And inevitably…

Published: November 6, 2011 at 12:38pm

‘Clear’ plans to slash tariffs but details ‘at the right time’ – Muscat

– The Sunday Times, today.

Strike while the iron is hot, eh?

Carpe diem.

Il-ftira shuna tajba.

Issa ghandna l-cans, Joey, fajjar!

Ridiculous twerp. I listened to his video interview excerpt on and he just couldn’t answer Herman Grech’s question on how he plans to do this.

We will be told at the right time. When the moment is right, he will tell us.

“Where will you get the money to do this?” Grech asked.

“I’m always being asked this question,” Muscat replied.

If the leader of the Opposition really does have a plan to cut the cost of water and electricity and this isn’t all just total bollocks, his constitutional responsibility is to bring that plan before parliament NOW.

What he is saying here is that even though he hurts for ‘Maltese families’, he’s prepared to let them hurt some more until he’s in government to stop the hurt.

Damnfool nonsense. I’d better go and make myself a pot of strong coffee because it looks like it’s going to be a nightmare of a day talking about jerks.

And will somebody please explain to me what’s going on in the hair department? Some days Muscat has a thatch up top – like when he emerged from parliament last Friday – and some other days, like in this video on today, he’s got nothing.

If you’re going to fake it, be consistent, for Chrissake. We’re done with the era of Alfred Sant’s extensive wardrobe of ever-changing wigs to suit all occasions.

If they want a new look, how about a pair of mickey-mouse ears next time? They’d do the job.

12 Comments Comment

  1. Pecksniff says:

    Could it be the humidity percentage…I mean about the thatch?

    [Daphne – Why, have they invented a new kind of false hair that works like instant mash?]

  2. ciccio2011 says:

    Is he planning to bring forward a private member’s bill on how to reduce the water and electricity tariffs when he becomes Prime Minister, as he intended with divorce?

  3. The Planner says:

    So on the one hand Dr. Muscat says he has “clear” plans, and on the other he says he will not reveal those plans because things may change due to the uncertainty in external factors.

    In substance, this means that he has no plan at all.

    A plan must cater for uncertainties, identifying them, quantifying them (using probabilities, sensitivity analysis) and then include measures to counter them.

    Otherwise, it is only an amateurish plan, which to be frank, is what we can expect from Labour at best.

    Dr. Muscat had already said that one way to reduce the tariffs is to reduce a factor in the computation formula, called the discount rate.

    Now any financial advisor worth his salt will tell you that the discount rate is the measure of financial sustainability of any calculation it underlies.

    So if Dr. Muscat arbitrarily lowers that rate to reduce the tariffs, he will only be creating financial problems to the enterprise that generates and distributes the electricity, putting at risk the sustainability of Enemalta or any other supplier.

    He will also put at risk the international financing of Enemalta, because creditors will only risk their money with Enemalta if they know it can recover the investments sustainably.

    And this would only lead to upward pressures on the discount rate!

  4. Neil Dent says:

    Thanks to similar reasoning to that of Dr. Muscat today, dozens (hundreds?) of Labour-leaning business people decided to chain their ‘fiscalcashregissssterrrzz’ to the back of their car back in 1996.

    Saddest part?

    His supporters are absolutely FINE with his ‘wait and see’ strategy (i.e. no strategy whatsoever), even if it truthfully does mean them having to pay over the odds for water & electricity in the interim.

    It’s truly unbelievable.

  5. hopeful says:

    I have heard it before: You just cannot fool all the people all the time.

  6. Lomax says:

    “If they want a new look, how about a pair of mickey-mouse ears next time? They’d do the job.”

    I’m at my desk, on my own in a deserted office and laughing my head off! Thank you for making this Sunday afternoon so amusing (even though I have to work).

    I will laugh all the way till this evening on just this comment.

  7. silvio says:

    Excuse this little question.

    If you are supposed to be working at your desk,how come you are following this blog?

    I hope you are your own boss, otherwise you might be in trouble with your boss.

    Of course I expect a silly answer to my silly question, just to end the weekend on a light tune.

  8. Grezz says:

    It reminds me of when Alfred Sant continually told people that, if elected, he will remove VAT.

    What he didn’t say was that he would be replacing it with CET.

    Does anyone remember the news footage of people celebrating his electon to government in 1996 with the destruction of their “fiscal” cash registers?

    • ciccio2011 says:

      In 2013, we might witness carcades of ecstatic Labour supporters driving around with their photovoltaic panels or solar water heaters trailing behind. It would be worth watching.

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