritical lowlife.
The writing has been on the wall for a long time.
The man has finally cracked.
He has had it.
Daphne, you have my moral support, and I appreciate that Busuttil’s comment creates pain and anxiety.
Some individuals do think that having their freedom means inflicting pain on others.
And they forget that there is something called the freedom of the press, and the public interest, which anyone going in the public domain must live with and respect.
[Daphne – It does not cause me pain and anxiety. It instills contempt and triggers the see-them-off instincts which others have experienced before to their eventual regret.]
This from the same person who was shocked to the core, riveted beyond belief, appalled and disgusted, because you had the audacity to mention Etoile and Soleil in passing?
he’s projecting his failures onto you, now that divorce is a reality he has no excuse.
Incredible what people do to avoid reality.
JPO is digging his own grave. This loser is now so cornered that he’s distrusting his own shadow.
Sir, you have now reached the point of no return.
Maybe that is why they are targeting your son apart from the hate they have for you. They are jealous of his intelligence and achievements. They have to stay here in a little pond surrounded by parochial ideas, thoughts and pettiness.
[Daphne – My thoughts exactly, and what makes it even more frustrating for them is that they can’t even soothe themselves with the consoling thought that he only did it through his mother’s connections. He got away to a good career and they’re still stuck here in their depressing lives, full of hate and envy.]
With people like these, Malta truly deserves another Calvary. Five years of a Labour government will bring the majority to their senses again.
Too bad, the flock (merhla) does not possess half a brain to reallize what kind of a disaster a Labour government would be, given a chance.
Those on Jeffrey’s Facebook are obviously Labour voters and as you often mentioned, Daphne, he belongs to the Labour Party.
I truly despair.
I just cannot understand why people hit out at other persons just because they are envious, to the point of hatred, of their mother.
I just cannot understand this Daniel Busuttil, if that is truly his name.
It is despicable for any person to make allegations against someone else without sustaining those allegations with facts. It is even more despicable coming from a Member of Parliament.
Like it or not MPs are role models and they should set the standard in terms of ethically correct behaviour.
This allegation by JPO reminds me of the worse of Alfred Sant’s antics when he flung mud at will hoping that some of it will stick.