Glenn ‘Guy Ritchie’ Bedingfield

Published: November 10, 2011 at 1:05pm

Glenn Bedingfield, on right

In between boasting about the bottles of ‘crianza’ that he’s drunk, Glenn Bedingfield – editor of Labour Party website Maltastar and former European Parliament candidate – has been posting fascinating videos on the aptly named TwitVid.

I thought I’d give you a break from Anglu ‘Impale Yourself On My Hair’ Farrugia and show you a few.

‘A Rainy View from My Car’ (in which Glenn films the rain through the windscreen while driving)

‘Today’s Newspapers Front Pages’ (in which Glenn silently films the front pages of his newspapers without commenting)

‘Can You Spot Something Odd in This Video??’ (with the double interrogation mark style favoured by Maltastar, in which Glenn valiantly drives after a lorry with a car sitting on its bed, while filming it with one hand and holding the wheel with the other)

23 Comments Comment

  1. Dee says:

    Who is driving and who is filming?
    Not the same person one hopes.

    • La Redoute says:

      Yes. The footage was shot from the driver’s seat – quite literally, one would imagine, in Glenn’s case.

      • Dee says:

        Is there not some law against driving and using the mobile at the same time?

      • La Redoute says:

        Yes. And Glenn’s provided evidence of breaking the law on at least two occasions.

      • Dee says:

        Well, if that is the case, the relevant authorities are duty bound to take action to ensure that young impressionable drivers will not emulate their hero .

        That video speaks for itself.

  2. Vanni says:

    Academy award for best foreign film material.

    Go GB (Grievous Body), go

  3. Min Weber says:

    Is he:

    (a) bonkers?
    (b) off his rocker?
    (c) off his trolley?
    (d) nutty as a fruitcake?

    Or has he merely lost his marbles?

  4. ciccio2011 says:

    One hopes he had not been drinking Clos de Gat, which he’s been promoting recently, before taking those videos.

    He even recommended it to Lou Bondi in a personal letter to him. In that same letter, Glenn admitted that he is no longer editor at Maltastar. I had noticed some improvement in the standard of English there.

  5. H.P. Baxxter says:

    And on the seventh day, God created Malta.

    And has regretted it ever since.

    Bring on 2012.

  6. NikiB says:

    Ghal min jippretendi li jaf kollox u ccassat: m’ghadnix editur – Glenbedingfield Thu 10 Nov 14:!5 via Twitter for BlackBerry

    – Glen Bedingfield’s Tweet today

  7. Jozef says:

    Is ‘Today’s Newspapers Front Pages’ his original proposal for Labour’s news portal?

    It’s not very user friendly.

  8. StevO says:

    He has a video titled “First day with Sun after 3 days of raining. Jolly good. #malta “

  9. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Someone should tell him that it wasn’t the videos that got the weirdo in ‘American Beauty’ laid. It was the tousled hair, sculpted chin and buff physique.

  10. ciccio2011 says:

    “…and former European Parliament candidate…”

    Actually, he was an MEP for a few months. He took Joseph Muscat’s seat when Muscat took Joseph Cuschieri’s.

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