If I die and go straight to hell, this is exactly what I expect it to be like: bleak, chilly, bare, monochrome and full of banal people who won’t stop talking

Published: November 17, 2011 at 4:23pm

13 Comments Comment

  1. el bandido guapo says:

    Were the funny bits edited out?

  2. C Falzon says:

    Was that video was aired by mistake or are viewers actually expected to watch it?

  3. Stacey says:

    Why are they all licking their fingers? Haven’t they heard of napkins? And I don’t mean the dish cloth on the back of the chair.

  4. Ronnie says:

    Somebody should teach these guys some basic manners, like not to speak with your mouth full. I could not bear listening to it all and in fact I switched it off.

  5. Farrugia says:

    ‘bleak, chilly, bare, monochrome and full of banal people who won’t stop talking’. mmm, sounds like England!

    [Daphne – What?]

    • jenny says:

      What a silly comment

      • Farrugia says:

        Not at all. Have you been to Northern England? It is bleak, chilly, monochrome and full of people who never stop talking! Try it and you will see.

        [Daphne – Yes, I have. And I never found a bleak, chilly room. Even looking at this room via video makes me feel cold and ‘aesthetically depressed’.]]

  6. ciccio2011 says:

    From what I see here, and what I hear, Gorg should stick to his doughnuts. The Labour Party does not need him to make us laugh.

  7. Brian says:

    Qed tiehdu pjacir..? Qed tiehdu pjacir..?
    Imma zgur qed tiehdu pjacir…..tmecilqu ‘live’.

    Kelma wahda ghandi ghalikom:


  8. Grezz says:

    The one who can’t keep his mouth closed while eating seems to be the same Maltese-man-in-Arsenal-top hovering around the interviewee in the vide provided here –

  9. Marku says:

    “Kull SMS jiswa 58 cents” [jekk qed nara sew]: mela fejn iridu ghandhom flus x’jonfqu basta li Gonzi gholla d-dawl u l-ilma?

    • No problem says:

      There are programmes on One TV (and not during peak times) for which they charge a euro for every SMS that comes in.

    • ciccio2011 says:

      Maltese households spend as much on mobile phone calls and texts as they do on water and electricity. There you go. Here’s a plan for Labour: halve the water electricity tariffs and increase the rates on mobiles by a tax of 50% and still break even.

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