Repetition – it works like megiks

Published: November 22, 2011 at 11:25am

Counting the number of times Anglu Farrugia said ‘on di rekort’ in a few minutes seemed onerous enough. But now it looks like yesterday evening the Nationalist Party had somebody counting the number of times Joseph Muscat said he wants to become prime minister.

Fifty-one times in a two-hour speech.

It’s in their press release.

8 Comments Comment

  1. Dee says:

    “Fifty-one times in a two-hour speech.”

    Slightly more then the number of times he kept reminding the captivated studio audience that he is an economist.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      It works out as once every 2.35 minutes. For two whole hours.

      Perhaps he thought his speech was a song and he had to repeat the refrain over and over.

      On the other hand, he could have been sending a less-than-subtle message to someone within his own party; the emphasis was: “a government led by ME”.

    • kram says:

      Allura dawn mhux kolla gimmicks, 51 proposta, 51 darba li hu se jkun prim ministru. X’jahsbu li la jkunu fil-gvern jistghu joqghodu jilaghbu bin-numri?

  2. Tumas says:

    Ghadu lura, il-qaghda tieghu ( arani u tkellimnix) u l-harsa tieghu (fissa u cassa li tindika l-profondita’ tad-diskors li jkun qed jaghmel!!!!!) jibbuttawni – lanqas jekk irrid neqleb Labour ma nista.

    Il-PN ghandu hafna difetti, u xi kultant nghid “ha nipprova nibdel”, imma xorta ghadu l-ahjar ghazla “between the two evils”.

  3. Mario Pisani says:

    Kif jghid Jonny l-Kajboj…dawn nies verament OVERDIKWOLIFIKAJD.

  4. Jozef says:

    I want to be an astronaut.

  5. Michelle Pirotta says:

    It is interesting that you mention – or rather quote the release – that he stated 51 times his wish to become PM.

    So far, I had heard that he made 51 proposals.

    Now I get it.
    He has 51 proposals.
    51 times to become PM.

    Makes sense. At least, he’s clear on that one.

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