We may laugh at these video clips, but they will have been buried and forgotten by 2013, and Labour will win the election, because PN have turned into a bunch of political softies who believe that elections are won by telling everyone what a safe choice you are.
Instead of telling everyone, that is, what a good choice you are AND what an utter heap of shit the opposition is.
[Daphne – Good thing I’m not in the Nationalist Party, then. I have absolutely no problem with telling everyone, as often as possible, what an utter heap of shit the Opposition is. And believe me, I love every minute of it.]
Just read that there is technolgy available that can recycle a ‘heap of shit’ into something useful. Fuel to heat our homes? It even irradicates the smell. Solution to the electricity bills problem.
Herman, qisek Jeremy Paxman. Tibqa issaqsini l-istess domanda. Anqas Loubondi ma jaghmilli hekk.
(U jiena se nibqa ma ntikx risposta, ghax m’ghandix wahda, imma din off di rekort).
Minn fejn se ngibu l-flus, x’affarijiet dawn. Tahdem fuqha. Cara din. Daqs il-kristall. illi…illi…meta jkollna il-pjan… Imbaghad naghmlu Tax Force.
I met a pn supporter last week, and he told me that he will be voting labour coming next election to give the PN a lesson! He remarked that Joseph Muscat is too immature, and that George Abela should have been in his place. His deputies, Anglu has a tarnished past, and the other one Toni Abela, is a clown jumping from one party to the other and back and forth. Yet, he continued, the PN need a lesson and am willing to try Joseph, as PN like Austin have become arrogant. I was amazed how this guy is willing to cut his nose to spite his face. He knows what the PL stands for and yet he is going to vote for them!
[Daphne – Some insight into human nature, Pisces. People vote Labour not to teach anyone a lesson, but because they want to vote Labour. They perceive that the decision isn’t quite sane or rational, and so they find reasons outside of themselves to justify it. I learned this over some years of observing the way people talk and behave and….think. It’s in the same category of behaviour as those men who tell their wives/girlfriends/companions ‘you’re pushing me into having an affair’, and who then, after the event, say ‘she made me do it.’ Exactly the same, no difference. ]
The PN, as a party, will not be better or worse off if it is in government or opposition.
It is the country, us, who will be worse off with Labour in government because despite a couple of not very well-thought decisions, the PN can manage the country forward, whilst Labour simply cannot.
The PN can translate ideas into policies and into projects and economic development. It is Labour, led by Joseph, Toni and Anglu, who need a lesson – in understanding what an alternative government should be all about.
Qed nisimghu lil dawn iz-zewg dilettanti mexxeja part-time li jahsbu li n-nies tista’ tbellghalha r-ross bil-labbra kemm trid,u ghal zmien twil.
Hafna tidwir ta’ diskors ta’ l-avukati u skuzi fil-komma.
Ha naghmilha cara ghax donnu anke lil gurnalisti ta’ stoffa qed ifixxklu.
Jien ma’ jinterresanix mill-pjani teknici ghax bhalissa hadd ma’ jista jippjana fit-tul, bit-taqlib li haw fid-dinja .
Lanqas irrid xi ‘Father Christmas’. Jien jinteressani li lil min se naghtu t-tmun tal-pajjiz biex fic-cirkustanzi li jinqalghu ma jgherriqniex u jaghmel ‘abandon ship’ kif kien ghamel Sant.Irrid direzzjoni li tkun differenti u ahjar minn ta’ GonziPN , jekk le, nibqghu kif ahna. Ajar ix-xitan li taf milli ix-xitan li ma’ tafx(jew forsi kont taf).
Kif se nkunu nafu li se jmexxi tajjeb Joseph? Billi jghidilna kif jahsibha issa fuq il-holqien ta’ aktar impjiegi ta’ kwalita.
Niftakar lil Fenech Adami jitkellem fuq ir-reverse osmosis ghal-ewwel darba , u KMB ha l-ideja , niftakar lil Fenech Adami jsemmi s-settur terzjarju , kelma li ma konniex nafu xi tfisser , KMB ma lahaqx ghamilha.Fenech Adami wettaqha il-holma tieghu li kienet fattibli.
Joseph irid jaghmel wahda bhal ta’ Eddie meta rahhas it-taxxa fuq il-qmuh , fejn rohos il-laham , il-bajd ,id-dqiq u kull ma’ jmiss mieghu.
Joseph irid irahhas id-dawl u l-ilma , ghax jekk trahhas lilu suppost jorhsu l-ispejjez. Nahseb li ghal dan diga haseb Gonzi bl-estensjoni tal-power station ta’ Dellimara ghax irid ihaddimha bl-irhas zejt ; il-heavy fuel oil. Ghal din il-power station Joseph oggezzjona bil-kbir minhabba il-kwantita kbira ta’ irmied li jkollu jingabar.
Dahal John Dalli il-commission(er)bis-sistema bil-faham “Moderna”, li din indubjament tohloq iktar problemi milli ssolvi.
Joseph ma’ jistax jipproponi din is-sistema ta’ generazzjoni tad-dawl bil-faham ghal-istess raguni li probabbilment Gonzi ikkonsidra: il-containers ta’ irmied u l-hmieg li jiggenera l-faham, li ta’ min ifakkar kemm Joseph kien hambaq kontrihom.
Il-qasma fl-idejat bejn Gonzi u Joseph hi li Gonzi mohhu kif se johloq iktar impjiegi u johloq klima tajba ghalihom, ghax bix-xoghol ahjar kullhadd jkun jista jhallas il-kontijiet, fil-waqt li Joseph mohhu biex jghati l-karita lil-batut u ma jghinux jinqala mit-tbatija. Wiehed qed jindirrizza l-gherq tal-problema u l-iehor jara sa mniehru (sa l-elezzjoni).
The first RO plant was that of Pembroke (1979). There followed plants in Lapsi (1981) and Cirkewwa. I believe there was one in Tigne, too, but I’m not sure about that.
Eddie had nothing to do with it. In those days, he was acting out his rogue-revolutionary role to liberate Malta from the man whose idea it was to set up those plants.
L-ewwel RO plant kien ta’ Ghar Lapsi , iffinanzjat minn Gvern Gharbi b’soft loan .
Dak iz-zmien hadd ma’ oggezzjona ghal-prototype. Ditta : Polymetrics.
U Dr Fenech Adami kien hareg bl-ideja.
Dak hu l-argument , l-RO plants huma ideja ta’ Dr Eddie Fenech Adami , bhal ma’ id-disalinaturi ta’ Hondoq ir-Rummien u tal-Marsa kienu ta’ zmien Borg Olivier u li Mintoff ma’ riedx ihaddem u hallihom jitmermru , biex fi zmien KMB kellhom jergghu jithaddmu.
I don’t know who or what is reversing your osmosis, Kev, but I’d put the brakes on the boasting, if I were you.
Wasn’t that magic plant the brainchild of one Karmenu Vella, late of the Malta Labour Party and current policy writer for its reincarnation? It was (in)famously financed by Libya and 11 months after the ink had dried, we were still waiting.
And here you are, ready to vote for Karmenu Vella and his pie-in-the-sky “policies’ – again.
Don’t mean to be rude, but has anyone noticed that Joseph Muscat has way to many teeth in his mouth? He can hardly move his lips.
[Daphne – Sigh. You can never have more teeth than the biological norm. The problem is with the physiognomy of his jaw. He’s ‘faqmi’. There’s a term for the condition. No doubt some doctor will put in and tell us what it is.]
Perhaps if he removes some of them, he can tell us what his plans are.
As for Anglu, I’m trying to picture him speaking in an international/European context. It doesn’t bear thinking about.
FFS, if you want to be a credible opposition, get some concrete plans and tell us about them.
‘Prognathism’ or ‘macrognathia’? Although, it somehow fits with his abnormally large, follically enhanced head. Even larger now, due to his assumption of becoming PM without any plans.
Ha nkun xidja. Min ikun faqmi meta jkun student jehduh l-ischool dental clinic.
Kif appena jkun ta’ xi tnax/tlettax meta jkun qed jitwal u waqawlu snienu tal-halib, jintlibsulu il-braces u sa sittax/sbatax jigi qisu ma gara xejn.
Hemm catch: ghan-nies ta’ l-eta ta’ Joseph, jekk kien imur skola pubblika ma jhallasx ghas-servizz tal-ischool clinic, imma jekk kien imur privat jew tal-knisja, il-gvern socjalista tal-hanin Karmenu kien igieghel lil-genituri jhallsu il-mijjiet tal-liri ghal dan is-servizz.
Joseph bata mela, Franco!
Fuq din il-bicca ta’ Joseph nissuggerixi li nieqfu hemm.
“Imma minn fejn ser iggib il-flus?”
“Daqs kemm qed jaghti indikazzjoni dan il-gvern minn fejn se jgib il-flus.”
I prefer Anglu’s answers, which are more direct:
“Fil-mument meta jkun hemm il-pjan. Semplici. Cara. Daqs il-kristall. M’inix tekniku. Naf zgur li qed jinhadmu. Mhux Ovvja. Taghmel beneficcji ahjar ghal dawn. Tahdem fuqha.”
We may laugh at these video clips, but they will have been buried and forgotten by 2013, and Labour will win the election, because PN have turned into a bunch of political softies who believe that elections are won by telling everyone what a safe choice you are.
Instead of telling everyone, that is, what a good choice you are AND what an utter heap of shit the opposition is.
[Daphne – Good thing I’m not in the Nationalist Party, then. I have absolutely no problem with telling everyone, as often as possible, what an utter heap of shit the Opposition is. And believe me, I love every minute of it.]
Just read that there is technolgy available that can recycle a ‘heap of shit’ into something useful. Fuel to heat our homes? It even irradicates the smell. Solution to the electricity bills problem.
The PN leadership assumes that the majority of voters are canny enough to see their PL counterparts for what they are : dangerous clowns.
This utterly misguided assumption will have tragic consequences.
I really think that people who put an average effort into making a living do not need be told that the Opposition is shit – it’s right in their face.
For the rest, it’s useless telling them. They need to feel the burn of their asinine choices, as most did in 1996.
L-aghar haga li jigrilek jekk tkun fil-faxxa tal-35,000 li ghandhom bzonn l-ghajuna hi li Anglu lest biex jahdmek.
Ara veru kif jghid il-Malti (tal-Indja), l-iljunfant il-maghkus idur ghalih id-dubbien.
Anglu, like the poor, will be with us always.
Herman, qisek Jeremy Paxman. Tibqa issaqsini l-istess domanda. Anqas Loubondi ma jaghmilli hekk.
(U jiena se nibqa ma ntikx risposta, ghax m’ghandix wahda, imma din off di rekort).
Minn fejn se ngibu l-flus, x’affarijiet dawn. Tahdem fuqha. Cara din. Daqs il-kristall. illi…illi…meta jkollna il-pjan… Imbaghad naghmlu Tax Force.
I met a pn supporter last week, and he told me that he will be voting labour coming next election to give the PN a lesson! He remarked that Joseph Muscat is too immature, and that George Abela should have been in his place. His deputies, Anglu has a tarnished past, and the other one Toni Abela, is a clown jumping from one party to the other and back and forth. Yet, he continued, the PN need a lesson and am willing to try Joseph, as PN like Austin have become arrogant. I was amazed how this guy is willing to cut his nose to spite his face. He knows what the PL stands for and yet he is going to vote for them!
[Daphne – Some insight into human nature, Pisces. People vote Labour not to teach anyone a lesson, but because they want to vote Labour. They perceive that the decision isn’t quite sane or rational, and so they find reasons outside of themselves to justify it. I learned this over some years of observing the way people talk and behave and….think. It’s in the same category of behaviour as those men who tell their wives/girlfriends/companions ‘you’re pushing me into having an affair’, and who then, after the event, say ‘she made me do it.’ Exactly the same, no difference. ]
It’s called refusing to take responsibility for your actions.
Very well said, dear Daphne.
The PN, as a party, will not be better or worse off if it is in government or opposition.
It is the country, us, who will be worse off with Labour in government because despite a couple of not very well-thought decisions, the PN can manage the country forward, whilst Labour simply cannot.
The PN can translate ideas into policies and into projects and economic development. It is Labour, led by Joseph, Toni and Anglu, who need a lesson – in understanding what an alternative government should be all about.
Qed nisimghu lil dawn iz-zewg dilettanti mexxeja part-time li jahsbu li n-nies tista’ tbellghalha r-ross bil-labbra kemm trid,u ghal zmien twil.
Hafna tidwir ta’ diskors ta’ l-avukati u skuzi fil-komma.
Ha naghmilha cara ghax donnu anke lil gurnalisti ta’ stoffa qed ifixxklu.
Jien ma’ jinterresanix mill-pjani teknici ghax bhalissa hadd ma’ jista jippjana fit-tul, bit-taqlib li haw fid-dinja .
Lanqas irrid xi ‘Father Christmas’. Jien jinteressani li lil min se naghtu t-tmun tal-pajjiz biex fic-cirkustanzi li jinqalghu ma jgherriqniex u jaghmel ‘abandon ship’ kif kien ghamel Sant.Irrid direzzjoni li tkun differenti u ahjar minn ta’ GonziPN , jekk le, nibqghu kif ahna. Ajar ix-xitan li taf milli ix-xitan li ma’ tafx(jew forsi kont taf).
Kif se nkunu nafu li se jmexxi tajjeb Joseph? Billi jghidilna kif jahsibha issa fuq il-holqien ta’ aktar impjiegi ta’ kwalita.
Niftakar lil Fenech Adami jitkellem fuq ir-reverse osmosis ghal-ewwel darba , u KMB ha l-ideja , niftakar lil Fenech Adami jsemmi s-settur terzjarju , kelma li ma konniex nafu xi tfisser , KMB ma lahaqx ghamilha.Fenech Adami wettaqha il-holma tieghu li kienet fattibli.
Joseph irid jaghmel wahda bhal ta’ Eddie meta rahhas it-taxxa fuq il-qmuh , fejn rohos il-laham , il-bajd ,id-dqiq u kull ma’ jmiss mieghu.
Joseph irid irahhas id-dawl u l-ilma , ghax jekk trahhas lilu suppost jorhsu l-ispejjez. Nahseb li ghal dan diga haseb Gonzi bl-estensjoni tal-power station ta’ Dellimara ghax irid ihaddimha bl-irhas zejt ; il-heavy fuel oil. Ghal din il-power station Joseph oggezzjona bil-kbir minhabba il-kwantita kbira ta’ irmied li jkollu jingabar.
Dahal John Dalli il-commission(er)bis-sistema bil-faham “Moderna”, li din indubjament tohloq iktar problemi milli ssolvi.
Joseph ma’ jistax jipproponi din is-sistema ta’ generazzjoni tad-dawl bil-faham ghal-istess raguni li probabbilment Gonzi ikkonsidra: il-containers ta’ irmied u l-hmieg li jiggenera l-faham, li ta’ min ifakkar kemm Joseph kien hambaq kontrihom.
Il-qasma fl-idejat bejn Gonzi u Joseph hi li Gonzi mohhu kif se johloq iktar impjiegi u johloq klima tajba ghalihom, ghax bix-xoghol ahjar kullhadd jkun jista jhallas il-kontijiet, fil-waqt li Joseph mohhu biex jghati l-karita lil-batut u ma jghinux jinqala mit-tbatija. Wiehed qed jindirrizza l-gherq tal-problema u l-iehor jara sa mniehru (sa l-elezzjoni).
“Niftakar lil Fenech Adami jitkellem fuq ir-reverse osmosis ghal-ewwel darba , u KMB ha l-ideja…”
X’tahwid. The reverse osmosis plant was set up by Mintoff in the late 1970s/early 80s.
Wara l-elezzjoni tal-1981 – ghandek ragun, Kev, fil-Golden Years. KMB kien ghadu nej.
Xorta Fenech Adami kien hareg bl-ideja.
The first RO plant was that of Pembroke (1979). There followed plants in Lapsi (1981) and Cirkewwa. I believe there was one in Tigne, too, but I’m not sure about that.
Eddie had nothing to do with it. In those days, he was acting out his rogue-revolutionary role to liberate Malta from the man whose idea it was to set up those plants.
So why was there always a shortage of water at the time?
Kev, the WSC website doesn’t agree with you.
“Pembroke Reverse Osmosis Plant is a 55,000 m3 per day seawater reverse osmosis plant. This plant was built in 1993. ”
Perhaps the plant was built over the ruins of the ancient one built by Mintoff, like they used to do with temples.
L-ewwel RO plant kien ta’ Ghar Lapsi , iffinanzjat minn Gvern Gharbi b’soft loan .
Dak iz-zmien hadd ma’ oggezzjona ghal-prototype. Ditta : Polymetrics.
U Dr Fenech Adami kien hareg bl-ideja.
Dak hu l-argument , l-RO plants huma ideja ta’ Dr Eddie Fenech Adami , bhal ma’ id-disalinaturi ta’ Hondoq ir-Rummien u tal-Marsa kienu ta’ zmien Borg Olivier u li Mintoff ma’ riedx ihaddem u hallihom jitmermru , biex fi zmien KMB kellhom jergghu jithaddmu.
I don’t know who or what is reversing your osmosis, Kev, but I’d put the brakes on the boasting, if I were you.
Wasn’t that magic plant the brainchild of one Karmenu Vella, late of the Malta Labour Party and current policy writer for its reincarnation? It was (in)famously financed by Libya and 11 months after the ink had dried, we were still waiting.
And here you are, ready to vote for Karmenu Vella and his pie-in-the-sky “policies’ – again.
‘Cifri’, Ang, tghid bil-Malti, jahasra, mhux ‘figuri’.
Figuri tan-nisa!
Dalwaqt tilhilna l-onorevoli deputat prim ministru u ghadek mohhok fl-iljunfanti u tghid ‘tuks force’. Ghax ma tmurx tiehu naqra privat.
To paraphrase Anglu Farrugia on Facebook, “f’srmi” nivvutalkom.
That T-shirt from the last general election, Vote Labour? Inza**ab, is even more relevant now.
Don’t mean to be rude, but has anyone noticed that Joseph Muscat has way to many teeth in his mouth? He can hardly move his lips.
[Daphne – Sigh. You can never have more teeth than the biological norm. The problem is with the physiognomy of his jaw. He’s ‘faqmi’. There’s a term for the condition. No doubt some doctor will put in and tell us what it is.]
Perhaps if he removes some of them, he can tell us what his plans are.
As for Anglu, I’m trying to picture him speaking in an international/European context. It doesn’t bear thinking about.
FFS, if you want to be a credible opposition, get some concrete plans and tell us about them.
‘Prognathism’ or ‘macrognathia’? Although, it somehow fits with his abnormally large, follically enhanced head. Even larger now, due to his assumption of becoming PM without any plans.
Ha nkun xidja. Min ikun faqmi meta jkun student jehduh l-ischool dental clinic.
Kif appena jkun ta’ xi tnax/tlettax meta jkun qed jitwal u waqawlu snienu tal-halib, jintlibsulu il-braces u sa sittax/sbatax jigi qisu ma gara xejn.
Hemm catch: ghan-nies ta’ l-eta ta’ Joseph, jekk kien imur skola pubblika ma jhallasx ghas-servizz tal-ischool clinic, imma jekk kien imur privat jew tal-knisja, il-gvern socjalista tal-hanin Karmenu kien igieghel lil-genituri jhallsu il-mijjiet tal-liri ghal dan is-servizz.
Joseph bata mela, Franco!
Fuq din il-bicca ta’ Joseph nissuggerixi li nieqfu hemm.
Actually it is called “crowding”.
“Meta jasal il-waqt, Herman…”
Ahjar baqa’ reporter mas-Super One.
“Imma minn fejn ser iggib il-flus?”
“Daqs kemm qed jaghti indikazzjoni dan il-gvern minn fejn se jgib il-flus.”
I prefer Anglu’s answers, which are more direct:
“Fil-mument meta jkun hemm il-pjan. Semplici. Cara. Daqs il-kristall. M’inix tekniku. Naf zgur li qed jinhadmu. Mhux Ovvja. Taghmel beneficcji ahjar ghal dawn. Tahdem fuqha.”
Thought I’d remind you of what’s going on at a higher level of our government system.
“EU turmoil revives calls for referendum: David Cameron is to face renewed pressure to call a referendum after senior European Commission officials said the overhaul of the eurozone would trigger a national poll in Ireland.” – http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financialcrisis/8885498/EU-turmoil-revives-calls-for-referendum.html
Should we be discussing the current proposals for treaty change (that would affect us to the tune of billions for generations to come)?
Naaaa – il-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma, ghax faqmi u l-iehor gadget and Bondiplus keeps us informed: A ‘nation’ of cindrins…
[Daphne – Ghidilhom, Kevin. And then you fly back home to vote for the very party that has made water and electricity bills top of its agenda..]
Kev for president!
Well, the analogy alluded to the Bondiplus clan, which includes you, but you can add the other side of the coin, agreed.
As you say, majtazwel – one coin, two sides, same bull.
Prudence is the word.
You can have supernumerary teeth. Faqmi is prognathism.
Another word for prognathism could be ‘cash register jaw’.
It is also known as Desperate Dan jaw.
Or the Hapsburg Jaw – if you wish to be more up market.
Would that be like a jaw that was trailed behind a car after the 1996 general elections results?
Muscat’s movement is not fit for purpose.
Gonzi’s government is miles ahead and it is an insult to even hypothetically make a comparison between the parties’ potential and political acumen.
The word English speaking people use for Joseph’s condition is ‘underbite’.