“Jaqawn di hadet il-Viaaaagraaaa qabel ma giet hawn?” – Toni Abela, deputy leader of the Labour Party

Published: November 22, 2011 at 11:23am

It’s pointless duplicating something Lou Bondi has written already on his blog, so I’m going to reproduce it here.

Toni Abela is about as progressive and liberal as Joseph Muscat’s other deputy-leader bookend.

They’re both throwbacks.

This is the man, I must remind you, who appeared on a Super One puppet show, looked down the top of the ‘sexier’ rubber puppet, and told it ‘kemm int shuna’.

Then he went on to reminisce about his mother’s minestra and how nice it was when men and children went home to find The Wife and Mother stuck to the stove.


Over to Lou:


Toni Abela, the deputy leader of the Partit Laburista, is politically and legally responsible for the party’s sunday newspaper KullHadd.

Yesterday he ran a story criticising Natalino Fenech, TVM’s head of news. The story had the following headline: “Mur sib xi Grieg Natalino Fenech”.

Transposing from the vernacular, this amounts to the deputy leader of a government in waiting calling on a journalist to seek a man to sodomise him.

Give yourself 10 seconds to get over the vulgarity and crassness of such a comment uttered by the deputy leader of a political party.

Give yourself another 10 seconds to get over the fact that this is a party which is supposed to be shedding a bright liberal light on this nation.

Then concentrate on a third matter. The Partit Laburista first ghettoised gay people into a political cell called LGBT. In itself this was already a denigration of people with alternative sexual orientations. It is as if these people think with their genitals, not their brains.

Now, adding insult to injury, Toni Abela is standing outside that LGBT cell, mocking and insulting gay men in terms reminiscent of the Dark Ages.

Will the Malta Gay Rights Movement remain silent?

11 Comments Comment

  1. Dee says:

    I wonder what Cyrus Engerer would have retorted had someone directed the “mur sib xi Grieg” comment in his general direction on Facebook.

  2. Bendu says:

    Is it possible that the Maltese people will approve of the likes of Toni Abela to run their country? God forbid!

  3. Matthew Vella says:

    I’m pretty sure MGRM is far more concerned with the insulting things Eddie Fenech Adami has just said.

    Or about the PN itself, just read something on today’s times. “The Malta Gay Rights Movement has said it is unimpressed by the PN’s “unclear” wording about homosexual rights.” Its very clear that PL would be more supportive some something like civil unions, especially when Adami says that tackling gay rights is “very dangerous” and a “big mistake”.

    [Daphne – Eddie Fenech Adami does not run the Nationalist Party. The Labour Party has given no specific pledges on gay rights.]

    • ta' sapienza says:

      By the same reasoning the rambling rants of Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici can be regarded as Labour policy. Now there’s an oxymoron.

    • Paul Bonnici says:

      Joseph Muscat hinted that he is against gay marriage.

      • Matthew Vella says:

        Hinted? He’s flat out said he’s against gay marriage. What does that have to do with it?

    • Matthew Vella says:

      He is incredibly influential. And said anything, even something which doesn’t involve the word marriage but is still similar, i.e. civil unions, is dangerous and “wrong”.

      Muscat; “We will also, out of conviction and not convenience introduce a civil union partnership for same sex couples”. Labour is more supportive of same-sex relationships. They are flawed in a million other ways, but I can’t see how you refuse to accept this concept.

  4. Carmel Scicluna says:

    “Adami says that tackling gay rights is “very dangerous” and a “big mistake”.”

    Dan t’hawn fuq huwa ragunament ta’ bniedem t’Alla li kull wemmien jaqbel mieghu.

    Id-dinja qed taghmel zball ohxon titkellem fuq id-drittijiet tal-bniedem u mhux fuq id-drittijiet t’Alla. Nispera li ma tindunax b’dan meta jkun tard wisq.

  5. Lomax says:

    The Malta Gay Rights Movement seems to have an agenda of its own, quite apart from gay rights. Finally a document on gay rights and, hey presto, it labels the document as being “unclear”.

    Let’s first see a bill and then label it unclear, should the need arise. But calling a policy document “unclear” is, in my humblest of opinions, very premature and smacks of politicisation of an already sensitive issue.

    • Matthew Vella says:

      Er no. Labour unlike the Nationalist Party has been more clear about the issue without having to present a bill. You discuss these issues more clearly before you introduce bills.

      And no the MGRM does not have any ‘agenda’, they are simply responding to political parties. Not to mention the fact that criticizing one party doesn’t mean you automatically support the other.

  6. Naqa kalcer anyone? says:

    Min jaf x’jahseb Sajrus fuq din? Tghid jitfa’ xi kumment iehor fuq il-Fejsbuk dwar kemm hu progressiv il-Lejber u kemm qed ihossu at home hemmhekk?

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