Something's very, very wrong

Published: October 31, 2011 at 12:33am

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s response to a young man who posted a comment on his Facebook wall asking Jeffrey why he is quoting me out of context to make my words mean something else entirely:

“about time li qlajtha habib”

He hasn’t just had too much to drink. He’s also spending far too much time with Laburisti.

About time li qlajtha habib.

This is a member of parliament, if you please, and one who describes himself as liberal. The chairman of the Malta Council of Science and Technology, telling somebody who politely disagrees with him that it’s about time he got a good beating.

27 Comments Comment

  1. Orlando Ellul Micallef says:

    He also said “tghidx cucati.” But I was just asking him why he picks up one word from a blog … and makes it seems something else.

    I also mentioned to him the case of Mr. Perici Calascione, where ONE news simply edited that audio and also changed the meaning of what he said. I think it’s true that he’s spending far too much time with Laburisti.

    [Daphne – ‘Tghidx cucati’ is nothing. ‘About time li qlajta’ is something else altogether.]

  2. pat says:

    Sorry, imma jien ma nwahhalx fix-xorb. Jew taparsi ghax ma kienx f`sensih. Ghax b’hekk qisek qed tiskuzah ghax fis-sakra.

    Iva fis-sakra, mhux hekk!

    Ma nafx jixrobx jew le, u dik affari tieghu, imma altru kien jaf x`qed jikteb ghax biex verament iwegghalek qalbek, anki jekk ghal-grazzja t’ Alla mhux veru.

    • tromb says:

      qeghdin tifmu hazin – kull ma ried ifisser jeffrey huwa li about time li irrisponda l mistoqsijja..”about time li qlajtha habib” = “about time li irrispondejtni habib”

  3. David Thake says:

    Having read through the said posts on JPO’s wall I think that the context meant by JPO’s “about time….” comment was meant in the context of “about time that you answered the question”… as in when we tell someone “ejja aqlaghha…”

    Having said that I fully agree that his antics on Facebook are unbecoming of an MP and a person in office.

  4. vincent b says:

    In my opinion “about time li qlajtha habib” would mean “about time that you finally said it friend (that is on which side you are on).

  5. Harry Purdie says:

    I would assume that the Board of the MCST has access to a qualified psycholgist or psychiatrist in order to ascertain the mental fitness of this individual to fulfill his duties,

    His recent comments on an easily accessed, social internet website, indicate that this ‘Chairman’ should be removed as soon as possible.

    • Grezz says:

      His being removed from MCAST is a minor thing when one considers that this man is a dentist with a professional warrant. The medical council should look into his odd behaviour too.

  6. the chemist says:

    “about time li qlajtha habib” might also mean ‘got it off your chest’ or ‘shown your true colours’,
    What is wrong here is that he should not be using his Facebook page in this way.

  7. Village says:

    The Nationalist Party must ensure it has good and unwavering candidates for the next general elections.

    Franco Debono, Jesmond Mugliett and Jeffrey Pullicino Orland are embarrassing the party and themselves, and damaging its long history of unrelenting candidates who have been loyal and of service to the country

  8. A.Attard says:

    I did not understand, what did he mean? About time li taqlaghha as in taqla xebgha?

    [Daphne – Yes, that’s how I read it.]

  9. AV180R says:

    Not that I’m trying to stick up for Jeffrey here, (I think he’s a jerk who’s long passed the point of no return) but could he have meant, ‘li qlajtha’ as in ‘minn fuq l-istonku’, as opposed to a good beating? Bhal meta nghidu ‘ejja, aqlahha!’

    That’s how I understood it.

  10. old-timer says:

    “Forsi” forsi – he meant – qlajta min fuq l-istonku – “forsi”.

  11. Malcolm Bonnici says:

    I’m afraid you misunderstood Daphne:

    “about time li qlajtha habib” was a reply to:

    “jekk tehoda f’kuntest ta mistoqsija u twegiba ghall dak li qed isaqsini … Le ma naqbilx…” What Jeffrey meant is, “it’s about time that you said it”

  12. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    No, I do not think he meant ‘qlajta’ as in ‘get it out’. Perhaps you haven’t noticed through his Facebook displays and television performances -even if you haven’t had to witness this kind of thing firsthand as I have – that Jeffrey becomes rapidly more violent when he feels threatened or provoked, and that his response to criticism is a violently disproportionate over-reaction.

    In the divorce referendum campaign period, he became so aggressive towards Beppe Fenech Adami on Bondi+ that Lou had to give instructions on air for the disconnection of his microphone. His performance on Inkontri was demented, and last year in a mad rage he assaulted – verbally but threateningly – Nationalist MEP Simon Busuttil in a lift.

  13. Carmen Spiteri says:

    It looks like Jeffrey slept it off, whatever IT was.

    The first thing he did on waking up this morning was post his favourite ‘cheery and sweet’ photo of himself on his Facebook wall and wish his cheap friends ‘top of the morning’ (because that is so very much the sort of thing one says in real life).

    But of course, that kind of swinging from mood to mood in the space of 24 hours just makes him seem all the more cracked and unstable.

    • yor/malta says:

      Someone in authority should challenge him to accept a blood test. His mood swings are either induced or they are natural and need treatment. Either way, they are extreme and he is the very one who has put them on such public display. If he sat quietly and stayed off Facebook and television, we wouldn’t have known of the problem.

  14. Space says:

    Mur gibu ministru eh.

  15. Pecksniff says:

    Daphne, were there any problems in accessing your website this morning between 9.30 to about 12.30 ? I thought it might have been a denial-of-service attack.

    [Daphne – No, just server problems.]

  16. il-Ginger says:

    That man clearly has problems.

  17. Lomax says:

    Daphne, do you know that JPO’s posting pictures of you which have clearly been taken without your knowing? He is posting them on his FB wall.

    [Daphne – Yes, I know.]

  18. Peter Vella says:

    What is very wrong Daphne dear is that you do not understand a common Maltese expression….and immediately fabricate a scandal from nothing. As one of your admiring fans pointed out, it can and probably did mean, given the context, something else entirely. On another note I find it incredible that in malta people like you or jpo for that matter hog the ether and the news with your inanities while so much else is going on in the world that directly affects the lives of the ordinary Maltese – the euro crisis for example, which has taken another dramatic turn this week. You would probably retort that such matters are not the subject of this blog. But the truth is daphne, you and and your sort – I include jpo in there incidentally – do not have half the brain needed to tackle the matters and issues facing malta that are truly relevant. It is easier to screech and open libel cases in court, going round and round in your little bubble like a fly caught in a jar. I truly truly pity you, not to mention those around you.

    [Daphne – ]

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